Course name : Ethical/Legal Aspects of Management 5.4 Assignment

 Project Assignment: Personal Ethics Statement (Diversity) 

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$$ Please Review the Attached rubric to make sure and understand the criteria for earning  grade. $$  

Getting Started

During the course of your graduate program of study, you will be introduced to many business disciplines requiring many types of insight and decisions.  Listening to the words of many different people who speak the different languages of their discipline and their culture will be necessary. As we listen and make business decisions, our moral and ethical foundation must be preeminent.  Developing a personal ethical statement is the first step in making ethical decisions.  Throughout this course, you will be working on the various components of your personal ethics framework. These pre-writing assessments and assignments will help you measure performance with respect to important ethical behaviors, skills, or concepts discussed throughout the course. These pre-writing assignments are essential to your final paper due in Workshop Six.

Upon successful completion of this assignment, you will be able to:

  • Examine organizational cultures that promote ethical behavior.
  • Explain the most common types of workplace discrimination.
  • Evaluate ethical behavior when legal and ethical requirements conflict in a cross-cultural environment.
  • Evaluate one’s personal ethical standards and create a personal/professional framework to guide decision making compatible with a Christian world-view


  • Article: Defining Diversity: Beyond Race and Gender
  • Ted Talk: The Dangers of a Single Story
  • Textbook: Meeting the Ethical Challenges of Leadership

Background Information

Diversity is an increasingly important issue for businesses to consider. The combination of changing demographics and globalization is forcing every business to consider how management must change as the workforce and customer base becomes more diverse. The word diversity means “different,” the condition of having or being composed of differing elements or qualities. We all develop our own assumptions about those around us based on their gender, ethnicity, religion, race, or disability.  It is important that we understand recognizing the difference is done all the time and is acceptable. The problem arises when dissimilar people are treated as inferior or excluded. Many laws have been put in place to help alleviate discrimination in the workplace.Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), Pregnancy Discrimination Act, Equal Pay Act just to name of few. 

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  1. Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
  2. Read Chapter 11 in Meeting the Ethical Challenge of Leadership textbook.
  3. Read Article: Defining Diversity: Beyond Race And Gender.  
  4. Watch the Ted Talk: The Dangers of a Single Story.  
  5. With clear, insightful critical thinking, reflect and answer the following questions.  

    In your own words, how does a “single story” (explained in the Ted Talk “The Danger of a Single Story”) emphasize how we are different rather than how we are similar?
    What dangers does this notion of a “single story” produce for you personally and in the workplace when understanding diversity?
    Explore one of the laws mentioned in the background section and discuss briefly how this law helps protect members of this population?
    In what ways can you broaden your sense of diversity?

  6. Your reflection should be at least one full page in length. Use proper grammar and spelling. 

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