Comparing the number of admissions between Med/Surg and Cardiac in MN (or any two procedures)


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The dataset to use to complete this assignment  is “MN Admission” dataset

Assignment #1: Quantitative Analysis 

For this assignment, you should choose one dataset from the list/links below. You should then analyze the dataset you chose using Excel Analysis ToolPak or RStudio (for bonus points)

Six Datasets to select and use for analysis in this class :

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Minnesota Healthcare Database.xlsx

Medicare National Data by County

MN Hospital Report Data by Care Unit FY


MN HCCIS Imaging Procedures 2013

MEPS Dental Files

MEPS Inpatient Stay Database

You should develop an analysis report, in five main sections, including (1) Introduction, (2) Analysis (including research questions/objective, data set used, research method, and analysis steps), (3) Results (tables, graphs, and discussion of results), (4) Conclusion and health policy recommendations. This is a 5-6 page individual project report.

Here are the main steps for this assignment.

Step 1: You submitted a topic you plan to use for this assignment in week 1. If the Professor has approved that topic for you to use then carry on.

Step 2: Develop the research question for that approved topic. Then, select the data set you could use to answer the research question, plan the research method you would use, the tables and graphs you would create using the data you have analyzed, and the analysis steps you would take. Refer to the instructions on the Report Structure below.

Step 3:  Run the analysis using Microsoft EXCEL Analysis ToolPak (or RStudio if that is the software you chose in Week 1) and report the findings based on the instructions below.

The Report Structure:

Start with the

1. Cover page (1 page, including running head).

Please look at the example (you can download the file from the class) and to learn more about the APA style.

Your title page should include:

Title, this is the approved topic by your instructor.

Student name

Class name

Instructor name


2. Introduction

Introduce the problem or topic being investigated. Include relevant background information, for example;  

Indicates why this is an issue or topic worth researching;

Highlight how others have researched this topic or issue (whether quantitatively or qualitatively), and

Specify how others have operationalized this concept and measured these phenomena

Note: Introduction should not be more than one or two paragraphs.

Literature Review

There is no need for a literature review in this assignment

3. Research Question or Research Hypothesis

What is the Research Question or Research Hypothesis?

***Just in time information:

Here are a few points for Research Question or Research Hypothesis

There are basically two kinds of research questions: testable and non-testable. Neither is better than the other, and both have a place in applied research.

Examples of non-testable questions are:

How do managers feel about the reorganization?

What do residents feel are the most important problems facing the community?

Respondents’ answers to these questions could be summarized in descriptive tables and the results might be extremely valuable to administrators and planners. Business and social science researchers often ask non-testable research questions. The shortcoming with these types of questions is that they do not provide objective cut-off points for decision-makers.

In order to overcome this problem, researchers often seek to answer one or more testable research questions. Nearly all testable research questions begin with one of the following two phrases:

Is there a significant difference between …?

Is there a significant relationship between …? 

For example:

Is there a significant relationship between the age of managers? and their attitudes towards the reorganization?

A research hypothesis is a testable statement of opinion. It is created from the research question by replacing the words “Is there” with the words “There is,” and also replacing the question mark with a period. The hypotheses for the two sample research questions would be:

There is a significant relationship between the age of managers

and their attitudes towards the reorganization.

It is not possible to test a hypothesis directly. Instead, you must turn the hypothesis into a null hypothesis. The null hypothesis is created from the hypothesis by adding the words “no” or “not” to the statement. For example, the null hypotheses for the two examples would be:

There is no significant relationship between the age of managers

and their attitudes towards the reorganization.

There is no significant difference between white and minority residents

with respect to what they feel are the most important problems facing the community.

All statistical testing is done on the null hypothesis…never the hypothesis. The result of a statistical test will enable you to either:

1) reject the null hypothesis, or

2) fail to reject the null hypothesis. Never use the words “accept the null hypothesis.” 



: StatPac for Windows Tutorial. (2017). User’s Guide; Formulating Hypotheses from Research Questions. Retrieved May 17, 2019 from

What does significance really mean?

“Significance is a statistical term that tells how sure you are that a difference or relationship exists.  To say that a significant difference or relationship exists only tells half the story.  We might be very sure that a relationship exists, but is it a strong, moderate, or weak relationship?  After finding a significant relationship, it is important to evaluate its strength.  Significant relationships can be strong or weak.  Significant differences can be large or small.  It just depends on your sample size.

To determine whether the observed difference is statistically significant, we look at two outputs of our statistical test:


: The primary output of statistical tests is the p-value (probability value). It indicates the probability of observing the difference if no difference exists.

The p-value from above example, 0.9926, indicates that we DO NOT expect to see a meaningless (random) difference of 5% or more in ‘hospital beds’ only about 993 times in 1000 there is no difference (0.9926*1000=992.6 ~ 993).

Note: This is an example from the week1 exercise.

The p-value from above example, 0.0001, indicates that we’d expect to see a meaningless (random) ‘number of the employees on payer’ difference of 5% or more only about 0.1 times in 1000 (0.0001 * 1000=0.1). 

CI around Difference: A confidence interval around a difference that does not cross zero also indicates statistical significance. The graph below shows the 95% confidence interval around the difference between hospital beds in 2011 and 2012 (CI: [-40.82 ; 40.44]):

CI around Difference: A confidence interval around a difference that does not cross zero also indicates statistical significance. The graph below shows the 95% confidence interval around the difference between hospital beds in 2011 and 2012 (CI: [-382.16 ; 125.53]): 

The boundaries of this confidence interval around the difference also provide a way to see what the upper [40.44] and lower bounds [-40.82].

As a summary:

“Statistically significant means a result is unlikely due to chance.

The p-value is the probability of obtaining the difference we saw from a sample (or a larger one) if there really isn’t a difference for all users.

Statistical significance doesn’t mean practical significance. Only by considering context can we determine whether a difference is practically significant; that is, whether it requires action.

The confidence interval around the difference also indicates statistical significance if the interval does not cross zero. It also provides likely boundaries for any improvement to aide in determining if a difference really is noteworthy.

With large sample sizes, you’re virtually certain to see statistically significant results, in such situations, it’s important to interpret the size of the difference”(“Measuring U”, 2019).


Measuring U. (2019). Statistically significant. Retrieved May 17, 2019 from:

Small sample sizes often do not yield statistical significance; when they do, the differences themselves tend also to be practically significant; that is, meaningful enough to warrant action.

4. Research Method

Discuss the Research Methodology (in general). Describe the variable or variables that are being analyzed. Identify the statistical test you will select to analyze these data and explain why you chose this test.  Summarize your statistical alternative hypothesis. This section includes the following sub-sections:

a) Describe the Dataset


 The primary source of data will be HOSPITAL COMPARE MEDICARE DATA (citation). This dataset provides information on hospital characteristics, such as: Number of staffed beds, ownership, system membership, staffing by nurses and non-clinical staff, teaching status, percentage of discharge for Medicare and Medicaid patients, and information regarding the availability of specialty and high-tech services, as well as Electronic Medical Record (EMR) use (Describe dataset in 2-3 lines, Google the dataset and find the related website to find more information about the data).

Also, describe the sample size; for example, “The writer is using Medicare data-2013, this data includes 3000 obs. for all of the hospitals in the US.”

b) Describe



Next, review the database you selected and select a variable or variables that are a “best-fit.”  That is, choose a variable that quantitatively measures the concept or concepts articulated in your research question or hypothesis. 

Return to your previously stated Research Question or Hypothesis and evaluate it considering the variables you have selected. (See the sample Table 1).

Table 1. List of variables used for the analysis




of data code



Total Hospital Beds

Total facility beds set up and staffed at the end of the reporting period


MN Data




              Source: UMGC, 2019

***Just in time information:

To cite a dataset, you can go with two approaches:

First, look at the note in the dataset for example;

Medicare National Data by County. (2012). Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care

Second, use the online citation, for example:

Zare, H., (2019, May). MN Hospital Report Data. Data posted in University of Maryland University College HMGT 400 online classroom, archived at

See two examples describing the variables from Minnesota Data:

Table 2. Definition of variables used in the analysis


of code



Total facility beds set up and staffed at the end of the reporting period

MN data





MN data
              Source: UMGC, 2019

c) Describe the Research Method for Analysis

First, describe the research method as general (e.g., this is a quantitative method and then explain this method in about one paragraph. If you have this part in the introduction, you do not need to add it here).

Then, explain the statistical method you plan to use for your analysis (Refer to content in week 3 on Biostatistics for information on various statistical methods you can choose from).


Hypothesis:  AZ hospitals are more likely to have lower readmission rates for PN compared to CA.

Research Method:  To determine whether Arizona hospitals are more likely to have lower readmission rate than California, we will use a t-test, to determine whether differences across hospital types are statistically significant (You can change the test depends on your analysis).

d) Describe statistical package

Add one paragraph for the statistical package, e.g., Excel or RStudio.

5. Results

Discuss your findings considering the following tips:

▪ Why you needed to see the distribution of data before any analysis (e.g., check for outliers, finding the best fit-test; for example, if the data had not a normal distribution, you can’t use the parametric test, etc., so just add 1 or 2 sentences).

▪ Did you eliminate outliers? (Please write 1 or 2 sentences, if applicable).

▪ How many observations do you have in your database and how many for selected variables, report % of missing.

▪ When you are finished with this, go for the next steps:

Present the results of your statistical analysis; include any relevant statistical information (summary tables, including N, mean, std. dev.). Make sure to completely and correctly name all your columns and rows, tables, and variables. For this part you could have at least 1-2 tables and 1-2 figures (depending on your variables bar-chart, pi-chart, or scatter-plot), you can use a table like this:

Table 3. Descriptive analysis to compare % of BL in Medicare beneficiary, MD vs. VA- 2013





Per of Lipid in MD





Per of Lipid in VA




              Source: UMGC, 2019

When you have tables and plots ready, think about your finding and state the statistical conclusion.  That is, do the results present evidence in favor or the null hypothesis or evidence that contradicts the null hypothesis?

6. Conclusion and Discussion

Review your research questions or hypothesis. 

