
part one

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 Discuss a recommendation for one of the questions in detail.

Support your recommendation using what you know about the company Verbania, knowledge of technologies, and best practices.

part 2

  Provide a detailed network diagram depicting the intended network architecture or deployment diagram with the following required components:

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2 Firewall DMZ

Switch devices

 Ensure the diagram showing the intended network architecture additionally identifies the network segments (physical or logical), the intended LAN/WAN solution, and the associated backbone all needed to support the system implementation and remote access solution.

 answer the following questions  


Which type of cabling would you recommend? 

Why do you think this would be the best choice?

How will the network infrastructure accommodate remote access?

What solution would you propose to integrate the social media site with a CRM solution?

What security considerations are involved?

A former dot com company, Verbania, Inc., shut down in 2001 because of the Internet bubble burst. It is attempting to reinvent and launch itself once again. It is looking for a complete information technology (IT) solution that includes hardware, software, networking, and security, among other requirements. Verbania’s core product will be a social networking Web site and mobile application that rivals the big names that currently represent social media. It is attempting to find the best features and consolidate them into its product. The company is looking to establish its headquarters in the Silicon Valley region in California. The executives at Verbania are looking for your company to propose a solution that will endure future Internet trends.

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