computer science project

In this project, you have to write a C++ program to keep track of banking transactions.
Your objective is to get transactions from a user and process the transactions for debiting or crediting the account, keeping in view the rules regarding minimum balances and penalties. Each user holds two accounts – a business account and a personal account. Both accounts use the same account number.

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CSCE 1030: Project 1

Due: 11:59 PM on Sunday, February 21, 2021


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In this project, you have to write a C++ program to keep track of banking transactions.

Your objective is to get transactions from a user and process the transactions for debiting or crediting the

account, keeping in view the rules regarding minimum balances and penalties. Each user holds two

accounts – a business account and a personal account. Both accounts use the same account number.


1. As with all projects in this course, your program’s output will display your name, your EUID, your
e-mail address, the department name, and course number. This means that your program will
print this information to the terminal (see the sample output).

2. Declare and initialize the following constants and variables.

 A floating-point constant to store the minimum balance for the business account


to 10000.00.

 A floating-point constant to store the minimum balance for the personal account


to 1000.00.

 A floating-point variable to store the current balance for the business account initialized

to 10000.00.

 A floating-point variable to store the current balance for the personal account initialized

to 1000.00.

3. Declare an enumeration constant with values Business and Personal and assign suitable integer

values to each data item.

4. Using a suitable message, prompt the user for the name on the account. The name can have

multiple words.

 Only alphabets (A-Z or a-z) and whitespaces are permitted in the account name.

o If the user enters any other characters in the name, you need to generate an

error message and ask for the name again.

o Your program must keep on asking the user to enter the name until the user

enters it correctly.(SEE SAMPLE OUTPUT 1)

 The user may type the name in either uppercase or lowercase, but you need to convert

every initial to uppercase. (SEE SAMPLE OUTPUTS)

5. Using a suitable message, prompt the user for the number of the account.

 The account number must be a 6 digit number. If the user enters any other account

number, generate an error message and ask the user to enter the number again.

 Your program must keep on asking the user to enter the number until the user enters it

correctly. (SEE SAMPLE OUTPUT 1)

6. Inside a switch-case block with a default case, implement the following features.

 Ask the user to choose which account the user wants to access – Business or Personal.

o Use a suitable integer value to get the choice from the user.

 You must use the enumeration constants to set up your cases.

 You must use a variable of your enumeration constant type for switching control.

 If the user chooses a Business account

o Prompt the user for a transaction to process. The transaction can be a positive or

a negative value. Positive transactions are deposits and negative transactions are


o If the current balance falls below the required minimum balance for a business

account, there is a 10$ penalty (decrease current balance by $10 for every new

transaction) until the current balance updates to at least the minimum required

balance. (SEE


o If the current balance is below the minimum required balance, remind the user

that the account is losing 10$ for every transaction using a suitable message. (SEE


 If the user chooses a Personal account

o Prompt the user for a transaction to process. The transaction can be a positive or
a negative value. Positive transactions are deposits and negative transactions are

o If any transaction drops the current balance below the minimum personal

balance, the transaction will be denied with a suitable message to the user. (SEE


o Note that for personal accounts the current balance will never be less than the

minimum balance and hence there are no provision of penalties either

 If the user enters a wrong choice, use the default case to provide an error message and
ask the user to make the choice again.

o Your program needs to keep on asking the user for the choice until the user
chooses a correct choice. (SEE SAMPLE OUTPUT 1)

 Display the current balance in either case after each successful transaction. (SEE SAMPLE

7. Your program needs be able to process more than one transaction.

 After successfully processing a transaction, ask the user if the user wants to process
another transaction.

 If the user chooses to process another transaction, use a suitable loop to ask the user
about the type of account and the transaction to process (i.e. basically repeat Step 6).

8. Display the following results to the user with suitable messages.

 The name on the account. Note that the displayed name must reflect the processing of
Step 4.

 The account number of the account but in encrypted form.
o Increment the actual account number with a seeded random integer between

200001 and 300000, inclusive
o Note that the addition may increase a 6 digit number to a 7 digit number, in that

case discard the first digit.
o For example, if the actual account number is 999999 and the randomly generated

number is 300000, the sum is 1299999 and the encrypted account number is
299999, with the leading 7th digit discarded.

 The current business and personal account balances.

o Make sure the number of digits after the decimal point is 2 digits and there is a $
sign in front of the number (for example, $12562.65 )

9. Your program source code should be named “euidProject1.cpp”, without the quotes.
where euid should be replaced by your EUID.

10. Your program will be graded based largely on whether it works correctly on the CSE machines
(e.g., cse01, cse02, …, cse06), so you should make sure that your program compiles and runs on a
CSE machine.

On a piece of paper (or word processor), write down the algorithm, or sequence of steps, that you will
use to solve the problem. You may think of this as a “recipe” for someone else to follow. Continue to
refine your “recipe” until it is clear and deterministically solves the problem. Be sure to include the steps
for prompting for input, performing calculations, and displaying output.
You should attempt to solve the problem by hand first (using a calculator as needed) to work out what
the answer should be for a few sets of inputs.
Type these steps and calculations into a document (i.e., Word, text, or PDF) that will be submitted along
with your source code. Note that if you do any work by hand, images (such as pictures) may be used, but
they must be clear and easily readable. This document shall contain both the algorithm and any supporting
hand-calculations you used in verifying your results.