How has your analysis informed this question or hypothesis?  Present your conclusion(s) from the results (presented above) and discuss the meaning of this conclusion(s) considering the research question or hypothesis presented in your introduction.   

At the end of this section, add one or two sentences and discuss the limitations (including biases) associated with this analysis and any other statements you think are important in understanding the results of this analysis. 


Include a reference page listing the bibliographic information for all sources cited in this report. This information should be consistent with the requirements specified in the American Psychological Association (APA) format and style guide.


#1: Quantitative Analysis

For this assignment, you should choose one dataset from the list/links below. You should then analyze the dataset you chose using Excel Analysis ToolPak or RStudio (for bonus points)

Six Datasets to select and use for analysis in this class :

Minnesota Healthcare Database.xlsx

Medicare National Data by County

MN Hospital Report Data by Care Unit



MN HCCIS Imaging Procedures 2013

MEPS Dental Files

MEPS Inpatient Stay Database

You should develop an analysis report, in five main sections, including (1) Introduction, (2) Analysis (including research questions/objective, data set used, research method, and analysis steps), (3) Results (tables, graphs, and discussion of results), (4) Conclusion and health policy recommendations. This is a 5-6 page individual project report.

Here are the main steps for this assignment.

Step 1: You submitted a topic you plan to use for this assignment in week 1. If the Professor has approved that topic for you to use then carry on.

Step 2: Develop the research question for that approved topic. Then, select the data set you could use to answer the research question, plan the research method you would use, the tables and graphs you would create using the data you have analyzed, and the analysis steps you would take. Refer to the instructions on the Report Structure below.

Step 3: Run the analysis using Microsoft EXCEL Analysis ToolPak (or RStudio if that is the software you chose in Week 1) and report the findings based on the instructions below.

The Report Structure:

Start with the

1. Cover page (1 page, including running head).

Please look at the example (you can download the file from the class) and to learn more about the APA style.

Your title page should include:

Title, this is the approved topic by your instructor.

Student name

Class name

Instructor name


2. Introduction

Introduce the problem or topic being investigated. Include relevant background information, for example;

Indicates why this is an issue or topic worth researching;

Highlight how others have researched this topic or issue (whether quantitatively or qualitatively), and

Specify how others have operationalized this concept and measured these phenomena

Note: Introduction should not be more than one or two paragraphs.

Literature Review

There is no need for a literature review in this assignment

3. Research Question or Research Hypothesis

What is the Research Question or Research Hypothesis?

***Just in time information: Here are a few points for Research Question or Research Hypothesis

There are basically two kinds of research questions: testable and non-testable. Neither is better than the other, and both have a place in applied research.

Examples of non-testable questions are:

How do managers feel about the reorganization?

What do residents feel are the most important problems facing the community?

Respondents’ answers to these questions could be summarized in descriptive tables and the results might be extremely valuable to administrators and planners. Business and social science researchers often ask non-testable research questions. The shortcoming with these types of questions is that they do not provide objective cut-off points for decision-makers.

In order to overcome this problem, researchers often seek to answer one or more testable research questions. Nearly all testable research questions begin with one of the following two phrases:

Is there a significant difference between …?

Is there a significant relationship between …?

For example:

Is there a significant relationship between the age of managers? and their attitudes towards the reorganization?

A research hypothesis is a testable statement of opinion. It is created from the research question by replacing the words “Is there” with the words “There is,” and also replacing the question mark with a period. The hypotheses for the two sample research questions would be:

There is a significant relationship between the age of managers

and their attitudes towards the reorganization.

It is not possible to test a hypothesis directly. Instead, you must turn the hypothesis into a null hypothesis. The null hypothesis is created from the hypothesis by adding the words “no” or “not” to the statement. For example, the null hypotheses for the two examples would be:

There is no significant relationship between the age of managers

and their attitudes towards the reorganization.

There is no significant difference between white and minority residents

with respect to what they feel are the most important problems facing the community.

All statistical testing is done on the null hypothesis…never the hypothesis. The result of a statistical test will enable you to either:

1) reject the null hypothesis, or

2) fail to reject the null hypothesis. Never use the words “accept the null hypothesis.”

*Source: StatPac for Windows Tutorial. (2017). User’s Guide; Formulating Hypotheses from Research Questions. Retrieved May 17, 2019 from

What does significance really mean?

“Significance is a statistical term that tells how sure you are that a difference or relationship exists. To say that a significant difference or relationship exists only tells half the story. We might be very sure that a relationship exists, but is it a strong, moderate, or weak relationship? After finding a significant relationship, it is important to evaluate its strength. Significant relationships can be strong or weak. Significant differences can be large or small. It just depends on your sample size.

To determine whether the observed difference is statistically significant, we look at two outputs of our statistical test:

P-value: The primary output of statistical tests is the p-value (probability value). It indicates the probability of observing the difference if no difference exists.

Example of Welch Two Sample T-test from Exercise 1

The p-value from above example, 0.9926, indicates that we DO NOT expect to see a meaningless (random) difference of 5% or more in ‘hospital beds’ only about 993 times in 1000 there is no difference (0.9926*1000=992.6 ~ 993).

Note: This is an example from the week1 exercise.

An example from Exercise 1

The p-value from above example, 0.0001, indicates that we’d expect to see a meaningless (random) ‘number of the employees on payer’ difference of 5% or more only about 0.1 times in 1000 (0.0001 * 1000=0.1).

CI around Difference: A confidence interval around a difference that does not cross zero also indicates statistical significance. The graph below shows the 95% confidence interval around the difference between hospital beds in 2011 and 2012 (CI: [-40.82 ; 40.44]):

Confidence Interval Example

CI around Difference: A confidence interval around a difference that does not cross zero also indicates statistical significance. The graph below shows the 95% confidence interval around the difference between hospital beds in 2011 and 2012 (CI: [-382.16 ; 125.53]):

Confidence Interval Example

The boundaries of this confidence interval around the difference also provide a way to see what the upper [40.44] and lower bounds [-40.82].

As a summary:

“Statistically significant means a result is unlikely due to chance.

The p-value is the probability of obtaining the difference we saw from a sample (or a larger one) if there really isn’t a difference for all users.

Statistical significance doesn’t mean practical significance. Only by considering context can we determine whether a difference is practically significant; that is, whether it requires action.

The confidence interval around the difference also indicates statistical significance if the interval does not cross zero. It also provides likely boundaries for any improvement to aide in determining if a difference really is noteworthy.

With large sample sizes, you’re virtually certain to see statistically significant results, in such situations, it’s important to interpret the size of the difference”(“Measuring U”, 2019).


Measuring U. (2019). Statistically significant. Retrieved May 17, 2019 from:

Small sample sizes often do not yield statistical significance; when they do, the differences themselves tend also to be practically significant; that is, meaningful enough to warrant action.

4. Research Method

Discuss the Research Methodology (in general). Describe the variable or variables that are being analyzed. Identify the statistical test you will select to analyze these data and explain why you chose this test. Summarize your statistical alternative hypothesis. This section includes the following sub-sections:

a) Describe the Dataset

Example: The primary source of data will be HOSPITAL COMPARE MEDICARE DATA (citation). This dataset provides information on hospital characteristics, such as: Number of staffed beds, ownership, system membership, staffing by nurses and non-clinical staff, teaching status, percentage of discharge for Medicare and Medicaid patients, and information regarding the availability of specialty and high-tech services, as well as Electronic Medical Record (EMR) use (Describe dataset in 2-3 lines, Google the dataset and find the related website to find more information about the data).

Also, describe the sample size; for example, “The writer is using Medicare data-2013, this data includes 3000 obs. for all of the hospitals in the US.”

b) Describe Variables

Next, review the database you selected and select a variable or variables that are a “best-fit.” That is, choose a variable that quantitatively measures the concept or concepts articulated in your research question or hypothesis.

Return to your previously stated Research Question or Hypothesis and evaluate it considering the variables you have selected. (See the sample Table 1).

Table 1. List of variables used for the analysis

Table 1. List of variables used for the analysis



Description of data code



Total Hospital Beds

Total facility beds set up and staffed at the end of the reporting period


MN Data




Source: UMGC, 2019

***Just in time information:

To cite a dataset, you can go with two approaches:

First, look at the note in the dataset for example;

Medicare National Data by County. (2012). Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care

Second, use the online citation, for example:

Zare, H., (2019, May). MN Hospital Report Data. Data posted in University of Maryland University College HMGT 400 online classroom, archived at

See two examples describing the variables from Minnesota Data:

Table 2. Definition of variables used in the analysis





Total facility beds set up and staffed at the end of the reporting period



MN data



of code


MN data




Source: UMGC, 2019

c) Describe the Research Method for Analysis

First, describe the research method as general (e.g., this is a quantitative method and then explain this method in about one paragraph. If you have this part in the introduction, you do not need to add it here).

Then, explain the statistical method you plan to use for your analysis (Refer to content in week 3 on Biostatistics for information on various statistical methods you can choose from).


Hypothesis: AZ hospitals are more likely to have lower readmission rates for PN compared to CA.

Research Method: To determine whether Arizona hospitals are more likely to have lower readmission rate than California, we will use a t-test, to determine whether differences across hospital types are statistically significant (You can change the test depends on your analysis).

d) Describe statistical package

Add one paragraph for the statistical package, e.g., Excel or RStudio.

5. Results

Discuss your findings considering the following tips:

▪ Why you needed to see the distribution of data before any analysis (e.g., check for outliers, finding the best fit-test; for example, if the data had not a normal distribution, you can’t use the parametric test, etc., so just add 1 or 2 sentences).

▪ Did you eliminate outliers? (Please write 1 or 2 sentences, if applicable).

▪ How many observations do you have in your database and how many for selected variables, report % of missing.

