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Artificial Intelligence & Robotics used in the


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Artificial Intelligence & Robotics used in the 21st century


Artificial Intelligence & Robotics used in the 21st century

Christopher Slaton_CS698_IP2

Colorado Technical University

Table of Contents

1.1 Company Overview

1.2 Project Introduction 6

1.3 Problem Identification

1.3.1 Problem Context and Background 9
1.3.2 Problem Statement 11
2.1 Solution Framework 12

2.2 Hypothesis Statement

2.3 Research Questions 14
2.4 Related Works 14
References 15

Artificial Intelligence & Robotics are used in the 21st century to transform workplace activities and ensure accuracy and validity (Lungarella et al., 2007) (Wisskirchen et al., 2017). Artificial intelligence is one of the broader fields of computer science used to make workplace functions fast and effective by integrating machines and robotics with consciousness and emotionality. The purpose of customer artificial intelligence integrating at workplaces is to eliminate the need for human labourers who are not efficient and active all the time. Artificial intelligence and robots are able to detect organizational needs and come up with ultimate and immediate solutions (Dirican, 2015). These technologies are also helpful for organizations to introduce complex services and enhanced customer experience. These technologies help the organization compete in the intense market and bring higher good (Arsene, 2020).

1.1 Company Overview

The company that I have selected to discuss the problem is “Cigna Corporation.” Health care organization is also one of the rapidly growing institutions in society with the integration of different technologies. Health care organizations are depending on technology and innovation to manage bundles of patient records and added data (Hinton, 2018). Databases and patient portals are some of the most used types of technology and innovation (Tanwar, Parekh and Evans, 2020). But to be successful and two transform organizational functions as a whole, health care organizations need the integration of artificial intelligence and robotics. Artificial intelligence in the healthcare field interprets the huge amount of data and helps patients create their own personalized medicine plans, interpret data and make decisions, think for strategies for the development of the organization and collective gain, and serve patient needs (Braecklein, Knaup-Gregori and Weigand, 2019). One of the biggest applications of artificial intelligence and robotics add Healthcare is to manage time effectively because sometimes, in this situation of emergency, doctors’ nurses, and hospital officials become panic that affects the outcomes of the crisis.

Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science and in the modern age of business is its integration in every business, regardless of its size, is crucial for speech recognition, planning, problem-solving, learning and understanding (Poppe, Rienks and van Dijk, 2007).

The Cigna Corporation is an international health care service provider based in America. The company is engaged in international health care delivery for years, and David cordani founded the company in 1792. The mission of the company is to improve the health, Peace of Mind, and wellbeing of those to whom the company is served by offering simple, predictable, and affordable health care services (Cigna Corporation, 2000). The company makes it easy for patients to get healthcare to assess anywhere, anytime, and to everyone. The company is operating in different segments through integrated medical, group disability, international markets, and other health services. The health service segments of the company include speciality pharmacy services, pharmacy benefits management, home delivery, technical solutions, and health management services. The company offers a variety of health care solutions to individuals and employers as the mission statement of the company states that the company wants to deliver affordable health care services to everyone, including disability groups (Shah, 2019).

The Cigna Company is running on advanced strategies and plans Integrated with technological advancement and innovation. The company plans to increase its reach towards international markets through the use of artificial intelligence. The planning is about to identify gaps in existing health care services and treatment practices by the use of artificial intelligence. For example, to track whether patients are taking their medication or not delivered personalized Medicare health and chronic diseases. The company is investing a huge amount in the implantation of artificial intelligence within the organization and states that the system will be available for all patients and stakeholders within less time (Cigna Corporation, 2021).

Although artificial intelligence and robot’s integration in healthcare organizations proved positive sources to enhance productivity at the same time, there are some limitations that affect the trust of patients towards them. Along with the integration of technology and advancement in healthcare, numerous cases of data breaches and hacking are also heard. And this is the factor that causes mistrust among the population. The company, by the integration of artificial intelligence, aims to enhance the productivity of the workplace, but at the same time, there will be ethical concerns of patients. Along with the ethical issues and patients concerns, there are legal issues that will affect the reputation of the organization (CI), 2021).

