Conflict Resolution Case Study

Conflict Resolution Case Study

Conflict is inevitable in any workplace setting. In schools, the effectiveness of the educational team is important to the well-being of every student. Therefore, it is important for educators to resolve conflict in a professional manner that promotes collaboration.

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The following scenario informs the assignment:

Mr. Carson, a special education teacher, has called a problem-solving meeting with a team of professionals who work with his seventh grade student, Melissa. Mr. Jones, Melissa’s science teacher, has expressed concerns about Melissa’s ability to engage in class on a day-to-day basis, both academically and behaviorally. Mr. Carson decided to invite a team to help problem solve as he has been successful working with special education students in a general education classroom setting.

The team includes: Mr. Carson, the special education teacher and case manager; Mr. Kiernan, a math teacher; Mr. Barnaby, an English teacher; Ms. Chamley, a counselor; Ms. Amity, a social studies teacher; Ms. Claire, the assistant principal, and Mr. Jones, the new science teacher.

During the meeting, Mr. Kiernan expressed his gratitude toward Mr. Carson and his ability to guide the team through comprehensive problem solving steps to help Mr. Jones. Everyone participated in the discussion and brainstormed ideas except for Ms. Claire.

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When it came time to evaluate the suggestions, Ms. Claire found numerous reasons why each would not work. She specifically cited legal implications and time constraints. Mr. Kiernan offered ways to mitigate these concerns, but Ms. Claire simply said, “No.” Mr. Kiernan was somewhat surprised to hear the others then agree with Ms. Claire, except for Mr. Jones who said nothing. Ms. Claire then referred to one of her original ideas and the others enthusiastically agreed that it would be a good starting point. Mr. Kiernan tried once again suggesting another option, finding a way to incorporate both suggestions, but Ms. Claire vetoed the idea. Mr. Jones seemed to tacitly accept the idea but left without much enthusiasm.

In a 500-750-word evaluation:

  • Describe the interpersonal conflicts and conflict management style presented in the scenario by the key characters and how they could potentially affect the learning environment and well-being of students with disabilities.
  • If you were Mr. Carson, explain how you would promote better collaboration in this situation to meet the needs of the student.
  • Provide potential solutions for meeting the needs of the student.
  • Develop a plan including two research-based collaboration and communication strategies to address the conflict and promote healthy peer-to-peer relationships.

Support your response with the topic materials as well as a minimum of three additional scholarly resources.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide

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