▪ When you are finished with this, go for the next steps:

Present the results of your statistical analysis; include any relevant statistical information (summary tables, including N, mean, std. dev.). Make sure to completely and correctly name all your columns and rows, tables, and variables. For this part you could have at least 1-2 tables and 1-2 figures (depending on your variables bar-chart, pi-chart, or scatter-plot), you can use a table like this:

Table 3. Descriptive analysis to compare % of BL in Medicare beneficiary, MD vs. VA- 2013






Per of Lipid in MD





Per of Lipid in VA




Source: UMGC, 2019

When you have tables and plots ready, think about your finding and state the statistical conclusion. That is, do the results present evidence in favor or the null hypothesis or evidence that contradicts the null hypothesis?

6. Conclusion and Discussion

Review your research questions or hypothesis.

How has your analysis informed this question or hypothesis? Present your conclusion(s) from the results (presented above) and discuss the meaning of this conclusion(s) considering the research question or hypothesis presented in your introduction.

At the end of this section, add one or two sentences and discuss the limitations (including biases) associated with this analysis and any other statements you think are important in understanding the results of this analysis.


Include a reference page listing the bibliographic information for all sources cited in this report. This information should be consistent with the requirements specified in the American Psychological Association (APA) format and style guide.


>Admissions by Care Unit



n-Acute Care




























Healthcare Center, Inc.



20 1 20

8 1 4 23


20 4 24




















0 14 33 6 3 2 6

75 20 20 95



Yes 25 6 25


12 6 24 14


32 95


Area Hospital and Medical Center


6/30/12 Yes 17 2 17 80 16 6 1 28 5

45 42 9


Municipal Hospital and Nursing Home

No Affiliation Appleton

9/30/12 Yes 15 1 15 42 12 6 1 9 13 83 30

52 7 59


Medical Center

No Affiliation

Sibley 9/30/12 Yes 20 0 14 82 5 5 1 6 13 13

32 8 40






0 1,



Allina Hospitals and Clinics Buffalo

12/31/12 No 65 18 44

22 78 176





Medical Center

Allina Hospitals and Clinics Cambridge

12/31/12 No 86 15 86



Medical Center


6/30/12 Yes 25 4 25

13 1 12 4 15 23 24




Health System –

Mayo Clinic Cannon Falls

12/31/12 Yes 21 4 21

44 1 3 15 56 40






No Affiliation Montevideo Chippewa 12/31/12 Yes 30 6 25

7 6 43 22


113 105 15


Medical Center

Sanford Health Bagley

6/30/12 Yes 25 4 25

59 4 3 17 15 5 32

23 23


Sanford Health Luverne

6/30/12 Yes 28 5 25 144 37 7 2 12 14 62 7 43 34

113 89


No Affiliation

12/31/12 Yes 17 0 17

45 2 20 1 16 100 24

118 13


Memorial Hospital Association

No Affiliation Cloquet

9/30/12 Yes 36 6 25 377

8 2 24 2 69 101 85


61 42


HealthCare Center

No Affiliation Deer River

8/31/12 Yes 20 6 20

78 4 14 12

42 33 32

87 32 4 123


Health Services

No Affiliation Winona Winona 9/30/12 No

14 50


89 43


Health System

No Affiliation

Mille Lacs 9/30/12 Yes 28 3 28 320 61 3 7 24 8 49 40 88


52 71 3 126


Hospital & C&NC

No Affiliation Cook

12/31/12 Yes 14 2 14

82 2 36 27 54 48

294 52 52


No Affiliation

Cook 12/31/12 Yes 16 2 16 83 17 2 2 5 5 8 18

14 154 9



No Affiliation

Yes 42 7 25

71 3 6 11 10 60 46 31



County Hospital

No Affiliation

Douglas 12/31/12 No 127 14 91

25 13




Medical Center

Sanford Health Westbrook

6/30/12 Yes 8 0 8 18 6 2 3 29 45 74 16 16 90


-Bloomenson Community Hospital & Nursing Home

No Affiliation Ely St. Louis 9/30/12 Yes 25 3 22

36 8 5 17 3 25 31 9 38


30 86 4 120


Mayo Clinic Fairmont

12/31/12 No 57 16 56

340 6 3 66 35 302


68 35


12/31/12 No 54 10 40

13 7 67 96



Fairview Health Services

12/31/12 No


60 23



Fairview Health Services

Hennepin 12/31/12 No

45 305




Medical Center

12/31/12 Yes 49 11 25

80 7 2 23 13 85 23 37


57 50


Essentia Community Hospitals and Clinics (ECHC)

6/30/12 Yes 43 7 22 70 33 8 12 35 20 16

72 146 218


No Affiliation St. Paul Ramsey 12/31/12 No 60 0 60

7 1 33


96 158



No Affiliation

9/30/12 Yes 34 4 19

93 5 2 30 1 48 24 47




Regional Health Services


12/31/12 Yes 49 8 25

100 7 3 38 45

91 99


75 1


Municipal Hospital & Manor

No Affiliation Granite Falls Yellow Medicine 12/31/12 Yes 30 3 25

63 2 3 33 5 43 35 54

38 123 8


No Affiliation

12/31/12 Yes 20 2 20 125 49 5 3 14 14 19 229

165 29 29 194



Allina Hospitals and Clinics Owatonna

12/31/12 No 43 16 43






Community Hospital Association

No Affiliation Hendricks Lincoln 6/30/12 Yes 24 0 19 28 17 5 8 13 12 9 92 18

51 11 62 172


No Affiliation Minneapolis Hennepin 12/31/12 No






Essentia Community Hospitals and Clinics (ECHC)

6/30/12 Yes 15 0 15 34 8 2 2 2 48 25 73 20 20 93


Area Health Care

Allina Hospitals and Clinics Hutchinson Mcleod 12/31/12 No 66 6 57

199 27

63 99





Mayo Clinic Mankato

12/31/12 No





No Affiliation

Itasca 12/31/12 No 64 10 64 496 150 10 2 66 48 183 74 42 131



Medical Center

Sanford Health Jackson Jackson 6/30/12 Yes 20 0 14 56 11 12 5 7 11 102 10 112 28 28 140


No Affiliation

9/30/12 Yes 20 4 20 112 25 7 7 17 31 199 3 202 10 80 5 95


No Affiliation

12/31/12 Yes 49 8 25 558 105 10 7 51 30



125 23 17 165


Memorial Healthcare Center

No Affiliation

Kittson 9/30/12 Yes 15 0 15 45 8 2 9 9 73 84

18 18


Mayo Clinic Lake City Goodhue 12/31/12 Yes 18 5 18

35 1 1 10 5 61 48 23

71 97 64


No Affiliation

9/30/12 No

10 108

278 22 260 97 39 259 248 130




Lake 12/31/12 Yes 25 1 17

30 14 19 9 2 10

76 7 83


12/31/12 No 97 15 68

117 20 3 68 89



CentraCare Health System Long Prairie

6/30/12 Yes 34 10 25 108 9 1 1 3 14 67 21 20


94 56 21


Community Hospital

No Affiliation Madelia

Yes 25 7 25 52 22 7 7 15 3 7 113 -8 105 7 67 74



No Affiliation Madison Lac Qui Parle 9/30/12 Yes 12 2 12 142 56 1 8 12 9 9 25 262

219 5 71 5 81


Health Center

Sanford Health Mahnomen Mahnomen 12/31/12 Yes 18 0 10 54 13 1 2 2 1 11 84 34 118 31 11 42 160


Memorial Hospital

No Affiliation

Meeker 12/31/12 Yes 35 4 35 338

14 45 160 19 157 57 96


131 51 1 183


Area Hospital – CentraCare

CentraCare Health System Melrose Stearns 6/30/12 Yes 28 6 25 114 32 2 13 2 41 10 27 241 227

90 89 3


No Affiliation

Carlton 9/30/12 Yes 31 7 25 329 61 4 3 33 19 99 95 17


122 87

84 Mercy Hospital Allina Hospitals and Clinics

12/31/12 No 271 38





Fairview Health Services

St. Louis 12/31/12 No 175 16 81


152 93 380


336 336


Park Nicollet Health Services

Hennepin 12/31/12 No

50 365

185 96




Essentia Community Hospitals and Clinics (ECHC) Duluth St. Louis 6/30/12 No 165 0

47 22

15 11 18 106



of Minnesota

Children’s Hospitals and Clinics Minneapolis Hennepin 12/31/12 No 279 171 279

433 5 69

793 4



Essentia Community Hospitals and Clinics (ECHC)

Le Sueur 6/30/12 Yes 24 0 14 21 7 1 2 6 6 43 26 69 47 3 50


No Affiliation

Wright 9/30/12 Yes 39 12 35

86 11 7 33 142 437 89 85 99

192 32


Area Hospital

No Affiliation

Redwood 12/31/12 Yes 25 6 25 231 81 11 3 23 19 95 10 7 59 539 -40

84 58 142


County Memorial Hospital

Sanford Health

Murray 12/31/12 Yes 25 2 25 179 56 1 5 13 54 12 41

77 77


Mayo Clinic Albert Lea

12/31/12 No 77 12 67

23 16 78 94




Medical Center

Sanford Health Bemidji

6/30/12 No 118 12 118

359 22 61 234 287


349 4,157



Hennepin 12/31/12 No


222 1,197




Valley Hospital

No Affiliation Bigfork Itasca 12/31/12 Yes 20 4 20

38 3 1 12 117 4 23


48 7 55


Hospital & Clinics

No Affiliation Northfield Dakota 12/31/12 No 37 12 37 750 204 5 7 45 113 506

1 224

511 21


Sanford Health Thief River Falls

6/30/12 Yes 99 10 35

75 7

25 39 161 54 60

293 293


Medical Center

No Affiliation

Olmsted 12/31/12 No 61 16 37 684 110 10 4 21




Area Health Services

Sanford Health Ortonville Big Stone 9/30/12 Yes 25 4 25 164 59 1 27 3 48 16 45

337 73 73 146


Area Health Care System

Paynesville Stearns 9/30/12 Yes 30 6 30 141 26 1 3 15 7 69 39 33

77 411 78 62 1 141 552



Sanford Health Perham Otter Tail 9/30/12 Yes 25 3 25 227 88 2 3 27 4 67 16 1 59

125 37 1


County Medical Center

Avera Health Pipestone Pipestone 6/30/12 Yes 44 12 44 194 41 4 2 19 6 75 84 37


66 54 120


Mayo Clinic New Prague

12/31/12 Yes 49 6 25 232 62 6 2 27 15 100 64 1 51

157 105 11 273


No Affiliation

Dakota 9/30/12 No 57 12 39

117 42 8 35 57 259 212 15 143




County Hospital

No Affiliation

Renville 12/31/12 Yes 35 6 25 233 120 5 5 30 3 19 28 9 52

338 32 88 5 125


No Affiliation

12/31/12 No 99 16 42 748 180 11 11 58 107

207 144

360 360 2,203


No Affiliation

12/31/12 No

20 85

311 36 261 131


765 4,228


No Affiliation

Polk 9/30/12 Yes 49 10 25

86 1 5 24 10 110 135 1 104


120 63 183


Mayo Clinic Rochester Olmsted 12/31/12 No

55 311

166 5 6 102 893



No Affiliation

Roseau 9/30/12 Yes 25 7 25 240 66 2 22 24

15 4 43


71 16 257


Medical Center

Essentia Community Hospitals and Clinics (ECHC)

