CPU Scheduling computing the average response time and througput in FCFS SJF MultiLevel FB


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As discussed in the class, please finish the three functions:

(1) public static void FCFS(List ready_q)                 (20%)

Complete it by computing the average response time and througput.  

(2) public static void SJF_preemptive(List ready_q)        (40%)

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Complete this function by using shortest job first algorithm in preemptive mode. You need to compute the average waiting time, average response time and throughput and print them out.

      – Processes are executed in the correct order (25%)

      – Correctly print out the average waiting time, average response time and throughput. (15%)

(3) public static void multiLevel_FB(List ready_q)          (40%)

Complete this function by using multi-level feedback algorithm. You need to compute the average waiting time, average response time and throughput and print them out.

      – Processes are executed in the correct order (25%)
      – Correctly print out the average waiting time, average response time and throughput. (15%)


Feel free to modify the Process class as needed. So after you finish the code, you only need to turn in the “CPUscheduling.java” file

package demo;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;

class Process {
int id;
Instant ready; //The time the process enter the ready queue
Instant starting_timing; //The time the process is picked up by CPU
int burst_time; //CPU execution time
Instant finishing_time; //The time that the process is finished by CPU

Process(int i, List ready_q)
id = i;

Instant cur_time = Instant.now();

//1. Let the process wait for a random amount of time and then set the time to the ready time (between 0 and 2000)
Random rd = new Random();
int amount = rd.nextInt(2000) + 1;
Duration d = Duration.ofMillis(amount);
ready = cur_time.plus(d);

//2. Assign a burst_time for the process
burst_time = rd.nextInt(2000) + 1000; //between 1000ms and 3000ms to finish

//3. Add the current process into ready_q


public class CPUScheduling {

/*Finish the FCFS by computing the average waiting time, average response time and throughput and print them out*/
//Follow the algorithm of FCFS to start the processes in the ready_q
public static void FCFS(List ready_q)
Instant global_time = Instant.now().plus(Duration.ofMillis(3000)); //Represent the time CPU start scheduling

List finishing_q = new ArrayList();

/* Loop finding minimum process and remove it from the ready_q */
//Pick a process to start execution (assign “starting_timing” and “finishing_time”)
// Once a process is removed from the ready_q, you can add them to another list: finishing_q
while(ready_q.size() > 0)
Instant big_time = Instant.now().plus(Duration.ofMillis(10000)); //Create a bigger timestamp than all of the processes.ready time in the queue
int idx = -1; //The index that points to the process with minimum ready time

//The following for loop will find the earliest job (with minimum ready_time)
for(int i = 0; i < ready_q.size(); i++) { //find the minimum ready_time if(big_time.compareTo(ready_q.get(i).ready) > 0)
idx = i;
big_time = ready_q.get(i).ready;


System.out.print(“The minimum one is: “);

//assign “starting_timing” and “finishing_time”
ready_q.get(idx).starting_timing = global_time;
ready_q.get(idx).finishing_time = ready_q.get(idx).starting_timing.plus(Duration.ofMillis(ready_q.get(idx).burst_time));
global_time = ready_q.get(idx).finishing_time;

//remove it from ready_q and add it to the finishing_q

System.out.println(“Finishing Q: “);

int total_waiting = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < finishing_q.size(); i++) { //Print out (1) Average waiting time (2) Average response time (3) Throughput System.out.print("[" + i + "]: start: "); System.out.print(finishing_q.get(i).starting_timing); System.out.print("| end: "); System.out.println(finishing_q.get(i).finishing_time); //Accumulate each process's waiting time = starting_time - ready total_waiting += Duration.between(finishing_q.get(i).ready, finishing_q.get(i).starting_timing).toMillis(); } //Compute the Average waiting time double avg_waiting = total_waiting / finishing_q.size(); System.out.println("Total waiting: ” + total_waiting + “, avg waiting: ” + avg_waiting);

/*SJF (preemptive): Finish this function by computing the average waiting time, average response time and throughput and print them out*/
public static void SJF_preemptive(List ready_q)

//global_time – represents the time CPU start performing scheduling
Instant global_time; //Assign the global_time by using the minimum ready (time) among all the processes in the ready_q

/*SJF (preemptive): Finish this function by computing the average waiting time, average response time and throughput and print them out*/
public static void multiLevel_FB(List ready_q)

//global_time – represents the time CPU start performing scheduling
Instant global_time; //Assign the global_time by using the minimum ready (time) among all the processes in the ready_q

public static void main(String args[])
List ready_q = new ArrayList();

//Create 10 processes and then add them to the ready_q
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { Process p = new Process(i, ready_q); } for(int i = 0; i < ready_q.size(); i++) { System.out.print("[" + ready_q.get(i).id + "]: "); System.out.print(ready_q.get(i).ready); System.out.println(" | burst: " + ready_q.get(i).burst_time); } //FCFS FCFS(ready_q); //After all the processes are finished, print out the overall wait time. } }

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