Compare Global Growth, 1700-1900 (Plagiarism Checked)

Compare the World Population Growth map in Chapter 7, map 1 (THE PHOTO OF THE MAP IT IS ON THE SCREEN SHOOT).  It is small, but note the focus of the key on showing the percentage of population increase over 200 years. Now, go to the

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World Population:  An Interactive Experience Map (

.  There is a lot of data on this map so be patient.  On the right side of the timeline at the bottom is a plus zoom.  If you click on that, you can focus on just the time period from 1700 to 1900.  The diamonds are details about specific events that impact growth.  Each color on the timeline is a theme and you can just look at one theme at a time by clicking on the theme in the top left.  You can see other world maps that show change by clicking on the overlays.  

Make sure you read the map titles and explanatory notations, then the position of borders, and the legend (or key).

Once you have examined the maps, write an essay (300-500 words) that answers the following:

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Since there is so much data on these maps, please select a region of the world (other than North America) OR pick a few themes and examine them for the world.  The question you are answering for this assignment is:  For the time period between 1700-1900, what are the most significant changes you see happening around the world?  What seems to be contributing to those changes over time?  What does this change tell us about the engines of industrialization?

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