Follow-Up Post Instructions ( Peer Response)

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Ebook: Bauer, R. C., Birk, J. P., & Marks, P. (2019). Introduction to chemistry. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.

Class, here is a problem for someone to solve.

Most ammonia solutions you can buy at the store are about 35% ammonia by mass.  How much of this solution would you need to produce 5 liters of a 10% ammonia solution?

Be sure to show all of your work:

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  1. %mass/volume concentration
  2. Molarity
  3. Osmarality

Follow-Up Post Instructions

Respond to at least one peer or the instructor. Further the dialogue by providing more information and clarification.

Follow-up topics:

  • Reply to one of peers initial posts and use the dilution equation to prepare a more dilute solution. You may choose the final dilution that you are aiming for, just be sure that your chosen concentration is less than the initial concentration in your peers posting. Show all work and walk us through each step of how you would prepare this solution from your peer’s solution in a lab setting.
  • Find an example of an important chemical reaction used in an industry or clinical setting and do each the following. Note, you cannot choose the same reaction as a peer.

    Explain the significance of the reaction you chose. This will require research so be sure to cite all sources used in APA format.
    State the reaction without the use of any coefficients so that a peer can balance the chemical reaction your discussed

  • Balance a peers chemical equation by following the steps below:

    Determine the number of atoms for each compounds in the reactants.
    Determine the number of atoms for each compounds in the products.
    Balance the chemical reaction, showing all work.

Writing Requirements

  • Minimum of 2 sources cited (assigned readings/online lessons and an outside source)
  • APA format for in-text citations and list of references

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