Colleagues Response week 3


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The Assignments

Respond to at least two other groups’ wikis by providing at least two contributions for improving or including in their Parent Guide and at least two things that you like about their guide.

Support your responses with evidence-based literature with at least two references in each colleague’s response with proper citation.

Colleagues Response # 1

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According to Sadock, Sadock & Ruiz (2014), conduct disorder is an enduring set of behaviors in a child or adolescent that evolves over time. It is usually characterized by aggression and violation of other people’s rights. These maladaptive behaviors resonate in 4 areas:  physical aggression, destruction of own property or that of others, theft or acts of deceit, and frequent violation of age-appropriate rules. This disorder has also been associated with other disorders like ADHD, depression, and learning disorders. To effectively diagnose conduct disorders, DSM-5 criteria requires three persistent specific behaviors of 15 conduct disorder symptoms listed, over the past 12 months, with at least one of them present in the past 6 months. Though the etiology of this disorder is not clear cut, a meta-analysis of longitudinal studies indicates that the most important risk factors that predict conduct disorder include impulsivity, physical or sexual abuse or neglect, poor parental supervision and harsh and punitive parental discipline, low IQ, and poor school achievement(Sadock et al, 2014).

Neurobiological Factors have also been implicated, neuroimaging studies via  MRI indicate decreased gray matter in limbic brain structures, and in the bilateral anterior insula and left amygdala of clients with Conduct Disorders. Thanks again for the great collaborative presentation. 

Colleagues Response # 2

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