Pine 6/30/12 Yes 30 5 25 135 74 9 10 20 13 6 32

255 50 50 305


Medical Center

Allina Hospitals and Clinics New Ulm

12/31/12 Yes 62 14 35 765 234 51

72 76 290 190 142


320 320


Medical Center

No Affiliation Sleepy Eye Brown 12/31/12 Yes 25 4 16 220 58 2 3 14 5 22 25 73

333 21 49 2 72 405


Mayo Clinic Springfield Brown 12/31/12 Yes 24 6 24 278 84 1 6 46 7 38 25 87

152 50 4 54



CentraCare Health System St. Cloud Stearns 6/30/12 No

40 465





Wabasha 9/30/12 Yes 31 4 23

33 2 7 7 51 47 8 28 328 54

71 78 13


Catholic Health Initiatives

6/30/12 Yes 25 8 25 279 87 8 6 39 13 89 22 35 34





Scott 12/31/12 No 93 16 86

67 34 217

762 590



Catholic Health Initiatives


6/30/12 Yes 49 10 25 229 51 5 2 15 29 93 139 53

170 22 8 200


Mayo Clinic Red Wing Goodhue 12/31/12 No 50 7 50

202 4 3 61 119


271 271


Catholic Health Initiatives

6/30/12 Yes 50 10 25 532 74 5 2 25 1 60 23 36

5 133


HealthEast Care System St. Paul Ramsey 8/31/12 No 401 40 234





Essentia Community Hospitals and Clinics (ECHC)

Crow Wing 6/30/12 No 162 15 162

452 105 324 162 64

467 356


143 St. Luke’s Hospital

Duluth St. Louis 12/31/12 No

18 267


539 277




Mayo Clinic Rochester Olmsted 12/31/12 No

26 879

283 73


Essentia Community Hospitals and Clinics (ECHC)

6/30/12 No 87 16 41

111 3 3 35 36 272


523 523


Essentia Community Hospitals and Clinics (ECHC) Duluth St. Louis 6/30/12 No 380 46 316

56 27



1,295 1,295

No Affiliation

Stearns 12/31/12 Yes 28 8 20 267 46 4 4 28 17 115 12 34

433 74 35 1 110


Mayo Clinic Austin

12/31/12 No 82 10 81

279 86 375 92 77 458 333 26 235


402 5


HealthPartners, Inc. St. Paul Ramsey 12/31/12 No 454 26






Community Medical Center

No Affiliation Morris Stevens 12/31/12 Yes 54 5 25 1,074 1,074 0 1,074 91 91


Rice Memorial Hospital Benson Swift 12/31/12 Yes 31 4 18

47 4 6 15 51 44

-89 255 55 3 58 313

Medical Center

Sanford Health Tracy

6/30/12 Yes 25 0 25 59 4 1 7 9 3 19 102 80 182 16 16


No Affiliation

Wadena 12/31/12 Yes 49 6 25

6 8 62 30 168 102 5 149


161 45 206 1,285


Catholic Health Initiatives

6/30/12 Yes 15 3 15 59 20 1 9 5 19 9 122 64 186 35 12 47 233


No Affiliation

Wadena 12/31/12 Yes 37 8 35

121 9 82 160 81 410 60 1 135


65 508



No Affiliation Blue Earth Faribault 12/31/12 Yes 43 4 25 222 62 1 4 21 12 51 95 130 45


54 144 11 209 780

163 United Hospital Allina Hospitals and Clinics St. Paul Ramsey 12/31/12 No

40 432






Allina Hospitals and Clinics

Anoka 12/31/12 No 275 36





Regional Medical Center

No Affiliation Virginia St. Louis 12/31/12 No 83 6 64

186 33 9 72 25 247 164 227 183 1,975



No Affiliation

12/31/12 No 109 20 96

641 35 45 161 355





No Affiliation

12/31/12 Yes 20 0 20 66 37 1 2 6 17 129 69 198 13 2 15 213


Mayo Clinic Waseca Waseca 12/31/12 Yes 35 0 19 122 39 3 6 3 11 23 207

155 333


Mayo Clinic St. James Watonwan 12/31/12 Yes 25 6 13 111 28 13 10 27

133 82 82 215


Avera Health Marshall Lyon 6/30/12 Yes 49 8 35 274 44 5 189 16 64 235 117 29 55


97 41 584 2,366


Sanford Health Wheaton

6/30/12 Yes 25 4 15 28 7 3 1 2 41 28 69 37 37 106


Essentia Community Hospitals and Clinics (ECHC)

St. Louis 6/30/12 Yes 16 4 16 40 11 1 2 6 5 8 73 103 176 60 4 64 240


Area Hospital

Sanford Health Windom Cottonwood

Yes 35 6 25 62 27 1 7 5 43 4 12 161 239

128 52 7 187 587


Medical Center

Sanford Health Worthington

6/30/12 No 48 7 30

91 2 74 21 57

40 28 49




HealthEast Care System

Ramsey 8/31/12 No 184 44 184

67 45



Hennepin 12/31/12 No 92 0 92 663 663 0 663 663


Allina Hospitals and Clinics Minneapolis Hennepin 12/31/12 No 20 0 8 20 2 297 319

138 138


Fairview Health Services Minneapolis Hennepin 12/31/12 No





Fairview Health Services

12/31/12 No 61 12 52

407 23 23 147 185


693 693 4,228


HealthEast Care System

Washington 8/31/12 No 86 20 86

394 23 20 162 190




Maple Grove Hennepin

No 90 17 84 921 149 13 3 74




Anoka Anoka 6/30/12 No 175 0 175

425 425 425


Shriners Hospitals for Children Minneapolis Hennepin 12/31/12 No 40 0 40 278 278 278 278


Minneapolis Hennepin 9/30/12 No 305 0 305

512 9 312 102 196


832 832


U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs St. Cloud Stearns 9/30/12 No 35 0 15 612 612 612 612


Dept of Human Services, State of MN Alexandria Douglas 6/30/12 No 16 0 16 203 203 203 203


Dept of Human Services, State of MN Annandale Wright 6/30/12 No 16 0 16 186 186 186 186


Dept of Human Services, State of MN Fergus Falls Otter Tail 6/30/12 No 16 0 16 201 201 201 201


Dept of Human Services, State of MN Rochester Olmsted 6/30/12 No 16 0 16 158 158 158 158


Dept of Human Services, State of MN St. Peter Nicollet 6/30/12 No 16 0 16 184 184 184 184


Dept of Human Services, State of MN Baxter Crow Wing 6/30/12 No 16 0 16 174 174 174 174


Dept of Human Services, State of MN Bemidji Beltrami 6/30/12 No 16 0 16 238 238 238 238


No Affiliation Maple Grove Hennepin 12/31/12 No 20 0 20

534 534 534


Minnesota Hospitals Admissions by Care Unit of the Hospital, Fiscal Year


0 1
Data current as of 2-

6 20 4 Acute Care No Total
HCCIS ID Hospital Name Affiliation City County Report Year End Date CAH Licensed Beds Licensed Bassinets Available Beds Med/Surg Admissions Cardiac Admissions Chemical Dependency Admissions Mental Health (Psychiatric) Admissions Neurology Admissions Neonatal (exclude routine nursery) Admissions Obstetrics Admissions Orthopedic Admissions Rehabilitation Admissions Other Acute Care Specialty Admissions Total Billing Acute Care Admissions balancing account (discharge data to amt provided by hospital in 4

3 Total Acute Care Admissions (ties to 4

32 Routine Nursery Admissions (Births) Swing Bed Admissions (ties to

43 24 Subacute/
Transitional Care Admissions (ties to

432 7 Other Non-Acute Care Admissions Total Non-Acute and Nursery Care Admissions Total Acute and Non-Acute Care Hospital Admissions (4

320 71 8

5 (#

45 31 (#

70 82 (#

76 9 (#

72 68 (# 4

30 (#

430 (# 7

27 (# 43

44 (#

75 23 (# 7

271 (# 4309) (# 7

17 (#

80 (# 8032) (# 8071) (# 4

33 (# 71

77 (# 71

78 (# 7


79 (# 7

18 (# 7

Tyler Avera Health Lincoln 2/

29 12 Yes 10 87 11 13
Abbott Northwestern Hospital Allina Hospitals and Clinics Minneapolis Hennepin 12/31/12 95 36 64 8,

90 7,018 19 3,

22 2,

433 2,023 4,5

16 6,

85 701 3,

780 39 65 -1,

52 38 130 4,

26 42 3

Essentia Health

Ada Essentia Community Hospitals and Clinics (ECHC) Norman 6/30/12 14 50 25
Riverwood HealthCare Center No Affiliation Aitkin 9/30/12 40 1

