Concept Map 2

Need a concept map and a few paragraphs based of readings in described text. Assignment rubric and assigned readings are attached.

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Module 2 Concept Map Assignment

20 Points

Objectives and Alignment:

1. Students will identify important concepts, theories, people, etc. related to Adult Education.

2. Students will connect the important concepts, theories, people, etc. related to Adult Education to one another to show the breadth and complexity of the field.

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These assignment objectives align with Course Objective A: Students will be able to articulate the problem of defining adult education in the field. This assessment will introduce the students to the breadth of the field thus underscoring the difficulty in definition. This assessment further has the potential to touch on the remaining course objectives depending on the focus of the individual student.

Introduction and Description:

The purpose of this assignment is to have you identify your conception of the field of adult education and to document how it changes over time (the duration of this course). In the second concept map assignment, you will REVISE your initial concept map after completing the readings for both Modules 1 and 2 (note that revise means that you can add components and links, subtract components and link, and change your concept map). This is to how your conception of the field changes over time. It should be clear in the revisions and reflection as to how the readings in Modules 1 and 2 affected your understanding of the field.


Your task is to revise your concept map about the field of Adult Education based on what you learned in Modules 1 and 2.

Also, write a brief reflection (a paragraph or two) as to what revisions you made, and why they are important to your conception of the field of Adult Education.

Note that each Module Concept Map is specific to what you have learned at certain points in the course as seen below.

Module 1 Concept Map: This should be completed BEFORE reading any of the books or articles assigned in Module 1. This concept map should be a representation of your prior knowledge of adult education before taking this class. No research is necessary or needed and should be based on what you know. There are no right or wrong answers here. A brief reflection on your choices and decisions should be included.

Module 2 Concept Map: This should be completed AFTER reading any of the books or articles assigned in Module 2. This concept map should be a revision of your Module 1 Concept Map based on what you have learned in Modules 1 and 2. A brief reflection on your choices and decisions should be included.

Module 3 Concept Map: This should be completed AFTER reading any of the books or articles assigned in Module 3. This concept map should be a revision of your Module 2 Concept Map based on what you have learned in Module 3. A brief reflection on your choices and decisions should be included.

Module 4 Concept Map: This should be completed AFTER reading any of the books or articles assigned in Module 4. This concept map should be a revision of your Module 3 Concept Map based on what you have learned in Module 4. A brief reflection on your choices and decisions should be included.

Module 5 Concept Map: This should be completed AFTER reading any of the books or articles assigned in Module 5. This concept map should be a revision of your Module 4 Concept Map based on what you have learned in Module 5. A reflection on your choices and decisions should be included as well as a reflection of how your map has changed over time and what this assignment has shown you about how you define the field of adult education.


Concept Map (a website link is fine) and Reflection via Blackboard Assignment Tool. You can use any concept map creation tool that you would like. Some examples include





, and

Microsoft Word

, but you are welcome to use whatever software with which you are comfortable as long as you can either share a link or output your concept map to or x format. You are also welcome to change what tool you use, if your initial choice did not work well for you.


Please use the following rubric for this assignment.

Components of the Assignment

Does Not Meet Expectations

Approaches Expectations

Meets Expectations

Exceeds Expectations

Concepts (50%)

Few or no major concepts that are relevant to the main topic have been included and/or represented. Main concepts are not easily identified from other concepts and few, if any, sub concepts have been included.

Some major concepts that are relevant to the main topic have been included and represented. Main concepts are not easily identified from other concepts and the many of the sub concepts have been omitted.

Most major concepts that are relevant to the main topic have been included and represented. Main concepts are mostly easily identified with maybe a few issues. Some sub concepts may have been omitted.

All major concepts that are relevant to the main topic have been included and represented as such. Main concepts are easily identified using a means of visual emphasis (bold, larger font, color, etc.). All the important sub-concepts have been included and represented as such.

Reflection (30%)

Little reflection or no reflection is provided.

Some reflection is provided but lacks analysis and detail.

Reflection is moderately detailed with some analysis provided for choices, but could be improved.

Reflection is extremely detailed with explanation and analysis provided for choices.



Few of the relevant concepts, if any, are linked logically within the concept map. Labels are not included or are incomplete and do not adequately describe the relationship between concepts. Information is not very clear, accurate, and/or organized. Content is not or rarely logically arranged to facilitated comprehension.

Some of the relevant concepts are linked logically within the concept map. Labels, if included, somewhat describe the relationship between concepts with some issues. Information is somewhat clear, accurate, and organized. Content is somewhat logically arranged to facilitate comprehension.

Many of the relevant concepts are linked logically within the concept map. Labels mostly describe the relationship between concepts with few issues. Information is mostly clear, accurate, and well organized. Content is mostly logically arranged to facilitate comprehension.

All the relevant concepts are linked logically within the concept map. Labels accurately and concisely describe the relationship between concepts. Information is clear, accurate, and well organized. Content is logically arranged to facilitate comprehension.

Grammar, spelling, syntax, etc. (5%)

Five or more errors.

Three or Four errors

One or Two errors.

No errors.

Rubric adapted from:


How to Create Concept Maps

Concept Map Description and How To


How To Make Concept Maps


Concept Map Tools –

MindMeister –

LucidChart –

Microsoft Word –

Grammar Reference

WKU’s ENG 300 Library Guide Grammar


Education First’s Grammar Site


Module 1 Concept Map

Module 1 Concept Map

Martize Wilson

Western Kentucky University

The landscape of adult education

Since the creation of the adult education sector, it has been important for analysts and professionals to understand how adult learners learn. Overall, adult education is a miracle linking fields that are generally very different, from basic adult education (ABE) to human development and from gerontology to gerontology to continuing quality education (Ross-Gordon et al., 2016). The range of conditions under which adult education takes place, the size of the curriculum, and the appropriate diversity of students have all been successful. Some will point to incomprehensible substances united in the common goal of promoting adult education. After about 80 years of education we have no clear answers, hypotheses or adult education model. What we have is more of a living mosaic of the speculations, patterns, standards and explanations that form the basis of scientific information for adults (Ross-Gordon et al., 2016). The focus of this hypothesis and model is on adults who participate in formal and informal learning exercises that meet clear needs or premiums. Whether they have taken a break from ABE classes, attended workplace administration training, or learned how to follow their family background, adults are busy studying.

The task of explaining how adult students learn is very important for both scientists and professionals. Overall, adult education is a miracle that brings together completely different fields, from basic adult education (ABE) to the development of human capabilities and from instructive gerontology to continuous experiential teaching. The various conditions under which adult classes are administered, the coverage of educational programs, and the diversity of students that are feasible have left the field hanging – some would suggest that it is indistinguishable – an element that shares a common goal of promoting adult education is unified. After about 80 years of education we have no clear answers, hypotheses or adult education model (Ross-Gordon et al., 2016). What we have more of is a brilliant mosaic of hypotheses, models, standards and explanations that consolidate and form the information base of adult education. The focus of this speculation and pattern is on adults engaging in formal and informal learning exercises that meet clear needs or premiums.


Ross-Gordon, J. M., Rose, A. D., & Kasworm, C. E. (2017). Foundations of Adult and Continuing Education. San Francisco, CA.Jossey-Bass.

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