CIS 515 Discussion Response

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CIS 515 Discussion post responses.

Respond to the colleagues posts regarding:

The Entity Relationship Model

Please explain the purpose of an Entity Relationship Diagram and how it may benefit the organization and DBA. Please support your information with references.

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LP’s post states the following:

An Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) is a data modeling technique that graphically illustrates an information system’s entities and the relationships between those entities. The elements of an ERD are the entities (database tables), relationships (Cardinality is the number of instances of one entity that can, or must, be associated with each instance of another entity), and attributes (a particular property that describes the entity) (Techopedia Staff, 2020). An ERD is crucial to creating a good database design. It is a high-level logical data model, which is useful in developing a conceptual design for databases (Techopedia Staff, 2020). The ERD provides a functional, visual layout of the data. It tells a story of the current state and ways structures and organizations within an entity can be altered and the potential effects of these changes (Price, 2018). It’s mainly used by analysts when designing a database. Using a visual representation of the business helps understand its structure. This information is crucial for business management when formulating strategies and making efficiencies (Sisense Staff, 2020). Understanding the relationships between entities also helps eliminate ambiguities or unnecessary processes within the organization (Sisense Staff, 2020). This is the first step to streamlining the business.


Price, N. J. (2018, April 18). What Is Entity Relationship Diagramming and Why Is It Important? Retrieved from Diligent Insights:

Sisense Staff. (2020). What is an Entity Relationship Diagram? Retrieved from Sisense:

Techopedia Staff. (2020). Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD). Retrieved from Techopedia:

VK’s post states the following:

There are several different types of data modeling techniques are being used today. One of the most common is the Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD). The purpose of organizations/ database administrators using ERD is to show crucial information that applies to an organization’s data. An ERD also includes various symbols and connectors to show organizations/ database administrators two essential visual elements, which are the primary entities within the system scope, and the inter-relationships between the different entities. It also documents volumetric data so that organizations/ database administrators know what the initial data storage requirements will be together with the anticipated organization growth (Song, Evans, & Park, 1995). At the same time, an ERD is a handy data visualization tool for organizations/ database administrators because it allows them to replace text documents and spreadsheets.  ERD is also beneficial to organizations/ database administrators when it comes to database designs because it is the first step in the process (Price, 2018). Therefore, ERD benefits organizations/ database administrators in many ways when it comes to storing and retrieving crucial data — distinguishing between entities and their inter-relationships. ERD is also beneficial to organizations/ database administrators because of the compelling data visualizations and database designs it offers them.


Price, J.P. (2018). What Is Entity Relationship Diagramming and Why Is It Important? Retrieved from › entity-relationship-diagramming › what-is-en…

Song, I. Y., Evans, M., & Park, E. K. (1995). A comparative analysis of entity-relationship diagrams. Journal of computer and software engineering, 3(4), 427-459.

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