35 62 28 83 8

59 231 1,090 63 1,

Albany Catholic Health Initiatives Stearns 15 1

51 86 2

37 96 333
Appleton Swift 113 172
Sibley Arlington 125 -24 101 1

Bethesda LTACH HealthEast Care System St. Paul Ramsey 8/31/12 2

54 126 165 1

61 89 1,

21 218 1,218
Buffalo Wright 1,0

93 315 34 56 328 276 2,


120 2,

762 893 3,6

Cambridge Isanti 1,386 337 417 5

58 141 144 541 2

67 336 4,


340 3,787 459 4,2


Canby Sanford Health Yellow Medicine 121 213 302 105 142 444
Mayo Clinic Cannon Falls Goodhue 146 305 342 123 465
Chippewa Montevideo 377 118 98 100 8

48 -55 793 233 1,026

Bagley Clearwater 134 2

69 -72 1

97 220
Sanford Hospital

Luverne Rock 362 154 516 202 718
River’s Edge Hospital & Clinic St. Peter Nicollet 1

57 365

116 2

49 131 380
Cloquet Carlton 60 728 948 103 1,051
Deer River Itasca 252 91 558 -103 455 578
Winona 99 944 294 237 269 117 183 2,

227 556 2,783 3

47 347 3,130
Mille Lacs Onamia 600 869 995
Cook St. Louis 1

74 423

129 346
Cook County North Shore Hospital Grand Marais 140 66 229
Cuyuna Regional Medical Center Crosby Crow Wing 3/31/12 199 437 1,676 2,113 278 2,

Douglas Alexandria 1,

496 257 124 644 1,033 458 4,

270 -528 3,

742 590 4,


Westbrook Cottonwood
Ely 158 330 349 469
Mayo Clinic Health System –

Fairmont Martin 9

73 242 219 2,


212 1,975 235 338 2,

Fairview Northland Regional Hospital Fairview Health Services Princeton Sherburne 823 247 551 248 186 2,

238 -383 1,855 524 2,379
Fairview Ridges Hospital Burnsville Dakota 150 143 4,030 862 308 486 2,737 1,

663 1,

102 11,271 454 11,725 2,

360 14,085
Fairview Southdale Hospital Edina 390 5,

352 2,

750 112 872 1,041 53 3,242 2,

910 2,089 18,901 -360 18,541 2,860 21,


Lake Quorum Health Resources International Falls Koochiching 2

92 562 -8 480 107 587
First Care Medical Services Fosston Polk 194 241 435 653
Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare 301 5

84 1,049 2,

236 2,

324 2,324
Glacial Ridge Health System Glenwood Pope 303 553 159 712 164 941
Glencoe Park Nicollet Health Services Mcleod 593 204 1,

180 797 201 277 1,074
Granite Falls 260 498 -92 406 169 575
Prairie Ridge Hospital & Health Services Elbow Lake Grant -64
Owatonna Steele 997 234 415 138 341 314 3,079

311 2,768 525 3,

Hendricks 110
Hennepin County Medical Center 894 442 7,737 1,668 404 2,243 1,599 1,

197 2,720 1,654 1,916 21,395

81 20,582 2,

357 22,939
Essentia Health Holy Trinity Hospital Graceville Big Stone
Hutchinson 844 678 359 166 2,668 -40 2,

261 259 2,520
Mayo Clinic Health System –

Mankato Blue Earth 272 184 3,556 1,

467 114 495 523 394 1,515 1,

152 10,892

222 10,670 1,

275 11,945
Grand Itasca Clinic and Hospital Grand Rapids 1,202 998 2,

200 329 2,529

Johnson Memorial Health Services Dawson Lac Qui Parle 297
FirstLight Health System Mora Kanabec 104 122 1,094 1,131 1,

Kittson Hallock 157 175
Mayo Clinic Health System –

Lake City 111 295 -16 279 232 511
Lake Region Healthcare Corporation Fergus Falls Otter Tail 108 837 262 2,432 618 3,050 319 3,

Lake View Memorial Hospital St. Luke’s Hospital Duluth Two Harbors 106 190 -58 132 215
Lakeview Memorial Hospital HealthPartners, Inc. Stillwater Washington 656 535 1,391 281 3,

160 559 3,719 509 4,228
CentraCare Health System Long Prairie Todd 244 374 171 545
Madelia Watonwan 5/31/12 179
Madison -43 300
Meeker Litchfield 135 1,021 1,024 1,

Melrose 468 182 650
Mercy Hospital Moose Lake 115 775 795 209 1,004
Coon Rapids Anoka 255 6,

748 3,

476 1,305 1,

356 831 2,

203 2,091 2,

226 20,

539 21,

240 2,038 23,278
Fairview University Medical Center – Mesabi Hibbing 1,

285 273 1,036 109 3,658

405 3,253 3,589
Park Nicollet Methodist Hospital St. Louis Park 426 7,

684 3,103 1,194 1,053 3,

809 2,870 2,487 22,729 -903 21,

826 3,068 24,894
SMDC Medical Center 148 375 1,

251 161 287 2,293 1,864 4,157
Children’s Health Care dba

Children’s Hospitals and Clinics 3,884 569 192 1,225 7,

174 5,

411 12,585
Minnesota Valley Health Center Le Sueur 119
New River Medical Center Monticello 517 1,

506 -255 1,251 224 1,

Redwood Redwood Falls 499 641
Murray Slayton 361 -45 316 393
Mayo Clinic Health System –

Albert Lea Freeborn 1,083 283 552 290 2,863 -598 2,265 414 2,679

Bemidji Beltrami 1,372 845 205 1,

508 5,665 987 6,652
North Memorial Medical Center North Memorial Health Care Robbinsdale 518 398 8,730 3,

512 1,956 583 1,820 3,356 2,519 24,079 -2,

345 21,

734 1,

173 22,907
Bigfork 137 335 355 410
Northfield 274 2,129 -426 1,703 532 2,235
Sanford Medical Center

Thief River Falls Pennington 298 217 936 1,308 2,244 2,537
Olmsted Rochester 208 992 317 2,


660 1,

905 822 2,727
Ortonville 363 -26 483
Paynesville Paynesville Area Health Care System 334
Perham 494 331 825 163 988
Pipestone 462 464 584
Mayo Clinic Health System –

New Prague Scott 560 196 756 1,029
Regina Medical Center Hastings 588 1,476 1,709 325 2,034
Renville Olivia 504 -166 463
District One Hospital Faribault Rice 445 1,911 -68 1,843
Rice Memorial Hospital Willmar Kandiyohi 136 1,

402 310 854 239 3,896 -433 3,463 765
Riverview Healthcare Association Crookston 256 732 937 1,120
Mayo Clinic Methodist Hospital 794 4,469 2,363 4,120 4,

481 16,605 -327 16,278 2,389 18,

LifeCare Medical Center Roseau 139 555 664 170 921
Pine Sandstone 299 -44
New Ulm Brown 420 2,240 2,599 2,919
Sleepy Eye 422 -89
Mayo Clinic Health System –

Springfield 572 -420 206
St. Cloud 489 4,420 2,361 634 700 1,435 1,863 1,

416 13,

622 13,065 26,687 2,409 29,096
133 Saint Elizabeth’s Medical Center Ministry Health Care Wabasha 145 382 162 544
St. Francis Medical Center Breckenridge Wilkin 612 841 168 249
St. Francis Regional Medical Center Allina Hospitals and Clinics; Park Nicollet Health Services Shakopee 2,366 503 452 1,337 6,328 -474 5,854 1,336 7,190
St. Gabriel’s Hospital Little Falls Morris 616 757 1,

373 1,

Mayo Clinic Health System –

Red Wing 799 376 364 2,100 -309 1,791 2,062
St. Joseph’s Area Health Services, Inc. Park Rapids Hubbard 758 840 1,598 128 1,731
St. Joseph’s Hospital 2,375 1,752 821 1,009 813 929 704 9,352 3,386 12,

738 1,209 13,947
St. Joseph’s Medical Center Brainerd 1,

151 280 3,361 2,951 6,

312 466 6,778
St. Luke’s Hospital, Duluth 267 3,

693 1,313 1,066 1,071 2,047 1,027 11,501 -1,145 10,356 879 11,235
Saint Marys Hospital 1,265 14,516 8,

620 408 2,466 4,091 4,032 4,356 39,

563 1,052 40,

615 40,615
147 St. Mary’s Regional Health Center Detroit Lakes Becker 439 195 1,216 1,295 2,511 3,034
St. Mary’s Medical Center 2,976 1,652 557 828 1,238 8,268 8,694 16,962 18,257
149 St. Michael’s Hospital & Nursing Home Sauk Centre 527 -94 543
Mayo Clinic Health System-

Austin Mower 1,172 3,133 3,668 407 4,075
Regions Hospital 434 7,882 3,218 3,240 1,489 2,339 3,188 1,

900 24,578 -2,686 21,892 2,544 24,436
Stevens 1,165
153 Swift County-

Benson 177 344
156 Sanford

Tracy Lyon 198
Tri-County Hospital Wadena 637 167 1,334 1,079
LakeWood Health Center Baudette Lake Of The Woods
Lakewood Health System Staples 479 1,538 1,545 443 2,053
United Hospital 643 571
546 7,481 3,857 1,718 1,824 3,

967 2,

490 2,723 26,386 -1,

754 24,632 4,161 28,793
Unity Hospital Fridley 210 5,087 1,160 1,

254 669 1,643 1,384 1,310 13,341 -498 1

2,843 1,200 1

Virginia 829 -147 1,828 266 2,094
Ridgeview Medical Center Waconia Carver 1,854 1,331 1,072 6,021 6,146 1,259 7,405
North Valley Health Center Warren Marshall
Mayo Clinic Health System –

Waseca -29 178 155
Mayo Clinic Health System –

St. James 189 -56
Avera Marshall Regional Medical Center 1,028 1,782 446
Sanford Medical Center

Wheaton Traverse
Northern Pines Medical Center Aurora
Windom 4/30/12 400

Worthington Nobles 282 230 874 1,

350 388 447 1,797
St. John’s Hospital Maplewood 3,098 1,015 441 322 1,992 1,150 1,514 9,644 4,

