CM Essay I

Imagine you own or manage a company. Your company recently completed a strengths, weaknesses, opportunites, and threats (SWOT) analysis, and the board of directors is looking to revise the company’s compensation program. Doing so will help keep the company competitive in attracting new talent. As part of the human resources department, you were asked to draft an essay describing how compensation programs are developed and how laws can affect compensation practices.

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Your essay should be a minimum of two pages in length, using at least your textbook as a source. Be sure that your essay includes the following elements:

  • In your introduction, create a fictitious name for your company, and include some basic background information such as where the company is located, when it was founded, and how many employees work at the company. Do not use an actual company for this essay.
  • Describe issues that influence an individual’s decision to apply for or accept a specific job at your company.
  • Explain how compensation plans can influence the success of your organization.
  • Explore how influences outside your organization can affect its compensation plan.
  • Describe the provisions of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Bennett Amendment, and Executive Order 11246, and explain why these were implemented and how they affect your company.

Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.


Martocchio, J. J. (2020). Strategic compensation: A human resource management approach (10th ed.). Pearson.

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Runninghead: TITLE OF ESSAY 1

Title of Essay




This is the running head. The words “Running head:”
should only appear on the title page. On all subsequent

pages, the header should consist of the title in all
capital letters. Be sure that the title within the running

head is 50 characters or less including spaces.

Paper Format

 1 inch margins

 Double spacing

 Suggested font-Times New Roman 12 pt.

 Paragraphs indented .5 inch (usually default Tab)


Title of Essay

There are key elements that are necessary to be successful in online learning as well as

with most careers. These skills are useful for those in roles of leadership to maintain order and

productivity. In my career as a training coordinator, skills such as organization, time

management, and communication are paramount.

Organization is an optimal skill to help efficiency. It is a necessary ability that enhances

learning through orderly schoolwork and increases productivity in one’s job through systematic

documentation. This process allows for files and documents to be arranged so that they can be

easily accessed (Hamilton, 2013). Paperwork organization allows for training documents to be

updated and placed in specific binders for dissemination to team members. Additionally, it is

imperative to keep email files organized so that tasks are not forgotten or overlooked. Just as

years ago when paper mail had to be sorted, email must be sorted or grouped into appropriate

folders (Weber & Horn, 2011). Great organization skills make keeping and accessing

information efficient.

Time management is an element or skill that allows employees as well as students to get

the most out of the allotted time. “It’s been estimated that reading, responding, and doing

something with business e-mail can consume two to four hours each and every day!” (Weber &

Horn, 2011, p. 33). Prioritizing tasks and scheduling events allow one to maximize productivity

(Hamilton, 2013). When time is scheduled and work is ordered, the most important things get

done first. It does not matter if an unexpected meeting is called; the imperative jobs have been

accomplished or planned. Highlighting the most important tasks ensures that those take first

place and do not get overlooked in a rush. Along with time management comes the ability to be

flexible. Flexibility allows for rearrangement of schedules to make sure all responsibilities are

When paraphrasing information, text citations should
include the author(s) and the year of publication.

Direct quotations require the listing of the author(s),
year of publication, and the page or paragraph number.

This is the

running head.

Center the full title of the
document. Not Boldface.


taken care of in an acceptable amount of time. Effective time management is a constantly

evolving skill.

Communication is an ability that is equally required in course work as well as the

corporate world. To convey information in a clear and concise manner is key whether one is

training someone or writing a research paper. There are so many various methods in which to

communicate (Hamilton, 2013). It is essential to use an appropriate medium so that the message

is received. Day to day communication such as email and phone conversations must be

professional as well as grammatically correct. It is also important to maintain proper etiquette

when communicating online or through email (Hamilton, 2013). Additionally, training

communication is much like teaching in that information must be imparted or taught to others.

One must take into account the different types of learners that will be on the receiving end.

Communication should be auditory, visual, and kinesthetic in order to be optimal. Having the

ability to clearly relay key thoughts and ideas to others is a valuable skill.

There are three elements that have proven to be key to productivity in master’s programs,

in the professional world, and in everyday life. Organization, time management, and

communication are skills that should be honed and crafted as one continues in his or her degree

or career path.



