CIS 518 Discussion 1 and 2

Discussion 1: 

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“Component Reuse History” 

Please respond to the following:

• As a software engineer, what are the means of tracking you would use to track and monitor the reuse history of a component? Provide a rationale for the elements you list.

• Provide at least one real-world example of a reuse situation where each piece of information should be or could have been used. Support your response.

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Discussion 2: 

“Tracking What Works and What is Effective” 

Please respond to the following:

• Suppose you are tracking the fault density in a series of similar products so that you can monitor the effectiveness of the new inspection process you introduced. Over time, you find that the fault density decreases. Explain how you would determine whether the falling fault density is the result of inspections, increased understanding of the product, or sloppy inspection and development activities.

• Describe what you would do if the fault density increases and explain how you would determine the causes of this increase.

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