832 14,476 2,701 17,177
Regency Hospital of Minneapolis Select Medical Corporation Golden Valley
Phillips Eye Institute -181
University of Minnesota Medical Center – Fairview 1,700 751 9,492 2,528 1,525 6,309 1,589 1,113 2,820 2,682 4,416 33,020 1,396 34,416 1,971 36,387
Fairview Lakes Regional Medical Center Wyoming Chisago 1,611 885 371 4,084 -549 3,535
Woodwinds Health Campus Woodbury 1,339 1,253 1,

211 368 4,960 2,521 1,762 9,243
191 Maple Grove Fairview Health Services; North Memorial Health Care 11/30/12 471 1,995 250 4,114 3,018 7,132 3,662 10,794
Anoka Metro Regional Treatment Center Dept of Human Services, State of MN 425
Shriners Hospitals for Children
Veterans Affairs Medical Center U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs 6,683 7,814 8,012 8,844
Veterans Affairs Health Care System
Community Behavioral Health Hospital-Alexandria
Community Behavioral Health Hospital –

Community Behavioral Health Hospital – Fergus Falls
Community Behavioral Health Hospital – Rochester
Community Behavioral Health Hospital-St. Peter
Community Behavioral Health Hospital –

Community Behavioral Health Hospital – Bemidji
PrairieCare 534
17,099 1,832 12,388 177,853 64,145 8,116 36,675 29,303 20,009 65,193 64,728 5,643 55,905 527,570 44,314 571,884 66,331 4,752 833 72,

323 644,207
Source: MDH analysis of data from annual hospital reports
Source: Health Care Cost Information System (HCCIS) Hospital Annual Report Data &P of &N Health Care Cost Information System (HCCIS)
Minnesota Department of Health

Admissions by Payer

Managed Care

HCCIS ID Hospital Name Affiliation City County Report Year End Date CAH Licensed Beds Licensed Bassinets Available Beds

MNCare Admissions (Non-Managed Care)

MNCare Managed Care Admissions



Avera Health Tyler Lincoln

Yes 20 1 20 75 46 6 23 6 29 110

2 Abbott Northwestern Hospital Allina Hospitals and Clinics Minneapolis Hennepin 12/31/12 No

36 644



643 650


Essentia Community Hospitals and Clinics (ECHC) Ada Norman 6/30/12 Yes 14 0 14 56 48 2 6 19 19 75


4 Riverwood HealthCare Center No Affiliation Aitkin Aitkin 9/30/12 Yes 25 6 25

560 61 134 295 117 109 69 24 16 1,090



Catholic Health Initiatives Albany Stearns 6/30/12 Yes 17 2 17 106 100 1 5 125 31 15 79 6 237


No Affiliation Appleton Swift 9/30/12 Yes 15 1 15 111 83 10 18 2 113


No Affiliation Arlington Sibley 9/30/12 Yes 20 0 14 79 63 3 3 13 19 17 2 3 101

10 Bethesda LTACH HealthEast Care System St. Paul Ramsey 8/31/12 No 254 0 126 879

123 278 325 123 34 168 14 1,218


Allina Hospitals and Clinics Buffalo Wright 12/31/12 No 65 18 44

108 16

270 325

34 56


Allina Hospitals and Clinics Cambridge Isanti 12/31/12 No 86 15 86

1,113 439 34

320 586

113 73 3,787


Sanford Health Canby Yellow Medicine 6/30/12 Yes 25 4 25 235 158 27 50 63 49 14 4 302


Mayo Clinic Cannon Falls Goodhue 12/31/12 Yes 21 4 21 262 129 5 128 59 38 21 12 9 342


No Affiliation Montevideo Chippewa 12/31/12 Yes 30 6 25

347 129 26 170 122 48 19 102 793 3.3


Sanford Health Bagley Clearwater 6/30/12 Yes 25 4 25 174 53 46 75 17 13 4 5 1 197


Sanford Health Luverne Rock 6/30/12 Yes 28 5 25 410 178 59 173 95 50 45 10 1 516

22 River’s Edge Hospital & Clinic No Affiliation St. Peter Nicollet 12/31/12 Yes 17 0 17 202 140 17 45 45 42 3 2 249



No Affiliation Cloquet Carlton 9/30/12 Yes 36 6 25

70 163 161 85 76 13 31 948


No Affiliation Deer River Itasca 8/31/12 Yes 20 6 20 301 158 44 99 142 57 70 15 8 4 455


No Affiliation Winona Winona 9/30/12 No 99 14 50

199 305


68 23 2,783



No Affiliation Onamia Mille Lacs 9/30/12 Yes 28 3 28 590

58 165 255 167 88 24 869


No Affiliation Cook St. Louis 12/31/12 Yes 14 2 14 242 155 34 53 42 28 14 5 5 294

30 Cook County North Shore Hospital No Affiliation Grand Marais Cook 12/31/12 Yes 16 2 16 125 56 17 52 17 15 2 5 7 154 3
31 Cuyuna Regional Medical Center No Affiliation Crosby Crow Wing 3/31/12 Yes 42 7 25

98 93 910

233 414 30 57 2,113


No Affiliation Alexandria Douglas 12/31/12 No 127 14 91


437 352 328 41 109 3,742 3.92


Sanford Health Westbrook Cottonwood 6/30/12 Yes 8 0 8 53 49 1 3 18 17 1 2 1 74 2.84


No Affiliation Ely St. Louis 9/30/12 Yes 25 3 22 283 207 12 64 58 33 25 8 349



Mayo Clinic Fairmont Martin 12/31/12 No 57 16 56

840 239

411 356 55 35 32 1,975 3.6

41 Fairview Northland Regional Hospital Fairview Health Services Princeton Sherburne 12/31/12 No 54 10 40

509 113 97 16 277 899 207 275 219 56 417 27 30 1,855

42 Fairview Ridges Hospital Fairview Health Services Burnsville Dakota 12/31/12 No 150 48 143

467 80


256 183 11,725

44 Fairview Southdale Hospital Fairview Health Services Edina Hennepin 12/31/12 No 390 45 305

490 91



252 202 18,541


Quorum Health Resources International Falls Koochiching 12/31/12 Yes 49 11 25 357 236 15 106 105 61 44 42 2 15 3 480

46 First Care Medical Services Essentia Community Hospitals and Clinics (ECHC) Fosston Polk 6/30/12 Yes 43 7 22 285 167 26 92 140 85 55 9 1 435 3
49 Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare No Affiliation St. Paul Ramsey 12/31/12 No 60 0 60

36 512 78

99 28 2,324

50 Glacial Ridge Health System No Affiliation Glenwood Pope 9/30/12 Yes 34 4 19 444 296 16 132 224 76 86 62 29 15 712


Park Nicollet Health Services Glencoe Mcleod 12/31/12 Yes 49 8 25

118 22 218 218 14 1 797


No Affiliation Granite Falls Yellow Medicine 12/31/12 Yes 30 3 25 333 224 15 94 69 35 34 4 406


54 Prairie Ridge Hospital & Health Services No Affiliation Elbow Lake Grant 12/31/12 Yes 20 2 20 123 113 6 4 38 28 10 9 1 1 3 165


Allina Hospitals and Clinics Owatonna Steele 12/31/12 No 43 16 43 1,041 775 211 55

308 375

67 35 2,768 3.2


No Affiliation Hendricks Lincoln 6/30/12 Yes 24 0 19 91 83 2 6 17 16 1 2 110

59 Hennepin County Medical Center No Affiliation Minneapolis Hennepin 12/31/12 No 894 65 442

142 469





61 Essentia Health Holy Trinity Hospital Essentia Community Hospitals and Clinics (ECHC) Graceville Big Stone 6/30/12 Yes 15 0 15 68 45 6 17 2 1 1 1 2 73


Allina Hospitals and Clinics Hutchinson Mcleod 12/31/12 No 66 6 57

416 357 357 30


Mayo Clinic Mankato Blue Earth 12/31/12 No 272 26 184

979 979 352 158 10,670

64 Grand Itasca Clinic and Hospital No Affiliation Grand Rapids Itasca 12/31/12 No 64 10 64

213 479

50 51 22


Sanford Health Jackson Jackson 6/30/12 Yes 20 0 14 89 44 13 32 18 7 11 4 1 112 3.05

66 Johnson Memorial Health Services No Affiliation Dawson Lac Qui Parle 9/30/12 Yes 20 4 20 171 112 18 41 24 24 2 5 202

67 FirstLight Health System No Affiliation Mora Kanabec 12/31/12 Yes 49 8 25

140 224 179 121 52 6 46 57 1,131 2.42


No Affiliation Hallock Kittson 9/30/12 Yes 15 0 15 129 111 1 17 27 11 16 1 157


Mayo Clinic Lake City Goodhue 12/31/12 Yes 18 5 18

124 7 83 50 32 18 15 3 10 5 279

71 Lake Region Healthcare Corporation No Affiliation Fergus Falls Otter Tail 9/30/12 No 108 10 108

149 728

299 350 130 44 3,050

72 Lake View Memorial Hospital St. Luke’s Hospital, Duluth Two Harbors Lake 12/31/12 Yes 25 1 17 98 89 4 5 30 24 6 3 1 132

74 Lakeview Memorial Hospital HealthPartners, Inc. Stillwater Washington 12/31/12 No 97 15 68

158 141


54 31 3,719


CentraCare Health System Long Prairie Todd 6/30/12 Yes 34 10 25 136 118 14 4 206 48 58 100 20 12 374


No Affiliation Madelia Watonwan 5/31/12 Yes 25 7 25 88 54 10 24 6 6 9 2 105


No Affiliation Madison Lac Qui Parle 9/30/12 Yes 12 2 12 161 125 12 24 54 51 3 3 1 219


Sanford Health Mahnomen Mahnomen 12/31/12 Yes 18 0 10 87 65 9 13 21 21 3 7 118


No Affiliation Litchfield Meeker 12/31/12 Yes 35 4 35 541

32 16 423 127 96 200 48 12 1,024


CentraCare Health System Melrose Stearns 6/30/12 Yes 28 6 25 226 212 12 2 229 67 44 118 5 8 468 2.97

