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In this Assignment, you will use an appraisal tool to conduct a critical appraisal of published research. You will then present the results of your efforts.

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To Prepare:

· Reflect on the four peer-reviewed articles you selected in Module 2 and the four systematic reviews (or other filtered high- level evidence) you selected in Module 3.

· Reflect on the four peer-reviewed articles you selected in Module 2 and analyzed in Module 3.

· Review and download the Critical Appraisal Tool Worksheet Template provided in the Resources.

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The Assignment (Evidence-Based Project)

Part 3A: Critical Appraisal of Research

Conduct a critical appraisal of the four peer-reviewed articles you selected by completing the Evaluation Table within the Critical Appraisal Tool Worksheet Template. Choose a total of four peer- reviewed articles that you selected related to your clinical topic of interest in Module 2 and Module 3.

Note: You can choose any combination of articles from Modules 2 and 3 for your Critical Appraisal. For example, you may choose two unfiltered research articles from Module 2 and two filtered research articles (systematic reviews) from Module 3 or one article from Module 2 and three articles from Module 3. You can choose any combination of articles from the prior Module Assignments as long as both modules and types of studies are represented.

Part 3B: Critical Appraisal of Research

Based on your appraisal, in a 1-2-page critical appraisal, suggest a best practice that emerges from the research you reviewed. Briefly explain the best practice, justifying your proposal with APA citations of the research.


Part 3A: Critical Appraisal of Research Conduct a critical appraisal of the four peer-reviewed articles you selected and analyzed by completing the Critical Appraisal Tool Worksheet Template. Be sure to include: · An Evaluation Table

45 (45%) – 50 (50%)

The critical appraisal accurately and clearly provides a detailed evaluation table. The responses provide a detailed, specific, and accurate evaluation of each of the peer-reviewed articles selected.

40 (40%) – 44 (44%)

The critical appraisal accurately provides an evaluation table. The responses provide an accurate evaluation of each of the peer-reviewed articles selected with some specificity.

35 (35%) – 39 (39%)

The critical appraisal provides an evaluation table that is inaccurate or vague. The responses provide an inaccurate or vague evaluation of each of the peer-reviewed articles selected.

0 (0%) – 34 (34%)

The critical appraisal provides an evaluation table that is inaccurate and vague or is missing.

Part 3B: Evidence-Based Best Practices Based on your appraisal, suggest a best practice that emerges from the research you reviewed. Briefly explain the best practice, justifying your proposal with APA citations of the research.

32 (32%) – 35 (35%)

The responses accurately and clearly suggest a detailed best practice that is fully aligned to the research reviewed.
The responses accurately and clearly explain in detail the best practice, with sufficient justification of why this represents a best practice in the field. The responses provide a complete, detailed, and specific synthesis of two outside resources reviewed on the best practice explained. The response fully integrates at least two outside resources and two or three course-specific resources that fully support the responses provided.
Accurate, complete, and full APA citations are provided for the research reviewed.

28 (28%) – 31 (31%)

The responses accurately suggest a best practice that is adequately aligned to the research reviewed.
The responses accurately explain the best practice, with adequately justification of why this represents a best practice in the field. The responses provide an accurate synthesis of at least one outside resource reviewed on the best practice explained. The response integrates at least one outside resource and two or three course-specific resources that may support the responses provided.
Accurate and complete APA citations are provided for the research reviewed.

25 (25%) – 27 (27%)

The responses inaccurately or vaguely suggest a best practice that may be aligned to the research reviewed.
The responses inaccurately or vaguely explain the best practice, with inaccurate or vague justification for why this represents a best practice in the field. The responses provide a vague or inaccurate synthesis of outside resources reviewed on the best practice explained. The response minimally integrates resources that may support the responses provided.
Inaccurate and incomplete APA citations are provided for the research reviewed.

0 (0%) – 24 (24%)

The responses inaccurately and vaguely suggest a best practice that may be aligned to the research reviewed or are missing.
The responses inaccurately and vaguely explain the best practice, with inaccurate and vague justification for why this represents a best practice in the field, or are missing. A vague and inaccurate synthesis of no outside resources reviewed on the best practice explained is provided or is missing. The response fails to integrate any resources to support the responses provided.
Inaccurate and incomplete APA citations are provided for the research reviewed or is missing.

Written Expression and Formatting—Paragraph Development and Organization:
Paragraphs make clear points that support well-developed ideas, flow logically, and demonstrate continuity of ideas. Sentences are carefully focused—neither long and rambling nor short and lacking substance. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement and introduction is provided which delineates all required criteria.

5 (5%) – 5 (5%)

Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity.
A clear and comprehensive purpose statement, introduction, and conclusion is provided which delineates all required criteria.

