CIS 524 Discussion 1 & 2

Discussion 1

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“Direct Manipulation and Virtual Environments” Please respond to the following:

• Your software development company has been contracted to build a tool that will manage user accounts and rights in an Active Directory environment. One of your developers tells you that he wants the tool to make use of direct manipulation. A second developer argues that a command line structure would be a better and more secure approach.  Take a stand on this argument, providing at least three positives of each approach, and then make a decision for this project and support it.

• Describe virtual and augmented reality. Suggest a way in which this technology could be used in the future; either to improve a current process / procedure or create a new process / procedure. Provide an example of your suggested use of the technology.

Discussion 2

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“Menu Selection and Organization” Please respond to the following:

• Describe the considerations that you would take into account when selecting the menu style for an application and why. Support your response with examples.

• Imagine you have been asked to help a novice designer effectively organize his menu content in an application. Provide the novice designer with the advice you feel would be most helpful when organizing content for menus. Support your response.

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