83 Mercy Hospital No Affiliation Moose Lake Carlton 9/30/12 Yes 31 7 25 495 293 54 148 234 88 76 70 34 32 795 2.85
84 Mercy Hospital Allina Hospitals and Clinics Coon Rapids Anoka 12/31/12 No 271 38 255


434 297

85 Fairview University Medical Center – Mesabi Fairview Health Services Hibbing St. Louis 12/31/12 No 175 16 81

3 556 563 404 404 159 308 24 3,253

86 Park Nicollet Methodist Hospital Park Nicollet Health Services St. Louis Park Hennepin 12/31/12 No 426 50 365



90 SMDC Medical Center Essentia Community Hospitals and Clinics (ECHC) Duluth St. Louis 6/30/12 No 165 0 148

1,209 391 300 91

376 337 212 125 620 73 179 4,157


Children’s Hospitals and Clinics Minneapolis Hennepin 12/31/12 No 279 171 279



93 149 12,585

92 Minnesota Valley Health Center Essentia Community Hospitals and Clinics (ECHC) Le Sueur Le Sueur 6/30/12 Yes 24 0 14 45 41 2 2 21 14 7 2 1 69

94 New River Medical Center No Affiliation Monticello Wright 9/30/12 Yes 39 12 35

475 55 206 345 127 117 101 30 140 1,251 3.92


No Affiliation Redwood Falls Redwood 12/31/12 Yes 25 6 25 377 231 12 134 106 52 54 13 3 499


Sanford Health Slayton Murray 12/31/12 Yes 25 2 25 171 140 19 12 129 34 10 85 6 10 316


Mayo Clinic Albert Lea Freeborn 12/31/12 No 77 12 67

809 500 410 90 616 186 186 82 72 2,265 2.83


Sanford Health Bemidji Beltrami 6/30/12 No 118 12 118


306 608 346 165 88 5,665 4

103 North Memorial Medical Center North Memorial Health Care Robbinsdale Hennepin 12/31/12 No 518 42 398




No Affiliation Bigfork Itasca 12/31/12 Yes 20 4 20 251 185 18 48 93 67 13 13 7 4 355 3


No Affiliation Northfield Dakota 12/31/12 No 37 12 37

450 77 53

131 176

35 21 1,703 2.45


Sanford Health Thief River Falls Pennington 6/30/12 Yes 99 10 35

615 143 751 650 69 86 495 69 16 2,244


No Affiliation Rochester Olmsted 12/31/12 No 61 16 37

261 136 593 701 217 405 79 42 172 1,905 2.5


Sanford Health Ortonville Big Stone 9/30/12 Yes 25 4 25 273 168 24 81 43 20 23 11 10 337

110 Paynesville Area Health Care System Paynesville Area Health Care System Paynesville Stearns 9/30/12 Yes 30 6 30 313 173 10 130 90 56 34 8 411


Sanford Health Perham Otter Tail 9/30/12 Yes 25 3 25 808 362 128 318 17 825 3.03


Avera Health Pipestone Pipestone 6/30/12 Yes 44 12 44

172 16 260 14 2 464


Mayo Clinic New Prague Scott 12/31/12 Yes 49 6 25

318 17 261 140 98 42 10 10 756 2.91

115 Regina Medical Center No Affiliation Hastings Dakota 9/30/12 No 57 12 39

60 63

127 142 596 50 70 1,709


No Affiliation Olivia Renville 12/31/12 Yes 35 6 25 177 161 13 3 130 44 41 45 23 8 338

117 District One Hospital No Affiliation Faribault Rice 12/31/12 No 99 16 42 667 494 123 50 1,009 98 336 575 118 49 1,843

118 Rice Memorial Hospital No Affiliation Willmar Kandiyohi 12/31/12 No 136 20 85



20 17 3,463

119 Riverview Healthcare Association No Affiliation Crookston Polk 9/30/12 Yes 49 10 25

369 88 276 129 129 54 21 937

120 Mayo Clinic Methodist Hospital Mayo Clinic Rochester Olmsted 12/31/12 No 794 55 311



168 213 16,278

121 LifeCare Medical Center No Affiliation Roseau Roseau 9/30/12 Yes 25 7 25 489 203 28

117 53 64 4 54 664 3.16


Essentia Community Hospitals and Clinics (ECHC) Sandstone Pine 6/30/12 Yes 30 5 25 158 88 19 51 76 28 32 16 14 7 255


Allina Hospitals and Clinics New Ulm Brown 12/31/12 Yes 62 14 35

905 179 74

215 299 841 59 27 2,599 2.84


No Affiliation Sleepy Eye Brown 12/31/12 Yes 25 4 16 277 209 17 3 14 51 42 42 3 11 333


Mayo Clinic Springfield Brown 12/31/12 Yes 24 6 24 123 93 12 18 19 19 2 8 152


CentraCare Health System St. Cloud Stearns 6/30/12 No 489 40 465




133 Saint Elizabeth’s Medical Center Ministry Health Care Wabasha Wabasha 9/30/12 Yes 31 4 23 273 197 20 56 100 54 16 30 6 3 382

134 St. Francis Medical Center Catholic Health Initiatives Breckenridge Wilkin 6/30/12 Yes 25 8 25

350 66 274 87 42 33 12 46 18 841 3.2

135 St. Francis Regional Medical Center Allina Hospitals and Clinics; Park Nicollet Health Services Shakopee Scott 12/31/12 No 93 16 86

320 65

479 573

128 105 5,854 2.6

136 St. Gabriel’s Hospital Catholic Health Initiatives Little Falls

6/30/12 Yes 49 10 25 700 587 49 64 644 189 121 334 29 1,373


Mayo Clinic Red Wing Goodhue 12/31/12 No 50 7 50

829 220 260 373 373 80 29 1,791

140 St. Joseph’s Area Health Services, Inc. Catholic Health Initiatives Park Rapids Hubbard 6/30/12 Yes 50 10 25

622 252

192 83 21 88 37 18 1,598 3.4

141 St. Joseph’s Hospital HealthEast Care System St. Paul Ramsey 8/31/12 No 401 40 234



1,479 174 110

142 St. Joseph’s Medical Center Essentia Community Hospitals and Clinics (ECHC) Brainerd Crow Wing 6/30/12 No 162 15 162 3,463

734 140




143 St. Luke’s Hospital St. Luke’s Hospital, Duluth Duluth St. Louis 12/31/12 No 267 18 267

415 159



145 Saint Marys Hospital Mayo Clinic Rochester Olmsted 12/31/12 No 1,265 26 879



147 St. Mary’s Regional Health Center Essentia Community Hospitals and Clinics (ECHC) Detroit Lakes Becker 6/30/12 No 87 16 41 1,797 944

587 168 361 58 48 79 2,511

148 St. Mary’s Medical Center Essentia Community Hospitals and Clinics (ECHC) Duluth St. Louis 6/30/12 No 380 46 316


323 1,863 16,962

149 St. Michael’s Hospital & Nursing Home No Affiliation Sauk Centre Stearns 12/31/12 Yes 28 8 20 259 174 19 66 161 64 53 44 3 10 433


Mayo Clinic Austin Mower 12/31/12 No 82 10 81

380 1,028

267 523 78 54 3,668

151 Regions Hospital HealthPartners, Inc. St. Paul Ramsey 12/31/12 No 454 26 434

333 691






No Affiliation Morris Stevens 12/31/12 Yes 54 5 25

541 41 32 9 252 200 146 54 54 28 12 1,074 3.2


Rice Memorial Hospital Benson Swift 12/31/12 Yes 31 4 18 164 124 5 35 86 77 9 4 1 255 3.02


Sanford Health Tracy Lyon 6/30/12 Yes 25 0 25 145 90 24 31 30 16 14 6 1 182 3.1

157 Tri-County Hospital No Affiliation Wadena Wadena 12/31/12 Yes 49 6 25 742 463 49 230 303 173 130 18 16 1,079 3.24
159 LakeWood Health Center Catholic Health Initiatives Baudette Lake Of The Woods 6/30/12 Yes 15 3 15 164 88 7 69 15 15 5 2 186 3.11
161 Lakewood Health System No Affiliation Staples Wadena 12/31/12 Yes 37 8 35 967 481 123 363 504 200 136 168 66 8 1,545


No Affiliation Blue Earth Faribault 12/31/12 Yes 43 4 25 393 223 30 140 139 58 50 31 17 22 571 3.19

163 United Hospital Allina Hospitals and Clinics St. Paul Ramsey 12/31/12 No 546 40 432


556 503 24,632

164 Unity Hospital Allina Hospitals and Clinics Fridley Anoka 12/31/12 No 275 36 210

845 90

320 116


No Affiliation Virginia St. Louis 12/31/12 No 83 6 64

738 94 364 525 134 212 179 79 28 1,828 4.08

168 Ridgeview Medical Center No Affiliation Waconia Carver 12/31/12 No 109 20 96


3,015 124 517 6,146

169 North Valley Health Center No Affiliation Warren Marshall 12/31/12 Yes 20 0 20 149 114 6 29 46 46 3 198


Mayo Clinic Waseca Waseca 12/31/12 Yes 35 0 19 137 105 1 31 36 36 4 1 178 2.68


Mayo Clinic St. James Watonwan 12/31/12 Yes 25 6 13 104 59 13 32 19 12 7 4 6 133

172 Avera Marshall Regional Medical Center Avera Health Marshall Lyon 6/30/12 Yes 49 8 35 829 534 106 189

110 279 430 51 83 1,782 3.58


Sanford Health Wheaton Traverse 6/30/12 Yes 25 4 15 67 51 4 12 1 1 69

175 Northern Pines Medical Center Essentia Community Hospitals and Clinics (ECHC) Aurora St. Louis 6/30/12 Yes 16 4 16 146 112 6 28 20 6 13 1 9 1 176 2.49

Sanford Health Windom Cottonwood 4/30/12 Yes 35 6 25 325 190 22 113 68 13 55 2 5 400 2.83


