Commercial Screenplay

b) one of the following online brands based in Singapore – Carousell, Propertyguru, Food PandaThe script should be original and must have the potential to be produced and distributed on social media platforms. Viral videos are usually funny or moving. Engage the audience and make it compelling for them to want to share your video. You need to tell the story from a strong visual point of view, with effective sound design (dialogue, voice-over, sound effects and/or music).Your task is to • Consider the brand essence and propose a story that will enhance the brand on social mediaplatforms.• Write the backstory of the main character. Your backstory should answer the followingquestions:- Who is the main character? What is the background of the character?- What do the characters want?- How do the characters get what they want?• Conceptualise and write one original narrative script with the main character you developed.• Engage the audience with a funny or moving video; sustain their interest to watch the entirevideo with a satisfying payoff.• Write with the Celtx software using the correct format for a script.

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