Class Project

Need help with this project due on April 7th, 2021.

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Dear Student,

Please note that the main idea of the project is to showcase your learning and creativity. Thus, I refrain from providing much instructions, rather give you the liberty to design and write up the project on your own. However, I am always here for your questions and guidance. A few overall questions (specific questions and guidelines are provided below) that you should answer by the project are:

1) How did the bank (or other financial institution of your choice) perform?

2) Compare over the various measures of operational efficiency.

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3) Compare performance over short term (current year with the previous year) and long term (current year with a year five or 10 years before, for example 2019 with 2014 and 2009, to understand trend of performance or related measures).

4) Compare with the peer group of banks

5) Risks the bank is facing and handling (strategies) of the risk.

6) Discuss about off-balance sheet items. Compared to the peers does the bank have more or less? Could you provide some reasons?

7) Comment on bank’s operational strategy compared with the competitor: what you like and dislike and provide you suggestions.

8) Anything else that is helpful to complete your analysis/argument.

You may refer to the assignment portion of the syllabus for more (detailed and specific) guidelines.


The objective of the class project is twofold: a) to familiarize you with the usage of Excel (which you will have to use in your jobs, no matter what type of jobs), and b) to draw conclusions based on the facts and your learning. You need to answer all three parts and write no more than 2-page (single spaced, 12 fonts, and Ariel font) for all three parts. Your writing should be precise and indicative of your understanding the facts presented in the case. I will hold a review session on how to prepare your data and how to create the report, which will be announced within Canvas closer to the time in which the assignment is due.  See the Weekly Schedule below for due dates and times.

Data: Please refer to the page numbers 162-163 of the textbook and follow the step-by-step instructions to create you Excel Spreadsheet.

What to do:
 Use the spreadsheet to solve the problems listed in the page 198 and 199. 

What to submit:
 You need to submit your written part in word or PDF format along with Excel calculation. Your written part should stand out itself, i.e., you should use numbers to support your arguments. If need be, you may reference to the specific cell in the Excel. If you would like to copy paste tables from Excel, you can add an appendix to the word file. Appendix is separate and is not included in the page count. A grading rubric for the project will be provided in the Assignment Dropbox area. Please note that NO late Projects will be permitted.

Best of luck!

Dr. BK

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