Sanford Health Worthington Nobles 6/30/12 No 48 7 30

261 400 164 90 74 45 19 1,350

180 St. John’s Hospital HealthEast Care System Maplewood Ramsey 8/31/12 No 184 44 184

173 172 14,476 3.03

183 Regency Hospital of Minneapolis Select Medical Corporation Golden Valley Hennepin 12/31/12 No 92 0 92 565 319 116 130 87 87 11 663

184 Phillips Eye Institute Allina Hospitals and Clinics Minneapolis Hennepin 12/31/12 No 20 0 8 64 62 2 67 20 5 42 3 4 138

185 University of Minnesota Medical Center – Fairview Fairview Health Services Minneapolis Hennepin 12/31/12 No 1,700 168 751



552 620 34,416

186 Fairview Lakes Regional Medical Center Fairview Health Services Wyoming Chisago 12/31/12 No 61 12 52

172 140 32 509

329 281 48 900 55 45 3,535 2.68

187 Woodwinds Health Campus HealthEast Care System Woodbury Washington 8/31/12 No 86 20 86



1,646 86 136 7,481


Fairview Health Services; North Memorial Health Care Maple Grove Hennepin 11/30/12 No 90 17 84

1,036 227


118 46 7,132

200 Anoka Metro Regional Treatment Center Dept of Human Services, State of MN Anoka Anoka 6/30/12 No 175 0 175 314 118 17 17 179 28 28 28 83 425

210 Shriners Hospitals for Children Shriners Hospitals for Children Minneapolis Hennepin 12/31/12 No 40 0 40 33 4 29 131 2 129 44 70 278

211 Veterans Affairs Medical Center U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Minneapolis Hennepin 9/30/12 No 305 0 305 8,012 8,012

212 Veterans Affairs Health Care System U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs St. Cloud Stearns 9/30/12 No 35 0 15 612 612 612

248 Community Behavioral Health Hospital-Alexandria Dept of Human Services, State of MN Alexandria Douglas 6/30/12 No 16 0 16 155 53 58 58 44 37 37 37 3 8 203


Dept of Human Services, State of MN Annandale Wright 6/30/12 No 16 0 16 154 59 71 71 24 18 18 18 4 10 186

250 Community Behavioral Health Hospital – Fergus Falls Dept of Human Services, State of MN Fergus Falls Otter Tail 6/30/12 No 16 0 16 152 63 60 60 29 35 35 35 4 10 201

251 Community Behavioral Health Hospital – Rochester Dept of Human Services, State of MN Rochester Olmsted 6/30/12 No 16 0 16 126 60 41 41 25 18 18 18 9 5 158

252 Community Behavioral Health Hospital-St. Peter Dept of Human Services, State of MN St. Peter Nicollet 6/30/12 No 16 0 16 159 70 59 59 30 14 14 14 7 4 184


Dept of Human Services, State of MN Baxter Crow Wing 6/30/12 No 16 0 16 134 61 52 52 21 30 30 30 4 6 174

256 Community Behavioral Health Hospital – Bemidji Dept of Human Services, State of MN Bemidji Beltrami 6/30/12 No 16 0 16 186 64 95 95 27 29 29 29 4 19 238

257 PrairieCare No Affiliation Maple Grove Hennepin 12/31/12 No 20 0 20 52 52 471 471 11 534

17,099 1,832 12,388


Source: MDH analysis of data from annual hospital reports
Source: Health Care Cost Information System (HCCIS) Hospital Annual Report Data

Minnesota Hospitals Admissions by Payer, Fiscal Year 2012
Data current as of 2-6-2012 Non-

Managed Care
Non-Managed Care Admissions
Medicare Admissions (Non-Managed Care) MA/

MNCare Admissions (Non-Managed Care) MA Admissions (Non-Managed Care) Commercial Insurers, Nonprofit Health Plans Admissions Total Managed Care Admissions Medicare Managed Care Admissions PMAP/

MNCare Managed Care Admissions PMAP Managed Care Admissions Private
(Non-Public Programs) Managed Care Admissions
Inividual (Self-Pay) Admissions Other Payers Admissions Total Acute Care Admissions (ties to 4320) Average Length of Stay

450 (#4531) (#7082) (#7279) (#4341) (#4342) (#7181) (#7183) (#4345) (#4343) (#7184) (#7185) (#7186) (#7188) (#7280) (#7189) (#4344) (#4340) (#4351)
Tyler Healthcare Center, Inc. 2/29/12 2.42
952 17,732 15,445 1,940 19,105 2,992 13,270 38,130 4.37
Essentia Health Ada 2.6
755 3.3
Albany Area Hospital and Medical Center 2.84
Appleton Municipal Hospital and Nursing Home 3.6
Sibley Medical Center 2.91
478 30.81
Buffalo Hospital 888 764 1,784 1,189 2,762 2.3
Cambridge Medical Center 1,

586 2,015 1,109 3.92
Sanford Canby Medical Center 3.58
Mayo Clinic Health System – Cannon Falls 2.11
Chippewa County-Montevideo Hospital 502
Sanford Bagley Medical Center 2.37
Sanford Hospital Luverne 3.05
Cloquet Memorial Hospital Association 743 510 3.35
Deer River HealthCare Center 2.83
Winona Health Services 1,657 1,153 1,035 306 431 3.4
Mille Lacs Health System 367 5.63
Cook Hospital & C&NC 2.45
1,116 925 263 2.89
Douglas County Hospital 2,475 1,646 706 1,117
Sanford Westbrook Medical Center
Ely-Bloomenson Community Hospital & Nursing Home 3.2
Mayo Clinic Health System – Fairmont 1,497 418
899 2.59
5,708 3,063 547 2,098 5,578 1,017 1,228 1,038 3,333 3.34
9,886 6,222 581 3,083 8,201 1,933 806 5,324 3.93
Rainy Lake Medical Center 3.03
626 1,571 292 1,279 5.09
Glencoe Regional Health Services 564 424 2.97
Granite Falls Municipal Hospital & Manor 3.1
Owatonna Hospital 1,625 942
Hendricks Community Hospital Association 2.69
9,907 4,939 4,499 4,357 8,818 5,235 5,108 2,

318 744 5.78
Hutchinson Area Health Care 1,874 986 472 2,261 3.59
Mayo Clinic Health System – Mankato 9,181 4,151 979 4,051 3.7

500 808 627 354 223 2,200 3.17
Sanford Jackson Medical Center
849 485
Kittson Memorial Healthcare Center 3.64
Mayo Clinic Health System – Lake City 214 2.85
2,227 1,350 649 3.97
603 304 3,031 1,187 1,503 2.68
CentraCare Health System – Long Prairie 2.54
Madelia Community Hospital 3.16
Madison Hospital 3.52
Mahnomen Health Center 2.73
Meeker Memorial Hospital 493 5.06
Melrose Area Hospital – CentraCare
8,259 6,464 1,544 12,250 2,247 2,006 7,997 21,240 3.46
2,358 1,421 381 378 4.09
12,492 5,083 801 6,

608 5,137 1,

629 1,964 288 21,826 3.55
2,572 972 1,333 6.55
Children’s Health Care dba Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota 2,147 2,011 10,196 3,249 6,947 6.91
Redwood Area Hospital 2.66
Murray County Memorial Hospital 3.33
Mayo Clinic Health System – Albert Lea 1,925
Sanford Bemidji Medical Center 4,152 2,245 1,243 1,260
11,652 7,412 1,722 2,518 8,515 2,607 1,965 3,943 1,095 4.4
Bigfork Valley Hospital
Northfield Hospital & Clinics 580 1,067 760
Sanford Medical Center Thief River Falls 1,509 3.14
Olmsted Medical Center 990
Ortonville Area Health Services 3.31
Perham Health
Pipestone County Medical Center 448 2.31
Mayo Clinic Health System – New Prague 596
724 601 865 2.52
Renville County Hospital 2.64
2,656 1,217 1,207 770 672 3.54
733 3.42
6,698 4,935 1,134 9,199 697 7,839 4.38
Pine Medical Center 2.48
New Ulm Medical Center 1,158 1,355
Sleepy Eye Medical Center 3.36
Mayo Clinic Health System – Springfield 3.11
St. Cloud Hospital 15,250 9,591 1,786 3,873 9,

691 2,504 4,195 1,479 4.04
1,991 1,606 3,630 2,578
Morrison 3.27
Mayo Clinic Health System – Red Wing 1,309 2.51
1,351 477
8,411 4,385 2,993 1,420 1,144 12,738 4.89
2,589 2,680 624 1,499 6,312
5,181 4,281 574 326 4,403 912 677 2,814 284 488 4.39
19,679 15,060 1,455 3,164 19,898 2,635 1,177 16,086 735 5.48
286 567 2.61
11,063 6,196 2,260 3,713 1,444 638 1,631 4.53
Mayo Clinic Health System-Austin 2,746 1,338 790 3.19
11,214 7,820 2,703 2,370 6,204 3,547 3,325 1,468 3,641 5.57
Stevens Community Medical Center 834
Swift County-Benson Hospital
Sanford Tracy Medical Center
United Hospital District
9,419 7,535 1,671 14,154 2,223 2,771 9,160 4.08
6,234 5,299 6,173 1,634 1,226 3,313 12,843 3.72
Virginia Regional Medical Center 1,196
2,490 2,092 221 3,015 2.95
Mayo Clinic Health System – Waseca
Mayo Clinic Health System – St. James 3.67
Sanford Medical Center Wheaton 3.12
Windom Area Hospital
Sanford Worthington Medical Center 1,122 461 2.62
8,321 4,160 774 3,387 5,810 1,872 2,415 1,523
16,700 7,514 3,712 3,420 5,474 16,544 5,241 4,711 530 9,603 6.18
1,746 1,065 1,689 460
4,594 2,116 1,921 2,665 307 2.72
Maple Grove Hospital 2,732 1,469 4,236 457 2,917 2.53
Community Behavioral Health Hospital – Annandale 26.01
Community Behavioral Health Hospital – Baxter 26.49
296,452 183,044 45,122 13,335 1,352 68,286 238,501 50,359 54,813 17,110 1,442 133,329 11,736 25,195 775.69
&P of &N Health Care Cost Information System (HCCIS)
Minnesota Department of Health

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