4 (4%) – 4 (4%)

Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 80% of the time.
Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment is stated yet is brief and not descriptive.

3.5 (3.5%) – 3.5 (3.5%)

Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 60–79% of the time.
Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment is vague or off topic.

0 (0%) – 3 (3%)

Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity less than 60% of the time.
No purpose statement, introduction, or conclusion was provided.

Written Expression and Formatting—English Writing Standards:
Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation.

5 (5%) – 5 (5%)

Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors.

4 (4%) – 4 (4%)

Contains a few (one or two) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.

3.5 (3.5%) – 3.5 (3.5%)

Contains several (three or four) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.

0 (0%) – 3 (3%)

Contains many (five or more) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding.

Written Expression and Formatting—The paper follows correct APA format for title page, headings, font, spacing, margins, indentations, page numbers, running head, parenthetical/in-text citations, and reference list.

5 (5%) – 5 (5%)

Uses correct APA format with no errors.

4 (4%) – 4 (4%)

Contains a few (one or two) APA format errors.

3.5 (3.5%) – 3.5 (3.5%)

Contains several (three or four) APA format errors.

0 (0%) – 3 (3%)

Contains many (five or more) APA format errors.

Evaluation Table

Use this document to complete the
evaluation table
requirement of the Module 4 Assessment, Evidence-Based Project, Part 4A: Critical Appraisal of Research

Full APA formatted citation of selected article.

Article #1

Article #2

Article #3

Article #4

Evidence Level *

(I, II, or III)

Conceptual Framework

Describe the theoretical basis for the study (If there is not one mentioned in the article, say that here).**


Describe the design and how the study was carried out (In detail, including inclusion/exclusion criteria).


The number and characteristics of

patients, attrition rate, etc.

Major Variables Studied

List and define dependent and independent variables


Identify primary statistics used to answer clinical questions (You need to list the actual tests done).

Data Analysis Statistical or

Qualitative findings

(You need to enter the actual numbers determined by the statistical tests or qualitative data).

Findings and Recommendations

General findings and recommendations of the research

Appraisal and Study Quality

Describe the general worth of this research to practice.

What are the strengths and limitations of study?

What are the risks associated with implementation of the suggested practices or processes detailed in the research?

What is the feasibility of use in your practice?

Key findings


General Notes/Comments


These levels are from the Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice: Evidence Level and Quality Guide

· Level I

Experimental, randomized controlled trial (RCT), systematic review RTCs with or without meta-analysis

· Level II

Quasi-experimental studies, systematic review of a combination of RCTs and quasi-experimental studies, or quasi-experimental studies only, with or without meta-analysis

· Level III

Nonexperimental, systematic review of RCTs, quasi-experimental with/without meta-analysis, qualitative, qualitative systematic review with/without meta-synthesis

· Level IV

Respected authorities’ opinions, nationally recognized expert committee/consensus panel reports based on scientific evidence

· Level V

Literature reviews, quality improvement, program evaluation, financial evaluation, case reports, nationally recognized expert(s) opinion based on experiential evidence

**Note on Conceptual Framework

· The following information is from Walden academic guides which helps explain conceptual frameworks and the reasons they are used in research. Here is the link

· Researchers create theoretical and conceptual frameworks that include a philosophical and methodological model to help design their work. A formal theory provides context for the outcome of the events conducted in the research. The data collection and analysis are also based on the theoretical and conceptual framework.

· As stated by Grant and Osanloo (2014), “Without a theoretical framework, the structure and vision for a study is unclear, much like a house that cannot be constructed without a blueprint. By contrast, a research plan that contains a theoretical framework allows the dissertation study to be strong and structured with an organized flow from one chapter to the next.”

· Theoretical and conceptual frameworks provide evidence of academic standards and procedure. They also offer an explanation of why the study is pertinent and how the researcher expects to fill the gap in the literature.

· Literature does not always clearly delineate between a theoretical or conceptual framework. With that being said, there are slight differences between the two.


The Johns Hopkins Hospital/Johns Hopkins University (n.d.). Johns Hopkins nursing dvidence-based practice: appendix C: evidence level and quality guide. Retrieved October 23, 2019 from

Grant, C., & Osanloo, A. (2014). Understanding, Selecting, and Integrating a Theoretical Framework in Dissertation Research: Creating the Blueprint for Your” House”. Administrative Issues Journal: Education, Practice, and Research, 4(2), 12-26.

Walden University Academic Guides (n.d.). Conceptual & theoretical frameworks overview. Retrieved October 23, 2019 from

Critical Appraisal Tool Worksheet Template

© 2018 Laureate Education Inc.

Matrix Worksheet Template

of article

Article #1

Article #2

Article #3

Article #4

Daniel, K. M., & Smith, C. Y. (2018). Present and future needs for nurses. Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research, 23(1), e12122.

