
Please answer only the question in the last paragraph that starts with, WRITE THREE STRATERGIES….

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Directions: Answer each of the following questions with a yes or no. If you agree or mostly agree with the statement, answer yes, and if you disagree or strongly disagree with the statement, answer no.

1. I am honest when I tell others what to think. Yes

2. I talked with my arms relaxed, not arms folded across my chest. Yes

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3. I talk with my hands. No

4. I try to refrain from distracting the person speaking by not padding or twisting my hair, rubbing my neck, twisting a ring, playing with my watch, looking at my cell phone, etc. Yes

5. I believe body language is as important as verbal communication. Yes

6. I make good eye contact with the person I am speaking with. Yes

7. I give the person speaking the opportunity to finish their statement before I begin speaking. Yes

8. If I am listening to someone speak of their troubles, I try not to give advice based on my past experiences.Yes

9. If I’m upset and are confronting that person I try to refrain from saying “you” and instead use “I” statements. Yes

10. If a person is sharing an emotional story, I asked about how they feel. Yes

11. When I talk, I use adjectives to give the listener an idea of how I am feeling. No

12. When someone shares their troubles, I refrain from giving unsolicited advice. Yes

13. As I listen, I try to understand the other person’s feelings and motivations. Yes

14. I feel that the foundation of a successful close intimate relationship is communication. Yes

Results: if you answer yes to five or more questions, it indicates that you are conscious of the importance of effective communication and practice skills that enhance your interpersonal relationships. If you answered yes to four items or fewer, it is likely that you need to improve your communication skills.

Write about three strategies that you/an individual can use/practice to improve their communication skills. Also, describe exactly how you/they would use those three strategies. As stated in class and on your syllabus, please respond in a full, well written paragraphs to get the top score of a check plus.

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