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AH2 Computer Security Homework-3 Assignment SP 2021

CS572AH2 Homework-3 Assignment
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1. (15 pts.) Consider the mod 10 multiplication table (see the table on the right, below):

a. Which rows contain a value of 1? {in increasing numerical order} ____, ____, ____, ____.

b. These rows and no others contain a value of 1 because they are the only ones that are ________ to 10.

c. These numbers are significant for mod-10 arithmetic because only these numbers have ______, mod 10.

2. (10 pts.) [Fill out your answers {a function name and a number} directly in the text]:
In the Number Theory, two integers, n and m, are said to be relatively prime (or co-primes) when their ____(n, m) {a function} = _____{a number}.

3. (10 pts.) [Message Authentication Codes]
Bob sends a message to Alice. He sends the message in plaintext, but first he uses a Message Authentication Code (MAC), with a secret key he shares with Alice, to create a cryptographic checksum for the message. He sends the cryptographic checksum along with the message.
Upon receipt of the message, Alice uses the same MAC algorithm and key to generate a cryptographic checksum. She compares the two checksums and finds them to be identical.
As a result, what two things is Alice assured of about the message? _______________
What is she
assured of? ______________________

4. (15 pts.) What is the essential difference between a worm and a virus?
Your Answer: _________________

5. (15 pts.) [Fill out your answers directly in the text]: Sometimes, web pages contain tiny images, too small to be visible to the user. Such an image is called a ___________, and its purpose is to convey information to a web server operated by a company that ___________ your navigation through the web.

6. (20 pts.) [TRUE or FALSE]
The following are examples of a
secret key (symmetric) block cipher
{put TRUE or FALSE}:

a. The
Advanced Encryption Standard

Blowfish ___________

c. The
Caesar Cipher

The Data Encryption Standard ___________

IDEA ___________

MD5 ___________

The Playfair Cipher ___________


7. (15 pts.) [Authentication] Which of the following are good choices for a secure password? {put GOOD or BAD}

a. admin ___________

b. 4seasons ___________

c. KMLairline ___________

d. The9%Queen^! ___________

e. Gomamgo ___________

f. asix49lakesize ___________

g. ElvisPresley ___________


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