course progression

Using practice assignments(the file i uploaded below, the order is 1,2,3,4), you will create a collection of your individual work to share with the class (or chosen audience). Your task is to create a portfolio of your work to showcase your progression through the course. This includes a creative element, meaning you will determine the best format to showcase your work. This might include a professional report, an Op-Ed, a visualization dashboard, a website, blog, video presentation or dedicated social media page or group. Length guidelines will depend on mode of delivery.

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The security policy issue is a major concern facing Congress; this has occurred due to the modern advancement in technology whereby the antagonists may use digital platforms such as social media campaigns to achieve their objectives through various means.

Traditionally, election administrators justify for voter’s eligibility and ensure the free and fair election is carried out. In the modern electoral administration, national authorities set up to respond to security issues that may arise during campaigns or elections (Pol’y, 2016). To achieve this role, several stakeholders are involved in playing in various fields.

The federal role in the campaign and election security ensures domestic political subversion is kept at bay. Since election security policy is rapidly evolving in the modern world, the Senate committee and the Multiple House have practiced investigatory and supervision hearings (N Pedriana, 2017). Congress and United States presidents’ administrators have engaged federal authorities with new roles for helping the state and preventing possible future ripples.

The selected federal statutes modulate the partition of governmental roles for election; two election-specific legislative acts can be crucial for the campaign and election security. Help America Vote Act is the sole national act dedicated to supporting states with the administration of elections. The selected agency stakeholders in the commerce department advise the Electoral Administration Commission on scientific and proficient issues (Robinson, 2019). The defense department stakeholders provide intelligence and cybersecurity services to ensure tracking any foreign threats to the election process. This department works closely with homeland security, supporting the state on cybersecurity issues; it protects the main presidential aspirants.

The department of justice implements criminal law and civil prospects of various electoral statutes. The Federal Bureau of Investigations enquire into election crimes and participate in the intelligence community. Department of state guides federal efforts to deal with foreign disinformation regarding elections (JS Rofe, 2017). It works closely with the department of treasury to administrate countenance for elections interference. The department of treasury can also take part in investigations of forbidden foreign hindrance in the elections.

The Election Assistance Commission administrates most of HAVA finances and supervises a voluntary voting process testing and program certification; it also provides voluntary election administration direction, best exercise, and study.

Federal Election Commission administrates and enacts finance campaign laws, which include disavowal strange-national provisions that could be relevant to election security (Tejada, 2017). The Intelligence Community constitutes many agencies, and it assesses foreign efforts to influence the US elections and campaigns. Election Threat Executive is the major election principal to the Director of National Intelligence (DNI).

The Congress responded to a menace that came out during the 2016 election cycle; since the 2016 elections, it has supplied finances to secure the election system both to states and territorial dominion.

In conclusion, both the state and localities can play a major role in facing both types of threats; they both lead to guarding their election systems. The national government has supplied finances and proficient support to secure the process they utilize to run elections; however, locality and state have primary roles to ensure that their systems are physically and technology-wise secure.

JS Rofe, M. H. (2017). US Presidential Elections and Foreign Policy: Candidates, Campaigns, and Global Politics from FDR to Bill Clinton. University Press of Kentucky.
N Pedriana, R. S. (2017). From legal doctrine to social transformation? Comparing US voting rights, equal employment opportunity, and fair housing legislation. American Journal of Sociology,
Pol’y, M. M.-H. (, 2016). De Facto Class Actions: Plaintiff-and Defendant-Oriented Injunctions in Voting Rights, Election Law, and Other Constitutional Cases. HeinOnline.
Robinson, W. (2019). A Faustian bargain: US intervention in the Nicaraguan elections and American foreign policy in the post-Cold War era. Routledge.
Tejada, D. B. (2017). Election security and economics: It’s all about eve—International Joint Conference on Electronic Voting.

In the United States Constitution that was signed into law in the year 1787, there were various government and fundamental rules that were drafted to guarantee individual basic freedoms and also regulation on the citizens of the states to maintain law and order (LII, 2020). Up to date, the constitution has been applied in a lot of various cases with its interpretation varying die to the changing needs and ways of the people and society as a whole. The constitution offers a wide range of amendments which provide individual freedoms to the citizens and also their rights on what is considered punishable and what is not. The United States Constitution has a total of twenty-seven amendments, all of which are active and applicable in the world today. However, some of them in some functional scenarios have to be interpreted differently.

