Concerts Across Time


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Choose two excerpts of a concert, one of a pop or rock concert from modern times and one of a performance of music from the Classical Era(1700-1750 AD) chosen from the list below. Watch approximately 10 minutes of each concert.

After viewing the concert excerpts, construct a comparison of these two concerts and address the following:

1. Explain why you did or did not enjoy the concerts.

2. Evaluate similarities and differences between music in the Classical era and modern times. Be sure to use musical terminology and information from the course materials to express your ideas.

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3. Discuss the types of people who attended concerts in the Classical era and modern times, and why people attended concerts in the Classical era versus today. 

4. Analyze how new technologies, such as digital media and the internet, change the ways music is experienced.

Classical Concert List

Piano Concerto No. 23 in A major

,” Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Violin Concerto No. in D major

,” Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Symphony No. 25 in G minor

” Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Cello Concerto No. 1 in C major

,” Franz Josef Haydn

Symphony No. 104 in D major

,” Franz Josef Haydn

Night Music of the Streets of Madrid

,” Luigi Boccherini

Piano Sonata, Op. 40, No. 2 in B minor

,” Muzio Clementi

Piano Concerto No. 4 in G major

,” Ludwig von Beethoven

Symphony No. 4 in B-flat major

,” Ludwig von Beethoven

This paper should be 750-1000 words in length. This assignment should reflect knowledge and understanding of the course materials. Points should be supported by specific information from scholarly sources and musical terminology should be used to express ideas. This paper should be written in paragraph form using complete sentences with a clear introduction and conclusion. Be sure to reference both concerts in the introduction and conclusion. 

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