The health care organization aims to optimize its functions through the integration of artificial intelligence because it had the ability to learn from histories and patients’ medical tests without loss in time and spending extra time. But the assessment of data of health care records by the boots that are not trusted is a bottleneck.

1.2 Project Introduction

Cigna Corporation is a healthcare organization that is offering a variety of healthcare services to local and international patients (Cigna Corporation, 2021). The company aims to expand its rich on international platforms and optimize its diagnostic and treatment approaches by the integration of robots and artificial intelligence that is also a need of time. Artificial intelligence is replacing human workers and offering health care to patients. Gaps are still existing. The question arises here that artificial intelligence over reports will offer physical and mental health care to patients, but what about spiritual health care that can only be provided by nurses or human health care practitioners. Spiritual health care is also an important need of every patient that helps them for rapid recovery. But modern healthcare organizations are avoiding this need of patients that will affect the outcomes of treatment. Cigna is currently using artificial intelligence to predict the patient’s behavior about medication, but the thought of providing personalized health care to patients might cause ethical or legal results. The role of technology and innovation to provide the bulk of data to health care practitioners is not ordinary, but at the same time, interventions of technology are harmful to patients and health care organizations themselves. The goal of the company is to focus on its health care business and offer quality health to patients at all costs. In order to meet market standards and the race of advancement, companies investing more and more in technological intervention with open that same thought about its impact on the ethical aspect of a business (Wisskirchen et al., 2017).

Cigna is one of the leading health care companies in the health care industry that maintains its position by carefully analyzing the market situation and consumer preferences. There are numerous strengths of the company that helps it to thrive in the marketplace of medical science. The strength of the company not only helps it to flourish in the existing markets but also helps maintain its place in the new markets.

Following are the strengths of the company;

1. The company has abilities to successfully track emerging products and participate in the innovation process.

2. The company is getting higher returns on capital expenditures by building revenue streams.

3. strong brand order services please in the market that enhances the trust of patients towards the health care organization

4. Cigna health strong internal and external infrastructure dead helps it to promote quality health care globally

5. Through collaboration with mergers and acquisitions, the company is integrating with new firms and bringing higher innovation towards the company to enhance customer experience

6. Strong free cash flow services hence their company to integrate into new projects (M.E, 2020).

Along with the strengths, Cigna healthcare company has some weaknesses on which the company should focus and improve.

Few weaknesses of the company are as follows;

1. Cigna Is one of the most successful and leading healthcare companies in the United States, but still, the company has the matters gaps in its product line, such as gaps in the treatment also serious diseases.

2. One of the biggest weaknesses of the company is the lack of faculty who can deal with its intercultural patience and bring quality health for them.

3. The company needs to enhance or increase its investment in research and development stupid with the standards of the growing industry. Instead of merging with small companies, Cigna should combine with the huge health care companies to enhance its standard.

4. The financial planning of the company is not efficient and proper that affect its total asset ratio and liquidity ratio every year.

5. The company needs to increase its spending on the Training of its workers to enhance its market image and gain a competitive advantage over its competitors (M.E, 2020).

Competitors of Cigna include a United Health Group, Molina Healthcare, and anthem health care organizations. These health care organizations are also offering quality services to patients globally and meeting their expectations for years. These companies are also integrating technology and innovation in their day-to-day functions to enhance customer experience and to enhance their recovery. The United health group is one of the leading healthcare organizations having technology involved in its day-to-day functions. The key to the success of these health care organizations is careful decision-making about the need of the organization regarding technologies. Taking motivation from the united health group, Cigna can think for improvement in its decision-making processes and then implement any technological or innovation change within the organization to minimize negative outcomes(Jasso-Aguilar, Waitzkin and Landwehr, 2004).

Cigna ranked 2nd when it comes to revenue that is $156.9 billion, While the revenue of the United health group is $252.6 billion. This difference in revenue is because of the range of services that boot healthcare organizations are offering and the number of employees. Cigna is doing its best to meet market standards and launch innovative approaches that enhance customer satisfaction. Anthem healthcare company is another competitor that has revenue of $121.9 billion. This healthcare organization is ranking at 1/3 and struggling to meet industry standards by offering quality but limited services (COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS, 2020).

