Cloud Computing


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Your work so far has been well-received, and the management team is very interested in quickly bringing the rest of the organization into the process. The management team has expressed interest in incorporating cloud technology as part of the Auburn Regional’s IT architecture.

To integrate both of these requests, you decide to create an infographic that could, on a single diagram, give the reader an idea of what cloud technology is and how it could be used by Auburn Regional as these enterprise systems updates are in action. As you might imagine, there is a wealth of information on the internet involving the use of cloud computing. 

Consider the following information, and outline your answers:

  • What are the pros and cons of cloud computing?
  • Where could cloud computing fit in the organizational structure and operations?
  • How do companies that enter cloud technology agreements pass on those issues to their customers?
  • How do these companies really know where their data and the data of their customers is really stored?
  • What precautions are being taken?

Using your outline, create an original infographic for a presentation to the Auburn Regional management team that shows:

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  • The basics of cloud computing
  • An overview of pros and cons of cloud computing
  • Where cloud computing could possibly fit into the organizational structure and operations 
  • At least two concerns that need to be addressed 

Include your outline on a separate document to support your infographic.

CMGT/430: Enterprise Security

Cloud Computing


University of Phoenix

August 8, 2019

Cloud Computing

What are the pros and cons of cloud computing?


Unlimited storage space is provided by the Cloud provider

There are cost savings because the company will not need to purchase and/or maintain hardware and software.

Backup and recovery efforts are managed by the cloud provider. Data is stored in the cloud.


Cloud data loss can occur

Company data not as secure as it should be while in the cloud. There is a risk of major data breaches.

Where could cloud computing fit in the organizational structure and operations?

Cloud computing will be beneficial for Auburn Regional because the data center currently is housed in the basement. According to 2017’s cost report, Auburn regional shelled out 141 million dollars in gross charges and only had a net income of $981,717. The implementation of cloud computing will increase net income while decreasing the charges. Charges will decrease because equipment and personnel needs will decrease.

How do companies that enter cloud technology agreements pass on those issues to their customers?

If the cloud technology loses data or is hacked, the customer is left to rectify the issue. Although the Cloud company is responsible for loss, the customer, in this case, Auburn Regional, has to put the pieces together.

How do these companies really know where their data and the data of their customers is really stored?

Companies know where their data is stored because the details should be included in the Cloud technology agreement. When drafting and negotiating cloud computing agreements Data – security, use/ownership privilege, redundancy, and progress need to be involved.

What precautions are being taken?

Be familiar with where the data is stored. If a disaster occurs or if the cloud provider goes out of business, the data can be retrieved from their location. We will take snapshots of the data and store the snapshots in a different location. The most important aspect of choosing a cloud provider is choosing one that is reputable and trustworthy. With the financial savings, the company will hire an ethical hacker to test the effectiveness of the cloud providers security


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