Hamilton, A. (2013). Essay writing in a virtual environment. Nashville, TN: Music City Press


Weber, R.M., & Horn, B.D. (2011). Taming your inbox. Journal of Financial Service

Professionals, 65(4), 33-36. Retrieved from Business Source Complete database.

This is an example of a
reference list. All text
citations must have a

corresponding entry on the
reference list.

Note: An essay that will be copied and pasted into
Blackboard will include the references below the essay;

however, essays that will be uploaded on a Word document
should have a separate reference page, title page, and

running head.

The word “References” should be
centered at the top of the page

and is not boldface.

MHR 6901, Compensation Management 1

Course Learning Outcomes for Unit I

Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to:

1. Discuss the role of employees, employers, unions, and the government in the development of
compensation programs.
1.1 Describe issues that influence an individual’s decision to apply for or accept a specific job.
1.2 Explain how compensation plans can influence the success of an organization.
1.3 Explore how influences outside an organization can affect its compensation plan.

2. Assess the impact of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Bennett Amendment, and Executive Order

11246 on compensation practices.
2.1 Outline the provisions of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Bennett Amendment, and

Executive Order 11246.
2.2 Establish the reasons why the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Bennett Amendment, and

Executive Order 11246 were implemented.

Learning Outcomes

Learning Activity


Unit Lesson
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Unit I Essay


Unit Lesson
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Unit I Essay


Unit Lesson
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Unit I Essay


Unit Lesson
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Unit I Essay


Unit Lesson
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Unit I Essay

Required Unit Resources

Chapter 1: Strategic Compensation: A Component of Human Resource Systems

Chapter 2: Contextual Influences on Compensation Practice


Strategic Compensation

MHR 6901, Compensation Management 2



Unit Lesson

Hello, and welcome to this course. This course is an introduction to the area of compensation management.
This course looks at how compensation is developed, evaluated, and managed within an organization. You
will examine different theories of compensation management, why employees and non-employees are paid,
the manner in which they are paid, and different types of pay programs.

This course will be broken down into six different parts, which include strategic compensation, bases for
pay, designing compensation systems, employee benefits, compensation challenges, and compensation
issues around the world. When studying bases for pay, you will look at the traditional bases of pay, which
include merit pay, seniority pay, incentive pay, and person-focused pay. You will review pay systems that
recognize employee contributions, are internally consistent, and are competitive within the market. When
reviewing employee benefits, you will review both discretionary benefits and legally required benefits.
Compensation challenges will include the controversy surrounding executive compensation in the United
States and paying contingent or flexible employees. Finally, you will address compensation systems around
the word and compensating expatriates. As you can see, a wide array of compensation issues are present
in today’s workforce.

In this unit, we will concentrate on strategic compensation and some influences on compensation. So, what
do you think of when you hear the words compensation and strategic compensation? Most people think of
compensation as their pay and benefits, which is basically correct. The jobs we accept are often decided on
issues related to compensation. Does the pay meet your needs? Is it enough to support your basic financial
needs, and does the job have benefits that you are interested in? Everyone has a basic financial threshold
they feel must be met in order to accept a job. For example, when you start your first job at 16 to 18 years of
age, you might be happy with minimum wage. For teenagers starting out about 20 years ago, that rate was
closer to $5 an hour. For someone at age 16 and still in school, that was a lot of money back then. However,
after you obtain a degree and/or some experience, you might decide that your basic financial threshold is
higher. Maybe $15 an hour is not enough, and you need $20-$25 an hour to support your needs and your
family. Compensation and benefits are then large deciding factors when choosing employment. Organizations
recognize this and develop strategies to attract and retain employees based on what potential employees
need and want as well as what compensation and benefit packages the competition is offering.

Compensation is viewed as more than money earned but also as a total package or total reward. The benefits
that make up your compensation are also considered. Many people also look at the options that are beneficial
to their families, such as health care. For example, a newly married couple may find health insurance
important because they want to start a family. As people mature, benefits such as health insurance and
retirement plans become more important deciding factors in employment options. For example, to a person
who is 40 years old, retirement options may become an important deciding factor in his or her employment
decision. Who offers the best retirement plan may become a more important deciding factor than health
insurance or basic pay rate. Compensation decisions are different for everyone, and competitive
organizations understand this.