Here are some sample outputs to help you write the code. The items in bold are entered by the user on
the terminal as input data.


$ ./a.out


| Computer Science and Engineering |

| CSCE 1030 – Computer Science I |

| Student Name EUID |


Enter your name:John7 smith

Your name can only have alphabets or spaces. Enter again.

Enter your name:john c smit%

Your name can only have alphabets or spaces. Enter again.

Enter your name:john c smith

Enter your account number:25689745

Your account number is a 6-digit number. Enter again:55

Your account number is a 6-digit number. Enter again:123456

What is your account type?0 for Business, 1 for Personal:3

Wrong choice. Please enter again.

What is your account type?0 for Business, 1 for Personal:8

Wrong choice. Please enter again.

What is your account type?0 for Business, 1 for Personal:0

Enter transaction:2000

Business Balance:$12000

Do you want to process another transaction? Y/N:n

Name:John C Smith

Account Number (Encrypted):394797

Business Balance:$12000.00

Personal Balance:$1000.00


$ ./a.out

| Computer Science and Engineering |
| CSCE 1030 – Computer Science I |
| Student Name EUID |

Enter your name:John Smith

Enter your account number:999999

What is your account type?0 for Business, 1 for Personal:1

Enter transaction:-10000

Your personal balance cannot be less than minimum balance. Transaction


Personal Balance:$1000

Do you want to process another transaction? Y/N:n

Name:John Smith

Account Number (Encrypted):271340

Business Balance:$10000.00

Personal Balance:$1000.00


$ ./a.out
| Computer Science and Engineering |
| CSCE 1030 – Computer Science I |
| Student Name EUID |

Enter your name:sheila HARRIS

Enter your account number:555555

What is your account type?0 for Business, 1 for Personal:0

Enter transaction:-50000

Business Balance:$-40000

Do you want to process another transaction? Y/N:y

What is your account type?0 for Business, 1 for Personal:0

Enter transaction:10000

Your balance is less than the required minimum. There will be a $10.00

fee for every transaction.

Business Balance:$-30010

Do you want to process another transaction? Y/N:y
What is your account type?0 for Business, 1 for Personal:0
Enter transaction:-10000

Your balance is less than the required minimum. There will be a $10.00
fee for every transaction.

Business Balance:$-40020

Do you want to process another transaction? Y/N:y
What is your account type?0 for Business, 1 for Personal:0

Enter transaction:100000

Your balance is less than the required minimum. There will be a $10.00
fee for every transaction.

Business Balance:$59970

Do you want to process another transaction? Y/N:y
What is your account type?0 for Business, 1 for Personal:0

Enter transaction:5000

Business Balance:$64970

Do you want to process another transaction? Y/N:n

Name:Sheila HARRIS

Account Number (Encrypted):851179

Business Balance:$64970.00

Personal Balance:$1000.00


$ ./a.out
| Computer Science and Engineering |
| CSCE 1030 – Computer Science I |
| Student Name EUID |

Enter your name:abcd efgh

Enter your account number:100000

What is your account type?0 for Business, 1 for Personal:0
Enter transaction:10000

Business Balance:$20000

Do you want to process another transaction? Y/N:y
What is your account type?0 for Business, 1 for Personal:1
Enter transaction:2000

Personal Balance:$3000

Do you want to process another transaction? Y/N:n

Name:Abcd Efgh

Account Number (Encrypted):371341

Business Balance:$20000.00

Personal Balance:$3000.00

Test your program to check that it operates as desired with a variety of inputs. Then, compare the answers
your code gives with the ones you get from hand calculations.


 Your program will be graded based largely upon whether it works correctly on the CSE machines,
so you should make sure your program compiles and runs on the CSE machines.

 Your program will also be graded based upon your program style. This means that you should use
comments (as directed), meaningful variable names, and a consistent indentation style as
recommended in the textbook and in class.

 We will be using an electronic homework submission on Canvas to make sure that all students
hand their programming projects on time. You will submit both (1) the program source code file
and (2) the algorithm design document to the Project 1 dropbox on Canvas by the due date and

 Homework are meant to be problem-solving exercises and are designed to help you practice your
coding on larger projects with various pieces of functionality. While the coding should be primarily
your sole work, you are allowed to get assistance from classmates when working on these
assignments. However, each student is required to report the name(s) of the students they
worked with on the assignment. Cheating for these assignments is now defined as copying from
a fellow student without reporting it or copying from the web. You should not copy someone
else’s code or let a classmate examine your code if you have not identified as working in a group
for your homework.

 As a safety precaution, do not edit your program (using vim or nano) after you have submitted

your program where you might accidentally re-save the program, causing the timestamp on your

file to be later than the due date. If you want to look (or work on it) after submitting, make a copy

of your submission and work on that copy. Should there be any issues with your submission, this

timestamp on your code on the CSE machines will be used to validate when the program was


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