
For this first part of your StoryCorps Interview, you will need to submit an interview proposal. Who do you want to interview and why?In your proposal you will need to tell me who this person is (full name), and how or why they are connected to a social justice issue.  In a couple of sentences, you will describe how they are/were involved in a social injustice. Also, include their relation to you, (family, friend, co-worker, etc or no relation – professional in field of interest).

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Plan B – Just in case, for whatever reason, your first interview falls through, (if I don’t approve or they don’t want to be interviewed), you need to have a second person in mind to interview.

After you have submitted the proposal I will review and approve or disapprove of the proposal interview. If you are approved, I will include further instructions in your feedback as to the next step of the Semester Project which will be the interviewee confirmation email. This interview will be archived with StoryCorps for years to come, so take pride in this work and interview because you are a part of recording our history.

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