1.3 Problem Identification

1.3.1 Problem Context and Background

The integration of artificial intelligence and robots in the healthcare organization be a positive aspect if there will be no ethical and legal implications. The major problem that health care organizations are confronting when it comes to the integration of artificial intelligence and robots Is the patient’s concern about the privacy of their information. Patients are the important stakeholders of any healthcare organization; thus, it is the ethical and moral duty of healthcare organizations to protect their privacy and information (Okamura, Matarić and Christensen, 2010). Laws and ethical concerns regarding artificial intelligence in health care in the United States are as follows;

1. Use of informed consent researches

2. Transparency and safety

3. Algorithmic biases and fairness

4. Data privacy and protection (Jasso-Aguilar, Waitzkin and Landwehr, 2004)

The above listed four concerns are applicable to all healthcare organizations dealing with artificial intelligence systems. Business and inequality in healthcare services will increase because only those who can afford heavy investments would get benefit from this technology. At the same time, the middle class or lower-class population will suffer for this ability to healthcare services. It could be possible to add the organization is not intentionally doing this, but these possibilities are higher. Transparency and the safety of patients are the second dimensions of the problem that the organization is facing. Day-to-day increasing cases of hacking and data breaches serve as a field for Decision-makers of Cigna regarding the integration of artificial intelligence and in the organization (Sara Gerke, 2020).

Health care organizations are meaning the bright future, but the profound impact of AI on human privacy is ignored. The dignity and privacy of patients should be carefully considered while designing show boots for health care organizations. Research says that technology raises issues that are affecting fundamental human rights, such as freedom and privacy expressions (Sara Gerke, 2020).

A research (Eleanor Bird, 2014) result from IPA shows that in the modern and advanced world, the biggest concern Arthur patience is that their information is protected with the health care organizations. In order to solve problems or treatment for patients, it is important to know their history and background thus to keep this information private and protected and save from any unauthorized access is the responsibility of health care organizations.

The problem that Cigna health care organization will confront there is to spend he would require investments in privacy and protection of the patient data if they decide to integrate artificial intelligence within the workplace. At the same time, if the health care organization aims to integrate robotics within the health care organizations to offer quality end fast has disappeared there are possibilities that the company will losses the loyalty of patience. Because Cigna Will no more able to provide spiritual health care to patients. This will bring a number of ethical issues for the company. Ethical issues will impact the acceptance of services provided by the healthcare organization, while legal issues raised when customers’ data will be breached will affect the organization’s overall repetition.

Thus, the company should rethink its moves and invest more own research and development to evaluate whether the integration of artificial intelligence and robotics will bring opportunities for the company over there will be negative outcomes that might have a more drastic impact. The evaluation and analysis with its competitors will help the company to take a substantive decision without compromising on aids the public the position and the expectations of patients. This project is aimed to discuss problems that Cigna is facing to integrate artificial intelligence and robotics in the organization and how this problem can be addressed to enhance the productivity and optimization of day-to-day processes. In order to integrate artificial intelligence and robotics in workplace organizations, effectiveness in the making through efficient market research and trends will be evaluated.

1.3.2 Problem Statement

The integration of Artificial Intelligence in the Cigna healthcare organization’s day-to-day functions is difficult because of ethical and legal concerns.

2. Solution Identification

2.1 Solution Framework

Ethical issues are common in the file of artificial intelligence, where there is a need for improvement. As it is difficult to bear the consequences in case of software development in case of large companies, however, a moderate approach should be used to deal with the ethical and legal issues related to the integration of Artificial Intelligence in the Cigna healthcare organization, which includes the utilization of deontological approach related to ethical concerns, secondly, there must be precise algorithms only dealing with the specific technology in order to deal with the issue of responsibility in term of complex problems, lastly, there must be stringent check and balance mechanism to deal with the behavior and responsibilities concerning moral values within the professional environment of Cigna healthcare company. Furthermore, another approach that can be used in the integration of Artificial intelligence is the use of responsible research and innovation (RRI), where the use of internal and external dialogues can be utilized (Stahl and Coeckelbergh, 2016). Moreover, when there is the incorporation of collaboration and rooted ethics can lead to a better system.

