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below text is requirement, read carefully: Assignment: Submit text notes for this day’s readings (as assigned in the course schedule).  MacQueen, N. (2007). Colonialism. Pearson.   —————————————–  Text notes will answer these basic questions — you are graded on #1 and #2.  #3 is encouraged but optional!  This should be 1-1.5 pages in length.  (1) Define one important concept that is introduced in this reading and is important to the author’s message.  (2) Identify 1-2 quotes that are central to the author’s message — for each quote: (a) list the quote (using APA citation rules) and (b) explain the quote in your own words.   (3) optional:  Write a sentence or two about your reaction to this reading — agreement, disagreement, question, comment.  —————————————–  Assignment Format:     MS Word or Google Doc (do NOT submit in Apple Pages). Double-spaced, 1” margins, 12 point font —————————————–  Submission notes:     Citations/Quotations:  Follow APA guidelines (i.e. Last Name, Year, page #).  For example:  “When it comes to the democratic process, do the ideas of some people count more than others?” (Hill Collins, 2009, p. 5).  You do not need a separate reference section UNLESS you are citing something other than the course reading.  Reference do not count against assignment length.  Refer to the Purdue Online Writing Lab for more guidance on APA formatting. Timeliness:  Late submissions will not be accepted and will receive a grade of zero.  Dropping Low Scores:  At the end of the course, the best 12 scores (of an expected 16) will be recorded.

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