company management research paper

Class Paper:Each student will produce one (1) research paper for this session.  Specific topics and further instruction will be made available later.  The references must be published items (books, articles, etc.), not mere websites.  Do not include websites to your sources in the bibliography.  The only exception is the company websites, which most assuredly will be included.  The final paper will be delivered on or before the due date electronically in the Canvas drop box.  The course paper will cover an example of managerial success and an example of managerial failure.  Obviously, this requires two separate company examples.  What defines managerial success/failure will have to be discussed before example companies can be assessed.  Make sure you elaborate on what most contributed to the success and failures.  Be sure to consider the management and implementation issues as they relate to strategy, structure and controls.  Students that find distinctive examples can expect a higher grade.  The paper length is two pages, single spaced… not including references.  The two page requirement does not include 

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