cic 5 w2

Mainframes.  Please respond to the following:Take a position on the following statement, “Mainframe computers are still needed even though personal computers and workstations have increased in capabilities.” Defend your position by providing at least one example to support your position. Analyze the differences between distributed data processing and centralized data processing. Provide an example of each. Then compare each to the processing used in cloud computing.Class mates:MainframesTake a position on the following statement, “Mainframe computers are still needed even though personal computers and workstations have increased in capabilities.” Defend your position by providing at least one example to support your position.  Usually, mainframe computers provide extremely high-level computing power and I/O throughput, and their capabilities are improved as well. But the initiate investigate and operational cost of the mainframe computers are expensive, therefore, the mainframe computers more been applied to the industries which are computing-intensive and have time-critical data need to be analyzed. Such as banking, securities, airport, IDCs (Internet Data Center). For example, Citigroup just launched their newest IBM z13 mainframe earlier this year to enhance the capability of deal with the explosive growth in mobile and online transactions.                As personal computers and workstations advanced, and dependent on the well-designed architecture (hardware and software), a distributed computing system can offer same computing power. And which is more flexible and scalable, but very bandwidth-consuming and less security and stability.Analyze the differences between distributed data processing and centralized data processing. Provide an example of each. Then compare each to the processing used in cloud computing.Simply put, centralized data processing centralizes all computing resources at the primary site. The advantages include economy for equipment and operational, less backup complexity, ease in enforcing standards, security. In distributed data processing, computers are distributed throughout the organization. Which allows greater flexibility in structure, more redundancy, and more autonomy. For example, in regard of operational cost and security, banking industry prefer centralized data processing. The distributed data processing is good for a web site, which eliminates single point failure and balances the access flow, improves the customer experience. From my understanding, cloud computing utilizes the distributed architecture to put all the computing nodes together to realize its flexibility and scalability. But specifically, to each computing node, it could be a centralized cluster.Pooneh sheiniReferences:IBM Archives: IBM Mainframes. (n.d.). Retrieved from vs Distributed Computing | Compuquip Technologies | Enterprise IT Security Solutions. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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