Some of these amendments include search and seizure, common law suits-jury trial, the election of the president and vice president and income tax, among others (LII, 2020). The first amendment is based on religion and freedoms of expression for the people of America. This amendment is made of five different freedoms which are religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly and freedom of petition. Some of these freedoms have to exist with the help of the other so has to offer a guiding principle or for the coverage of various areas that require details. Freedom of freedom is very critical for all the people, and everyone is required to exercise their preferred religion as long as the views held are for the greater good, and they do not bring any forms of incitement or hared among other religious groups. The spiritual practices have to be considered safe for the citizen for it to be registered allowed to practice in the states.

The freedom also talks about the government neutrality in religious disputes as well as the involvement of religion in governmental observations (LII, 2020). Freedom of speech and also press has brought a lot of arguments, and up to date, the freedom of expression of individuals and as well as the press are thought to coexist. In most of the time, press expression entitled to different treatment as compared to other members of the public. Press is tasked with disseminating news and information, and so government sensitivity is required when analyzing its expressions about the government, unlike individuals. Freedom of assembly also coexists with the release of the petition as when the citizens feel that their rights are being oppressed, they are allowed to petition and air their grievances where these grievances have to be tabled and discussed through the assembly.

As a citizen, I can express the freedom of speech especially in different social media platforms such as Twitter, and Facebook where I can be able to follow up and air my views on matters of the states. Some regulations are set when it comes to information policy because of the current advancements in technology, and I am limited to what I can share on the internet. As the elections are nearing, I am allowed to talk and discuss publicly and evaluate the candidates based on what agendas are as long as I do not incite various groups supporting different candidates. Freedom of speech cannot be a powerful right if it is not associated with the freedom of the press. The press is entitled to government sensitivity, unlike individual address as so it is easy to disseminate information that is being provided by the government also question the government on some of the issue affecting citizens. The freedom of petition would not be that effective without the freedom of assembly.

Citizens would not be freely allowed to conduct peaceful demonstrations to air their grievances leading to dictatorship and oppression. Given the advancements in technology and the current state o the nation, the freedoms of speech and expression and well as petition and assembly are essential. There have been cases of embezzlement of funds meant for the pandemic, and also there is a lot of unrest in the nation and citizens should be allowed to air their grievances as well as express themselves as required. These freedoms in the first amendment are still applicable. However, they need to be adjusted to fit the changes in society and focus on the reality and issues affecting people as well as incorporating freedoms regarding the evolving technology. For example, in the freedom of speech, all media platforms and other ways of acquiring information and publishing material should be considered in this freedom.


LII, (2020). U.S. Constitution. Retrieved from

LII, (2020). FIRST AMENDMENT. Retrieved from

Policy problem

The current elections in America’s united states, the coronavirus pandemic’s policy problem, have caused many downfalls in the country’s economy. The high amounts of cash that have to get used in controlling the epidemic and fallout of trades that used to be carried out by the united states to other countries to enhance the economic growth have gone down. Therefore, looking at the policies that will enable the government to rise from the devastating economic downfall to a stable state in the current election. It will increase economic growth rather than fall (Sharif et al.,2020).

Policy outcomes

The current administration has put in place resources used in the medical fields to mitigate the coronavirus, and the end of the crisis enables the economy to move forward. They have subsidized the vulnerable households that are continuously suffering from difficulties in meeting financial contracts and allowing the levels of interest to go down so that the market can get loans quickly for trade growth, which was paralyzed by the pandemic. There have been policies to deal with economic downfalls such as taxation regulation by cutting the taxes to put a considerable burden upon the market and enable them to gain stability in trade to grow the economy. These policies have done a great deal in allowing the economy to start rising because business is starting to pick, and those that got much fall have begun to rise. These policies will make money circulate in the business cycle and lead to the growth of the economy.

Policy performance

Small businesses’ ability to grow and other trading organizations results in high revenue to the country, which means that their per capita will rise. The economy will be getting back on track. Having an increase in which the demand for the services will increase due to the people’s availability will influence economic growth.

Policy futures

The alternative policy that can get used in the economic downfall is to regulate spending and use it for other policy reasons. For example, the finance used in building infrastructure, funding scientists’ research, and providing social safety can be diverted to the business cycle’s use to have the economy back on the track. These policies can get used to slow down the runaway growth, stop the economy in free fall, and enable the economy to speed up the recovery. The fiscal policy can raise the aggregate demand or aggregate demand fall, influencing the need for all the goods and services in the economy (Cukierman, 2016). These will ensure that the economy in the future receives quickly back to track, and it will not affect the country’s economic growth even if the same situations get to repeat shortly.

