Combining Nurse Leader with Advocacy


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Academic nursing journal or a spontaneous blog of a nurse in real life, I get in touch with my nursing roots as much as I can. There is life is more than my current work and I like to absorb my brain with updates regularly. Since in my free time I still dedicate to do nursing-related enriching activities, I have to admit I lack a tremendous amount of pampering myself as a person outside of being a nurse. Being a nurse is a demanding task so it will help tremendously if I get to treat myself every once in a while. It is always a good way to relax those tired muscles and recharge batteries.

As for my reflective practice reference behaviors, I have always found working with nurses from different backgrounds a fulfilling experience. In fact, I used to have a high school dream of working as a nurse to a different country, perhaps in South America or in Africa, and try to extend my nursing care in its best form. I find that if you get along with people (whether patients or fellow healthcare team members), you will find living life a little bit easier, maybe because you find it easy to blend with others despite the huge differences in background, religions, ethnicity, and etc. I am constantly amazed by the cultural differences because along the way I learn a lot from the person.

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