As stated it is not a simple integration of artificial intelligence system in healthcare but it is a series of events, which lead to the innovative research viable incorporation. If the developer of software or system is not well versed with ethics, there be a gap of ethical is and will be filled by ethical issues. In order to deal with the issue, it is necessary that there must be a collaboration with the developer, instead of giving the collaborator just a code of conduct, he/she must be involved in such a way that there must be the integration of ethics within the system. This will leave no room for the missing areas. There will be cooperation between three distinct types of professional, where science, philosophy and community will be involved, leading to a better understanding of the issues(Stahl and Coeckelbergh, 2016). The current method will identify the appraising of moral and societal significances of technology, which is not negligible in any term and supplementary work which can be subcontracted to philosophers and social scientists. The addition of such form will be beneficial in term of quality of work as well as the collaboration of technologist, and scientist. As in the case of the human genome project, there was the integration of the same concept also known as ethical, legal and social issues (ELSI), which incorporated the idea of ethics in term of collaboration within the technology from the start of the human genome project(Rip, 2009). Furthermore, there can be the incorporation of the 7th Framework Programmer as in the European Commission, where Robot being autonomous work under the supervision of a therapist in the DREAM research project (Fischinger et al., 2016). The project incorporated ethics within the system, leaving no room for further gaps or issue. The same method can be adopted by the Cigna Company to deal with ethical and legal issues.

The use of responsible research and innovation provides the approach for the integration of not only single internal factors but also the integration of external factors leading to better cooperation between stakeholders, where healthcare workers and industries can work together on issues related to Artificial Intelligence and towards the better solution system (Stilgoe, Owen and Macnaghten, 2013). European Commission initiated a new research program name “Horizon 2020”, which incorporated responsible research and innovation. Responsible research and innovation(RRI) can be defined as a “transparent, interactive process by which societal actors and innovators become mutually responsive to each other with a view on the (ethical) acceptability, sustainability and societal desirability of the innovation process and its marketable products (in order to allow a proper embedding of scientific and technological advances in our society)”(Von Schomberg, 2014). The program is majorly focused on the solution based on the involvement of all domains in order to deal with the ethical issues, also utilizing societal force (Stilgoe, Owen and Macnaghten, 2013). This approach uses issue and concerns from the past and helps them study the present prospects. The basic framework of research and innovation (RRI) is the use of four tools, where the anticipation of the influence, reflection on the determination and motivation behind the technology, engagement with all sector of societies directly or indirectly involved, and act on the flow of the innovation is utilized. The process and product issue can also be raised which can create a problem in the implementation of RRI (Owen et al., 2013).

Furthermore, the four Ps can be incorporated in the idea of RRI, which includes process, product purpose and people. The process includes the identification of all the procedure done while doing the research, the product includes the identification of misuse, purpose includes the reason behind the technology, and lastly, people include the major reason behind the technology (Stahl and Coeckelbergh, 2016).

2.2 Hypothesis Statement

The use and implementation of research and innovation (RRI) can be useful in the Cigna cooperation health care system,

2.3 Research Questions

The use of research and innovation (RRI) is beneficial for the Cigna cooperation health care system or not. If the integration of research and innovation (RRI) has proceeded will be providing the solution for ethical and legal issues.

2.4 Related Works

Related works include the DREAMs initiative by the European Commission, as well as another one, include the ethical, legal and social issues (ELSI) in the human genome project(Rip,

2009)(Iakovidis and Purcarea, 2008).