Policy actions

The problem can get solved by removing sanctions placed upon other nations creating a barrier in the trade that gets done to them, enabling expansion of the business existing in other parts of the globe. Reducing the conflicts that have to get brought to establish with other nations by reducing the number of troops placed in them will reduce the budgetary placed on them and diverted to economic growth in the business fields. The federal government’s lending ability should reduce so that the cash used in lending can get redirected to the trading and stabilization of the economy (Immergluck, 2016).


Immergluck, D. (2016). Credit to the Community: Community Reinvestment and Fair Lending Policy in the United States: Community Reinvestment and Fair Lending Policy in the United States. Routledge.Retrieved from:

Sharif, A., Aloui, C., & Yarovaya, L. (2020). COVID-19 pandemic, oil prices, stock market, geopolitical risk, and policy uncertainty nexus in the US economy: Fresh evidence from the wavelet-based approach. International Review of Financial Analysis, 101496.Retrieved from:

Cukierman, A. (2016). US bailouts’ political economy, unconventional monetary policy, credit arrest, and inflation during the financial crisis. CEPR DP, 10349.Retrieved from:


Audience Analysis

Audience Analysis and Adaptation Worksheet

Part I

Speaker: < > Topic: Election Policies

What is the audience for this speech?

The speech’s target audience is individuals who have attained the minimum age to take part in voting. That is 18 years and above. Although election policies might affect people even younger than this age, they were not taken into account because they have no impact in determining what to be done and what to be avoided.

What is the specific purpose of this speech?

The specific purpose of the speech is to persuade people and uphold an understanding of the United States’ current election policy. The address will further point out the consequences associated with existing products.

In choosing a specific purpose, how can you narrow the topic to be appropriate to this audience?

There are several ways through which the speech can be made more appropriate to the audience. This is by using simple language that can be understood easily. A language that will not require any form of translations for understanding.

Demographic Audience Analysis: What unique adaptation is necessary for the speech because of the audience’s

Age: none

Gender: none

Sexual Orientation: none

Religion: none

Racial, Ethnic, and Cultural Background: none

Group Membership: none

Other (specify): none

Situational Audience Analysis: What unique adaptation is necessary for the speech because of the audience’s

Size: Since the audience is significant, there is a need to make use of a public address system so that every person will be entitled to getting to hear what is communicated. The audio presentation is the best; using slides will be impossible because not all people will see them.

Response to Physical Setting: When I got up to the podium, the audience was slightly bigger than expected. Therefore, I did not have enough room to make more extended movements.

Knowledge About the Topic: The audience comprises a population that is slightly knowledgeable about the election issues they have been experiencing and seeing.

Interest Level in the Topic: In my opinion, the audience was so much interested in my topic. Perhaps, it is because they are yearning for change in the elections sector. They are ready to embrace the necessary changes in the organization.

Attitude Toward the Topic: Throughout my presentation, I noticed several disbelief in some audience faces. Maybe they were not sure about my plans for rectifying the current situations.

Disposition Toward the Speaker: Throughout the presentation, the audience was supportive. They were encouraging me in several ways as I also yearned to give them more.

Disposition Toward the Occasion: It is evident that my duration went slightly beyond the planned time, but it was worth it. The audience did not show any signs of discomfort. They wished that I should continue.

Part 2: Describe how you will reach your audience.

To reach the audience well, I opted to begin with a controversial tweet about elections politics and draw people’s attention. Many people will be lured into joining the audience. To gain much attention from the audience, I explained to them the possible issues that will be addressed with the policies in place. The main points were explaining the impacts of policy issues of elections and how Covid-19 has impacted them9. I chose the particular points because COVID has been a menace in the contemporary world. My support materials for the paper came from multiple sources. However, they were all reliable sources whose authors had good ratings. The necessary steps in selecting the language to be used include prior practice of the statistics to be used and the right selection of words that will not require any form of interpretation. My delivery was characterized by several adjustments meant to communicate the ideas more conveniently. I spoke at a considerable pace so that the audience can follow through with every word spoken. This also facilitated the understanding of the audience, mainly when gestures were used together with the terms.

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