Cover letter 350 words

Write a cover letter that is at least 350 words. This cover letter can be for your dream job, for a promotion within your company, or for a potential job you might be interested in. 

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1603 Monument Drive

Kelsey, WA 12345

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April 10, 2008

President Dallas Harris

Valley Community College, Kelsey Campus

Homestead Road and Keystone Drive

Kelsey, WA 12345

Dear President Harris:

Please accept my enclosed resume to be considered for the Student Affairs Director position at Valley Community College that was advertised in The Morning News. My previous educational and organizational experience in planning, budgeting, scheduling, and execution has given me skills which I believe can be an asset to the Kelsey campus.

In my educational and extracurricular activities at Western Michigan University, I learned time management, organization, and communication skills while working with individuals, teams, and internal and external customers. My bachelor’s degree in communication and my part-time position in the Student Affairs office at Western Michigan gave me an in-depth working knowledge of the intricacies of Student Affairs and the requirements for serving student needs. In addition, my strong communication and interpersonal skills enabled me to work effectively with students, faculty, and staff.

Please let me know when we could meet at your convenience to further discuss my experience and interest in this position. I found it satisfying at Western Michigan to serve students and am eager to share with you how I could put my skills to good use in the Student Affairs office at Northwest Valley Community College.


Joshua Shotwell

Joshua Shotwell

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