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Symmetric encryption provides security through a one-way function. Symmetric encryption is a method that has for symmetric information communication. Cryptographic functions are the building blocks of many more useful cryptographic schemes, such as Message Authentication Codes or Digital Certificates. The most fundamental cryptographic function is a substitution, which replaces one character in a plaintext message. The algorithm in the example above is called the substitution-based message authentication code. Asymmetric cryptography has more commonly thought of as a house or dining style of cryptanalysis. The most common asymmetric cryptosystems are Key distribution. Key establishment. Non-repudiation. An asymmetric cryptosystem uses the same key for both encrypting .and decrypting data. For example, Microsoft Outlook uses Open XML with W3C, whereas Microsoft Office uses PowerPoint and is also available as a stand-alone product. Both Outlook and Office come with integrated PDF formatting and support for multiple email accounts (Du et al., 2020).

Symmetric encryption has accomplished in one way by encrypting the message first and then hashing it. Symmetric encryption has based on the idea that the plaintext cannot be determined unless they know the keys. It has not known how long they must use the keys before the plaintext and the ciphertext become identical. Symmetric encryption uses public-key encryption. If a single key can determine a ciphertext message, it has generally believed that no information has in the encryption process. It is common for symmetric ciphers to encrypt text messages with different public keys for each message. Each of these systems is different, with each having its advantages and weaknesses. Both systems also support the use of Open XML in email attachments. Some applications can set up a predefined user profile that gives more control over who can see what information. For example, they might set up a password list or set a policy to control access to restricted information. When they have a user profile, they can create a predefined database containing user and password information and then use it to create a series of security policies. An application is a computer program, software, or protocol used to perform a specified action. The most common kind of application is web browsers (Gui et al., 2020).


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Du, L., Li, K., Liu, Q., Wu, Z., & Zhang, S. (2020). Dynamic multi-client searchable symmetric encryption with support for boolean queries. Information Sciences, 506, 234-257.

Gui, Z., Paterson, K. G., Patranabis, S., & Warinschi, B. (2020). SWiSSSE: System-Wide Security for Searchable Symmetric Encryption.

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Comments-2 100 Words with reference
Symmetric encryption combines the security of symmetric cryptography with the speed and efficiency of public-key cryptography. They can encrypt a file or message with symmetric cryptography and send it on to a receiver without revealing the key. With asymmetric cryptography, they can encrypt a bit or a single bit, such as one letter of the alphabet, and then encrypt the encrypted bit and the entire message with a key. The main issues that arise from using a public key in asymmetric cryptography include: The use of a shared secret can significantly reduce the computational overhead of cryptography. Instead of being a one-time, random string, multiple parties can potentially use a public key to simultaneously access a database. When two people want to communicate with each other, they can exchange the public key, and then each can recover an equivalent private key from the database. The key then becomes part of the shared secret, which a trusted third party can verify. It has sometimes referred to as a public key certificate (Du et al., 2020).

Symmetric and asymmetric encryption algorithms have nothing in common. An asymmetric key cryptosystem can exist for a very long time, and after only a few months’ operation time, most of the key material is gone. With public-key cryptosystems, the period between key material vanishing and key material emerging again varies considerably. The term asymmetric can also refer to a block cipher that can only encrypt data in fixed-length blocks. It sometimes has a block cipher. In modern public-key cryptography, the encryption and decryption operations on a public key have to conduct in reverse order. In practice, the reverse is often not true. For example, suppose Alice wanted to send a digitally signed message. In that case, she could first encrypt her message, decrypt the digital signature by first encrypting the encrypted message, and decrypting the digitally signed message. It is also common to encrypt and decrypt two separate messages. Key management is a complex issue; it is much like security. It can involve things like the encryption algorithms used, the types of keys created, and the mechanisms used for maintaining the key. In some cases, keys can store in electronic files on the key holder’s computer (Gui et al., 2020).

Du, L., Li, K., Liu, Q., Wu, Z., & Zhang, S. (2020). Dynamic multi-client searchable symmetric encryption with support for boolean queries. Information Sciences, 506, 234-257.
Gui, Z., Paterson, K. G., Patranabis, S., & Warinschi, B. (2020). SWiSSSE: System-Wide Security for Searchable Symmetric Encryption.

Comments-3 100 Words with reference
Various Biometric Systems

            There are a large number of biometric systems which helps in the identification of various individuals in the workplace they are of different types and methods they are retina, iris, fingerprint, voice recognition, facial recognition (Yanov & et, 2018). Let us discuss some of the advantages and disadvantages of each biometric system in detail. Some of the advantages of various biometric systems are as follows.

