Civil Affairs role in Special Operations Command (SOCOM)

*See rubric attached*

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Write an analytical research paper on Civil Affairs’ role In the SOCOM Enterprise and how can 1t be used to counter an Irregular threat found In today’s operating environment. Utilizing EACH of the five Civil Affair’s core taslc
clearly write how you would counter the Irregular threat you have Identified.

The research paper will be written using Tl N R · 1
mes ew oman 12 font and APA style. The body of the paper will be 6-10 pages double-spaced. Include a minimum of three references (ARSOF 2035 MUST be one of your referenc,

and a tit e page. No abstract page Is required. Use reputable sources. The body of the paper Is allowed no more than 20% of quoted material. Use proper grammar and collegiate writing characteristics. All research papers 1,1
be screened for plagiarism.

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Contains an Introductory paragraph Contains an Introductory paragraph Contains an Introductory paragraph
AND contains a conclusion paragraph AND contains a conclusion paragraph AND contains a conclusion paragraph
AND contains no more than 3 of the AND contains no more than 2 of the AND contains no more than 1 of the
following errors: following errors: following errors:


Contains an Introductory paragraph 1. Proper thesis statement Is missing 1. Proper thesis statement Is missing 1. Proper thesis statement Is missing

that Is unrelated or Irrelevant to the OR not properly formatted OR not OR not properly formatted OR not OR not properly formatted OR not Contains an Introductory paragraph

INTRODUCTORY topic of the paper AND contains an relevant
relevant relevant with a proper thesis statement and

PARAGRAPH AND conclusion paragraph that is to the paper.
to the paper. to the paper. Introduction to the topics being

CONCLUSION unrelated or irrelevant to the topic of 2. Proper Introduction
statement Is 2. Proper Introduction statement ls 2. Proper Introduction statement Is covered In the body of the paper

PARAGRAPH the paper AND Is missing a proper missing OR not prop
erly formatted missing OR not properly formatted missing OR not properly formatted AND contains a conclusion paragraph

OR I t OR not rel-•ant OR not rel-·ant wh”1ch t t th th · (Weighted x Z) thesis statement AND Is missing a not re evan
… … res a es e es1s statement

proper introduction statement AND to the paper.
to the paper. to the paper. and summarizes the topics covered

Is missing a proper summary AND Is 3. Proper summary
is missing OR not 3. Proper summary Is missing OR not 3. Proper summary Is missing OR not In the paper.

missing a restated thesis statement. properly formatted OR
not relevant properly formatted OR not relevant properly formatted OR not relevant

to the paper. to the paper. to the paper.

4_ Proper restated thesis statement 4. Proper restated thesis statement 4. Proper restated thesis statement

Is missing OR not properly formatted Is missing OR not properly formatted ls missing OR not properly formatted

OR not relevant to the paper. OR not relevant to the paper. OR not relevant to the paper.

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