Cover Letter


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Cover Letter

Cover letters are recommended, and in some instances required, for job applications. If you want to stand out from other candidates, you will want to write a unique cover letter for each position you apply to. Consider this assignment as the first step that will “get you in the door” for the interview. Remember our scenario for Week Six, where you will have an in-basket task to complete before the interview itself for a district/organization leadership role. This is the step prior to arriving for the in-basket. How do you get the attention of the hiring committee to ask you to come and interview? It is important that you have a compelling cover letter. Consider reading

How to Write a Cover Letter That Gets You a Job Interview (Links to an external site.)

 for some helpful tips before you begin drafting your letter. To write an impactful cover letter, you need to consider the following items before you begin composing it.

  • Why you are interested in the position: consider what makes the position, organization, or company interesting to you. You should have done some research on this company so that you can make a purposeful connection to your skills and the mission of the organization.

Include the following points while writing your letter which will help provide a clear and concise message for the person reading your cover letter.

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  • Include at least three skills and competencies you possess that match the skills the employer is seeking in a candidate.
  • Use the job description that is included for the position that you are applying for.

For this assignment, you will explore the components of a cover letter, reflect on your most relevant skills, include the professional development plan that you are creating, along with the connections and learning you have made around leadership qualities and curriculum. Assess what action steps you can take to make your cover letter stronger.

The How to Write a Cover Letter That Gets You a Job Interview (Links to an external site.) contains step-by step instructions for creating a cover letter including: formatting suggestions, tips regarding how to highlight your best skills and qualification and how to tailor your letter for specific job you wish to apply to. In addition, you may watch the

Career Jumpstart Series Part 1: Developing a Professional Cover Letter and Resume (Links to an external site.)

webinar from the Ashford Career Services if you would like additional assistance.

Carefully review the

Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.)

for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

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