Advantages of different biometrics

1. Retina biometric has some advantages they are it takes less space in the computer or software whereas fingerprint and voice recognition will occupy much space when compared to the retina and the second advantage is it will take less time to scan the retina when compared to others and the dirt accumulation will not be formed and there is no chance for misplacement.

2. Iris biometric has high-security power when compared to other biometrics the net will not require any physical contact with the equipment. This is very systematic biometric in this forgeries are not allowed (Stokes & et, 2012).

3. Fingerprint has many advantages it is a very fast technology nowadays when compared to the traditional system. And there are no forgeries in this because in the world there is no one having the same fingerprint.

4. Voice recognition is the latest technology headed by the organizations with this there is less chance for fraud take place in the organization. Taking is faster than writing it is one of the advantages (Stokes & et, 2012).


Disadvantages of different biometrics

1. Retina biometric in this the person needs to concentrate on the scanner so that the biometric takes the recognition if not it is difficult (Gould, 2018).

2.  Iris, we can’t use a regular camera it needs a specific IR lite source and sensor it is cost-effective for the organizations. It gives less result when the investigation takes place.

3. Fingerprint biometric is also cost-effective by the organization. Data breaches take place in the biometric of fingerprint and it also has a chance to hack the information.

4. Voice recognition biometric has some disadvantages it is not that accurate when compared to other biometrics (Gould, 2018).


Gould, E. M. (2018). Authentication Methods and Recent Developments. Serials Review, 44(3), 247–250.

Stokes, A., Collins, T., Maskall, J., Lea, J., Lunt, P., & Davies, S. (2012). Enabling Remote Access to Fieldwork: Gaining Insight into the Pedagogic Effectiveness of ‘Direct’ and ‘Remote’ Field Activities. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 36(2), 197–222.

Yanov, Y., Kuzovkov, V., Sugarova, S., Levin, S., Lilenko, A., & Kliachko, D. (2018). Successful application and timing of a remote network for intraoperative objective measurements during cochlear implantation surgery. International Journal of Audiology, 57(9), 688–694.

Comments-4 100 Words with reference

Biometric System Evaluation

There are several advantages of biometric authentication and in the modern technology and digital applications it uses.

High-Security and Assurance

To providers, increased levels of assurance were provided by the biometric to providers that a person is real that are by identifying a tangible and real-world trait. With data breaches, most of the user’s personal information, PIN, and passwords have likely been compromised and by fraudsters, billions of accounts can be accessed (Batacan et al., 2016). Into the process by introducing biometric authentication for fraudsters will add in a road-block.

User Experience is convenient and fast

From the user’s point of view for biometric authentication, the internal processes are technical and its incredible view is very quick and easy. Unlocking an account in seconds by placing a finger on the scanner is faster than typing out a long password and the password has multiple numbers of special characters. For most of the users, the most common mistake is forgetting a password.


To present upon authorization an input was required for biometric authentication. Digitally we cannot transfer or share the physical biometric and the physical application is the only way to utilize the biometric authentication systems (Bhatnagar et al., 2010).

Disadvantages of Biometric Authentication

Data Breaches

From hackers, under the constant threat, businesses and governments have collected the personal data of users. With the increased security and caution the biometric data is irreplaceable and with security, the organizations have to treat sensitive biometric data.

Tracking and Data

Like facial recognition and other types of biometric security measures were used by the biometric authentication systems and into their considerations the privacy of the users has to be taken (Honeder et al., 2015). There will have large surveillance measures when biometrics are converted into data and the data is stored particularly in places that the user can run the leaving risk of permanent digital record in which nefarious actors can be tracked potentially.


Bhatnagar, J. R., Lall, B., & Patney, R. K. (2010). Performance Issues in Biometric Authentication Based on Information Theoretic Concepts: A Review. IETE Technical Review, 27(4), 273–285.

Batacan, R. B., Duncan, M. J., Dalbo, V. J., Connolly, K. J., & Fenning, A. S. (2016). Light-intensity and high-intensity interval training improve cardiometabolic health in rats. Applied Physiology, Nutrition & Metabolism, 41(9), 945–952.

Honeder, C., Landegger, L. D., Engleder, E., Gabor, F., Plasenzotti, R., Plenk, H., Kaider, A., Hirtler, L., Gstoettner, W., & Arnoldner, C. (2015). Effects of intraoperatively applied glucocorticoid hydrogels on residual hearing and foreign body reaction in a guinea pig model of cochlear implantation. Acta Oto-Laryngologica, 135(4), 313–319.

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