(CI), C. (2021). Cigna (CI). Forbes,
Arsene, C. (2020). Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: the future is amazing.
Eleanor Bird, J. F.-S. (2014). Panel for the Future of Science and Technology. STOA, V .
M.E, P. (2020). Cigna SWOT Analysis / Matrix.
Sara Gerke, T. M. (2020). Ethical and legal challenges of artificial intelligence-driven healthcare. PMC,
Shah, A. (2019). Cigna Uses AI to Check if Patients Are Taking Their Medications. The Wall Street Journal,
Braecklein, M., Knaup-Gregori, P. and Weigand, C., 2019. How to address regulation in artificial intelligence and deep learning in healthcare: Learning from other areas. Biomedizinische Technik.
Cigna Corporation, 2000. UCLA Study of CIGNA Corporate Lactation Program Proves that Helping Working Moms Breastfeed Is Good Business – Press Releases on CSRWire.
Cigna Corporation, 2021. About Cigna | More than a Health Insurance Company. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Mar. 2021].
Dirican, C., 2015. The Impacts of Robotics, Artificial Intelligence On Business and Economics. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences.
Fischinger, D., Einramhof, P., Papoutsakis, K., Wohlkinger, W., Mayer, P., Panek, P., Hofmann, S., Koertner, T., Weiss, A., Argyros, A. and Vincze, M., 2016. Hobbit, a care robot supporting independent living at home: First prototype and lessons learned. Robotics and Autonomous Systems.
Hinton, G., 2018. Deep learning-a technology with the potential to transform health care. JAMA – Journal of the American Medical Association.
Iakovidis, I. and Purcarea, O., 2008. eHealth in Europe: from Vision to Reality. Studies in health technology and informatics.
Jasso-Aguilar, R., Waitzkin, H. and Landwehr, A., 2004. Multinational corporations and health care in the United States and Latin America: strategies, actions, and effects. Journal of health and social behavior.
Lungarella, M., Iida, F., Bongard, J.C. and Pfeifer, R., 2007. AI in the 21st century – With historical reflections. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics).
Okamura, A.M., Matarić, M.J. and Christensen, H.I., 2010. Medical and health-care robotics. IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine.
Owen, R., Stilgoe, J., Macnaghten, P., Gorman, M., Fisher, E. and Guston, D., 2013. A Framework for Responsible Innovation. In: Responsible Innovation: Managing the Responsible Emergence of Science and Innovation in Society.
Poppe, R., Rienks, R. and van Dijk, B., 2007. Artifical Intelligence for Human Computing. Artifical Intelligence for Human Computing.
Rip, A., 2009. Futures of ELSA. EMBO reports.
Von Schomberg, R., 2014. Towards Responsible Research and Innovation in the Information and Communication Technologies and Security Technologies Fields. SSRN Electronic Journal.
Stahl, B.C. and Coeckelbergh, M., 2016. Ethics of healthcare robotics: Towards responsible research and innovation. Robotics and Autonomous Systems.
Stilgoe, J., Owen, R. and Macnaghten, P., 2013. Developing a framework for responsible innovation. Research Policy.
Tanwar, S., Parekh, K. and Evans, R., 2020. Blockchain-based electronic healthcare record system for healthcare 4.0 applications. Journal of Information Security and Applications.
Wisskirchen, G., Thibault, B., Bormann, B.U., Muntz, A., Niehaus, G., Soler, G.J. and Von Brauchitsch, B., 2017. Artificial Intelligence and Robotics and Their Impact on the Workplace. IBA Global Employment Institute.

Research has little value if there is no experiments to collect the data to help validating a solution to the original problem. The data gathered must be examined and properly analyzed to understand the results. Therefore, one of critical steps in any scientific research is to design and develop a set of suitable experiments.
For this assignment, you will continue working on the project with the focus on the Research Methodology. You will define the relevant concepts and theoretical foundations that you will used in the design of the experiments to collect data in order to answer the research question, along with the requirements and detailed procedures of the experiments. 
The following are the project deliverables:

· Update the Computer Science Problem-Solving Research Project Report document title page with a new date and project name. 

· Update the previously completed sections based on instructor feedback. 

· New Content for Week 3:

· 3.  Research Methodology  

· 3.1 Research Matters 

· Define everything including terminology, testing metrics, assumptions, system set up, or lab environment, etc. that may help the readers to understand the experiments that you are designing in order to collect data to answer the research question.

· 3.2 Experiment Design

· 3.2.1 Experiment Requirements

· Define all the requirements and constraints the experiments must follow. Also explain the rationale of each requirement or constraint.

· 3.2.2 Experiment Procedures

· Define the detailed working procedures of the experiments. Using some graphic presentation such as some of UML Diagrams is highly recommended.

· Be sure to update your table of contents before submission. 

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