Choose a multi-national organization (INGO) or a company and conduct a target audience analysis for a communications campaign plan.


Part A

Campaign Project (Individual)

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DUE: September 24

Points: 10% of total grade

Style: APA style 7th edition

Choose a multi-national organization (INGO) or a company and conduct a target audience analysis for a communications campaign plan. (For example, launch of a company branch in a new location/country, existing company re-branding for a new audience, launch of a community relations campaign or new product to a new target audience). The target audience analysis should include a description of the situation, goals for the campaign, the analysis, and a strategy recommendation for reaching that audience.

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Cover the following contents:

1. Executive Summary

2. Situational Analysis

3. Goal (1 goal)

4. Objective (s) (2 objectives)

5. Target Public

6. Strategies (most important) (1 for each objective)

7. Tactics (most important) (2 for each strategies)

8. Measurement and Evaluation

9. Conclusion

10. References as per APA 7th Edition (At least 4-5)

Page length: 5-7 pages




Topic – 15%

Competently describes and contextualizes subject matter of assignment.

Capably describes subject matter of assignment with some context.

Fails to fully respond to subject matter or fails to contextualize it.

Writing – 15%

Precise syntax and superior usage of grammar, punctuation and spelling result in a coherent and intelligible piece of work.

Syntax is clear and the relatively few grammar, punctuation or spelling errors do not impede understanding.

Syntax is not always clear with grammar, punctuation and spelling errors noticeable. This may disrupt understanding.

Sourcing – 20%

Refers comprehensively to course learnings, drawing from multiple course sources, as well as outside materials. Web links and other multi-media content may be present.

Refers to course learnings comprehensively, drawing from multiple class sources. References are present.

Little reference is made to course learnings and there is no evidence of outside materials.

Relevance – 25%

Thoroughly cites own experiences or real-life incidents to highlight learnings.

Cites some relevant experiences or real-life incidents to give additional context.

Material is presented without real world relevance.

Insight – 25%

Compelling, focused and persuasive views are offered.

The assignment describes the student’s point of view and the main point is clear.

Point is unclear, either through misunderstanding or lack of focus.

Project Grading Rubric


Part B

Article Evaluation (Individual)

DUE: September 24

Grade: 5% of total grade

Q: Critically evaluate the attached journal publication: Political economy, power and new media. While writing critical evaluation, please use the following format/structure:

a) APA style cover page

b) Introduction with appropriate thesis statement (mention what you do in this critical evaluation paper)

c) 2-3 paras: summary of the entire article (with in—text citations at right places)

d) 2 paras of your evaluation and critical thoughts/experiences etc. (analysis and discussion section)

e) A very well written summary (of course, reiterating the thesis statement, and conclusion of the paragraphs above.

Page length: 1.5-2 pages (single space)

Article will be provided on Monday during the class

Style: APA 7th edition with reference (s). Use one (1) additional resource.

Special Note: Separate the two assignments clearly but please make a single word document and submit into the system.

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