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A Great Divide.

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A great divide is a term that can be described as a boundary or demarcation between two or more contrasting groups or cultures that may be perceived as challenging to assume., overcome, or ignore. Examples of such scenarios can be witnessed between employees and the management or perhaps our normal life between death. In her article, “Between the Sexes, a GreatDivide,” Anna Quindlen highlights the existence of some differences between women and men (APLOGOSBLOG, 2017. Anna Quindlen argues that girls and boys have been born with natural differences, and along with their development and existence, there have been witnessed many other differences.

She wrote that in most middle school dances, the said differences have been so apparent since there is always a great divide within the dancing platform or dancing floor. She continues with her ideas that a great divide is not associated with any enormous issue but rather minion thing that makes men and women distinct. Though there are such differences, at some points in life, man and a woman do get together, marry each and later bear children and make family (APLOGOSBLOG, 2017. They end up leaving as one single unit happily and peacefully. In some instances, men find themselves doing what women used to do, and women also do what men used to do, or mothers are doing what fathers used to do.

Perhaps the family raised their children with reference to their gender. At early ages of life girls and boys have no much differences in terms of what they both want at their tender age according to Anna Quindlen, the issues the said differences and a great divide are all created by human beings, parents raise their children based on their genders (APLOGOSBLOG, 2017. Children are left to play together at the early stages of their childhood regardless of their genders, but as they approach the ages of between 7-12, most parents start creating the boundary for their kids. They start identifying themselves as either boys or girls. Moreover, they also begin specializing in particular roles and dresses that physically, emotionally, and psychologically identifies themselves as separate entities, unlike when they were young.

In her article, Anna Quindlen explains how men seem careless, and neither bothered on the things they cherish not; she says that she had placed an amaryllis bulb in one of her bathrooms, but no single man that visited it that was able to recognize or new it as a flower. Most of them assumed it was an onion. She wrote that, in fact, it was a flower to them, but nobody cared about it since their gender did not prepare them on different kinds of flowers as opposed to girls who can tell apart several types of flowers. From the incident explained in her articles, it should be deduced that later in life, both men and women find themselves liking new things that are distinct from the wholesomely unique part of their interests and likes during their childhood. believe that indeed this kind of Great divided is created by our environments and the manner in which we were brought up. (APLOGOSBLOG, 2017.

Men and women seem to be having similar interests in their childhood but later in life shifts their needs and interests, which brings out the so-called great divide. Many girls may be too much attracted to doing what is meant for boys more so at their early ages of 15-22 when they realize that their roles, interest, and perhaps socialization groups need to be aligned with their gender. Initial stages of their life this girl are referred to as tomboys who does and act more of boys than they should, upon enlightened that women have their own unique ways who beavers at certain stages of their life they automatically drift off from their teenage traits of being tomboys. This scenario explains how a great divide is harnessed within the society to prepare different genders for greater responsibilities and change of perception on different aspects of life.

Parents never care about who their child playing groups since they understand that children common interest is only playing any kind of games with any fellow children, but soon after the realization that their age has approached the particular stage of life, the kids are prepared both physical and behavioral on how to choose wisely what is to be undertaken by girls or boys. Boys change their perception of their counterparts as girls also realize that there must be a limit at which they should interact worth boys. As mentioned early, there is a great divide among middles school dances just because of the feeling people develop towards one of the genders. Females seem to be attractive when dancing than men. This, in itself, is a great divide.


APLOGOSBLOG. (2017, May 9). Between the Sexes, A Great Divide by Anna Quindlen – aplogosblog. Retrieved from

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