In addition to traditional benefits, such as health insurance and dental and vison care, many organizations
are now looking into voluntary benefits in order to attract and retain highly qualified employees. Voluntary
benefits are benefits that that are either paid by the employee or partially paid by the employer to improve
the employee’s well-being. Voluntary benefits include benefits such as financial well-being programs, pet
insurance, legal assistance, life-coaching services, or identification theft protection. Voluntary benefits are
typically derived from employee satisfaction survey results and comparative research by the compensation
specialists within the organization. You will learn more about different types of benefits as we go through
the course.

Compensation in the workplace often influences the type of employees in the workplace and the
competitiveness of the organization. For example, a compensation plan is tailored to attract the right
employees for the organization’s goals and objectives. Once the employees are obtained, an organization
needs to develop a compensation plan that retains those employees. Failure to offer compensation and
benefits that retain employees can result in expensive turnover costs. This is where strategic compensation
comes into play. Strategic compensation plans align with the organization’s overall strategic plan.

As you may recall from previous courses, a strategic plan is an organization’s strategy for the future. The

MHR 6901, Compensation Management 3


strategic plan outlines an organization’s priorities for the future and the organization’s plan on how to reach
those priorities to create a competitive advantage. Each department within an organization also has a
strategic plan relative to that department. Each departmental strategic plan is aligned with the organization’s
overall strategic plan. Since compensation is a function within the human resources (HR) department or HR
function, strategic compensation is then the compensation strategy used to support the priorities of HR while
creating a competitive advantage within an organization. The organization works strategically, department-by-
department, to be the best organization in its industry.

When it comes to compensation, the strategic plan establishes the compensation system needed to ensure
the right people are hired and retained to support the needs of the organization. Compensation specialists are
responsible for the development, implementation, and evaluation of compensation systems (pay and benefits)
that meet the current and future needs of the organization. As you will learn in this course, there are various
methods or compensation systems that can be used to properly compensate employees or non-employees
(contractors) within an organization. Both employees and non-employees are essential to meeting the overall
goals and objectives of the organization, and they are paid differently.

Many of the decisions related to compensation concern the business strategies within the organization.
Compensation specialists need to match the compensation systems or strategies with the overall business
strategies if the business wants to develop a competitive advantage. As we will see throughout this course,
it is the alignment of compensation strategies with the organization’s business strategies that distinguishes
the successful organizations from the unsuccessful organizations. An organization that is an innovator and
leader in the field will tend to offer higher wages and more comprehensive benefit packages than a more
traditional organization that has an established workforce. For example, Microsoft offers higher wages and
a more comprehensive benefit package than Ford Motor Company. Business strategies influence
compensation strategies.

Compensation and compensation strategies are complicated. Whether we are talking about the minimum
wage increases or CEO pay, each decision must be considered with caution and data to support the decision.
For example, while it is good to increase minimum wage to create an acceptable standard of living in the
United States, the decision to increase entry-level wages has the potential to create pay compression
concerns within the rest of the workforce. Additionally, the more experienced workforce is likely to suffer from
morale and productivity issues if their pay is not also increased proportionally. Internal and external factors
should be reviewed to determine the best compensation strategy for the organization.

As the world changes, organizations and strategies within those organizations change as well. Influences
outside the organization (e.g., the government, the economy, unions, labor laws) also affect an organization’s
strategy. Compensation is one part of the organization’s overall strategy that we will focus our attention on
during this course.

In the next unit, you will start to look at various bases of pay, different types of pay, and various labor laws
that affect compensation and benefits within an organization.

Learning Activities (Nongraded)

Nongraded Learning Activities are provided to aid students in their course of study. You do not have to submit
them. If you have questions, contact your instructor for further guidance and information.

Each chapter of your textbook contains a case study related to the main theory or concept within the chapter.
Review the case studies to gain a better understanding of the course materials as they relate to
compensation considerations. Feel free to discuss the chapter case studies with your classmates in the
Student Break Room forum.

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