Haryanto, M. (2019). Nursing shortage: Myth or fact? Orthopaedic Nursing, 38(1), 1-2.

Snavely, T. M. (2016). A brief economic analysis of the looming nursing shortage in the United States. Nursing Economics, 34(2), 98-101.

Plank, L. (2018). Academic-practice partnerships to reduce the shortage of operating room nurses. Nurse educator, 43(6), 326-329.

I chose this article.

I chose this article because it talks about the current and the future needs of the nurses. It is important to note that this is one of the best articles present that can assist in understanding of the issue from a wide perspective. It looks at how the needs for nurses have grown over the years and how this will change with the millennials coming into the environment. The article looks at the issue of nursing shortage from a generational perspective.

I chose this article because it demystified the problem of nurse’s shortage. It presents several factors that have contributed to the shortage and why it is a fact today as opposed to a myth.  

I selected this article because it looks at the issue from an economic angle. The article has shown the economic side of the shortage in addition to the other factors. The economic factors which are there in the issue have also been highlighted using relevant data.  

This is one of the articles that is important and was selected because of the academia relation which it has introduced. It shows at how best academic-practice partnerships can be used to bring more nursing students into the OR environment.

of the article

The aim of this research is to outline the major contributors of the future and current needs in the field of nursing in the United States. The study has also studied how the situation has impacted the goals and vision of the NINR. The study looks at the relative nursing shortage even when more nurses are being trained. The article also talks about the expanded roles of nurses in the healthcare sector.

The study has also outlined elements that contribute the current nursing shortage being witnessed in the United States. The study has looked at why the problem is not unique in the United States and why there is the continuous struggle to handle the shortage around the world.

The aim of this article is to study the economics of the problem of nursing shortage. The state has worked towards showing how the market forces have led to shifting of the equilibrium in the shortages. It has looked at various factors such as insufficient number of nursing graduates, aging baby boomers, as well as rising levels of recession. It has also looked at how the population has been aging.

The aim of the study is to describe three different types of academic practice partnerships through which the nursing students can get to experience the OR environment. The learning chances are described as being the gateway to a successful transition to practice for new graduates. The aim of the article is to show how the gap can be filled since several baccalaureate nursing programs today do not have OR nursing in their curriculum.

Research methodology

The study is qualitative because it is a literature review of the current published literature. The authors have looked at the current studies which look at the problem of nurse’s shortage.

This study is qualitative. It represents a review of various studies that have addressed the problem of nursing shortage both in the United States and around the world. It has also reviewed the studies which call he nursing shortage a myth.

The study uses a mixed methods approach to the study. it uses mixed methods because it combines both the qualitative and quantitative studies in making the analysis or report. There is the qualitative part plus the quantitative in coming up with the results. 

The article has used a qualitative approach through study of literature. The looks at how the problem of shortage of OR nurses can be handled.

Strengths, reliability
of the peer-reviewed articles you selected.

There are several strengths that are there in using the qualitative methodology. The first strength is the it provides more detailed information. The information on nurse’s shortage is present form various sources and it has helped in this instance to bring the problem of nurse’s shortage in context of the various studies conducted. The validity and reliability are also enhanced because the subjectivity is not clouded as how the data is interpreted is present. The research findings can eb easily viewed or questioned. The validity and reliability of the qualitative method is important in making a research either good or poor.  

The strength of the qualitative method is that it provides the necessary information in a subject that can be sensitive depending on the stakeholders that are consulted. The qualitative method has been able to gather literature in a cost-efficient manner to address the concerns on nursing shortage. It has addressed the issue on whether it is truth or a rumor effectively.

he mixed methods approach important in understanding any contradictions which can be there between the qualitative findings and the quantitative results. The mixed method is critical in giving voice to study participants and making sure that these findings are grounded in the experiences of the participants. The mixed method approach is better when it comes to validity and reliability because there is counterbalancing of the qualitative and the quantitative thus bringing the true result. The approach is useful when dealing with experiences coupled with data from these previous studies.

The strength which are there in taking the qualitative approach is that the human aspect of the shortage is displayed. The experiences are clearly tied to the data presented. The literature has been able to show how these experiences by the students can influence their future careers onward. This is one of the ways that shortages can be handled.


This article provides a good basis for understanding the issue of nurse’s shortage from the beginning of the issue going towards the future.

The article has provided the facts on whether the problem of nursing shortage is either a fact or a myth.

The article has been useful because it brings on the economic side of the nursing shortage problem. It brings in all of the economic statistics as well as qualitative data to provide an all-rounded answer to this issue.

This article is important as it provides a solution. The solution provided is to offer experiences to the students which is an innovative approach to addressing the problem.

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