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Title: Environmental Factors
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Environmental Factor
The main environmental factor that has the possibility of affecting the safety and health of infants is unsafe drinking water and poor sanitation (Adams, Sims, Bartram & Chartier, 2019).
In most scenarios, contaminated water results from poor care of the environment.
Lack of good care and education of children can cause poor sanitation.

Describe the environmental factor
Explanation of unsafe drinking water and poor sanitation in infants

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How unsafe drinking water and poor sanitation can affect infants health and safety
It causes diarrhea infections.
Infants become underweight.
They are prone to diseases.
They become physically stunted.

Problems that result from unsafe drinking water and poor sanitation.

A health promotion plan
Families may help in reducing sanitation-related and waterborne diseases with standard hygiene practices.
Combination of household hygiene, food protection, and handwashing curbs infant diarrhea.
Safer disposal of feces will reduce the prevalence of childhood diarrhea.

Health promotion plan.
How the health promotion plan will help curb the problem.

A health promotion plan
Providing efficient education and raising awareness of environmental health elements (Mercier, 2017).
Reducing the infant exposure towards pollutants by regulations and education to environmental factors.
Environmental factors are prone to possibly affecting the child’s health together with development.

Description of health promotion plans.
How the health promotion plan will reduce the impact of the problem.

Recommendations on accident prevention and safety promotion
Behavioral factors are crucial in determining sustainability and uptake of water adoption, hygiene and sanitation practices, and technologies.
Installing and functioning of sanitation and water facilities need the knowledge transfer on their use.
Maintaining and replacing existing facilities or services.
Hygiene promotion is vital in achieving improvements.

Recommendations on how to prevent problems caused by unsafe drinking water and poor sanitation.
Measures that will help in reducing the problem impacts.

Recommendations on accident prevention and safety promotion
Drinking, clean water always.
Family members and parents need to sanitize themselves together with their children.
Avoid direct contact with unsafe water.

Ways that can reduce the impacts of unsafe drinking water and poor sanitation.

Examples, interventions, and suggestions
I suggest that every person must avoid direct contact with unsafe water.
Avoid contact with water contaminated, especially by industrial chemicals, and avoid drinking the water.
Individuals must sanitize themselves together with their children (Scully, 2017).

Suggestions on how people may reduce the problems caused by unsafe drinking water and poor sanitation.

Examples, interventions, and suggestions
Families should be aware of drinking safe water and good sanitation.
Teachers and parents to offer education concerning safe drinking water and sanitation.
Community education by government bodies.

Interventions that will help reduce the impact of unsafe drinking water and poor sanitation.

Community resources, a national resource, and a Web-based resource.
Family members are always the closest people to their children.
They should educate them effectively on drinking clean water and living in a clean environment.
Community health workers need to take up their job of educating children on the dangers posed by unsafe drinking water and poor sanitation.

A community resource that will curb the environmental problem.

Community resources, a national resource, and a Web-based resource.
Teachers and parents must ensure that children are aware of the importance of drinking safe water and living in a clean environment.
Governments must ensure that its citizens know the benefits of living in a clean environment and drinking safe water.

National and web resources that impacts greatly on curbing effects of unsafe drinking water and poor sanitation.

Adams, J., Sims, J., Bartram, J., & Chartier, Y. (2019). Water, sanitation and hygiene standards for schools in low-cost settings. World Health Organization.
Mercier, C. (2017). Infection control: Hospital and community. Nelson Thornes.
Scully, C. (2017). Medical problems in dentistry E-book. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Influence of environmental factors on health
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Environmental factors
Ecological variables involves different components, for example,
Populace thickness,
Light and parasites
Every one of these elements have either sure or unfavorable impacts on the wellbeing of individuals and different animals (Yin and Tang, 2018).

Natural components include temperature, food, pollutants, populace thickness, sound, light, and parasites. The variety of natural burdens that have been appeared to cause an expansion in imbalance is most likely not selective; numerous different sorts of stress might give comparable impacts.

Population density
Population density insinuates t the quantity of individuals per assistant kilometer.
Urban communities are frequently the most thickly populated spots.
A portion of the attribute of thickly populated locales include:
Expanded number of vehicles
Unsanitary day to day environments
Packed houses
Restricted playing grounds and
Expanded danger of mishaps (Hayden, 2020)

Air contamination is a significant worry of new cultivated world, which has a genuine toxicological effect on human wellbeing and the climate. It has various distinctive emanation sources, however engine vehicles and modern cycles contribute the significant piece of air contamination. As indicated by the World Health Organization, six significant air contaminations incorporate molecule contamination, ground-level ozone, carbon monoxide, sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, and lead. every one of these poisons are a typical element in the urban communities and ghettos where there are numerous vehicles and ventures presenting extraordinary wellbeing dangers to kids.

Population density and children health risks
Some of the health risk posed to children in densely populated places include:
Increased fatalities due to road accidents
Increased respiratory illnesses due to air pollution
Rapid spread of communicable infections
Inadequate room for exercising
Poor quality of food and water among others
High risk of cardiovascular deceases
Risks of fires

Long and momentary presentation to air suspended poisons has an alternate toxicological effect on human including respiratory and cardiovascular illnesses, neuropsychiatric entanglements, the eyes disturbance, skin sicknesses, and long haul constant infections, for example, malignancy. A few reports have uncovered the immediate relationship between presentation to the helpless air quality and expanding pace of dismalness and mortality generally because of cardiovascular and respiratory sicknesses.

Causes of accidents among children
Most accidents result from falls while playing
Being hit by cars and motorbikes while crossing roads
Falling from story buildings in staircases
Falling into open ditches
Fires in houses (AL RUMHI, 2016)

t’s unrealistic – or even a smart thought – to shield your youngster from all the knocks, wounds, scratches and falls of youth. These are simply essential for growing up for a functioning, inquisitive kid.
In any case, with some pragmatic advances and arranging, these episodes are bound to be the sort that a kiss, snuggle or bandaid will fix, instead of one of the numerous genuine mishaps that occur in Australia every year.
reasons for mishaps in kids may include: falls
street accidents –for instance, running out into traffic
consumes and singes.

Other causes of accidents in infants
Strangulation and suffocations
Crushing and trapping
Drowning in rivers, swamps, sewages etc.

The most regular reasons for youngster deaths in Australia are:
street mishaps
Other basic causes of youngster passings and injuries include:
gagging, choking and suffocation
squashing and catching
smoke, fire and flares
bike mishaps.

Health promotion plan
The action plan for enhancing child safety would entail:
Raising awareness
Highlighting prevention mechanisms
Mobilizing action
Development of better safer housings and
Having adequate response mechanisms

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is committed to preventing child injury by supporting solutions that will save lives and help children live to their fullest potential. The National Action Plan for Child Injury Prevention was developed by CDC and more than 60 stakeholders to spark action across the nation. The National Action Plan’s overall goals are to:
Raise awareness about the problem of child injury and the effects on our nation.
Highlight prevention solutions by uniting stakeholders around a common set of goals and strategies.
Mobilize action on a national, coordinated effort to reduce child injury.

Accident prevention mechanisms
development of d safer infrastructure such as roads
children should be clothed in with helmets while riding
parental guidance as children play is fundamental
ensuring physical environment like topography is safe (Das, Bhuyan, & Addya, 2017).
parents should accompany children on main roads

Youthful children are especially in danger in garages and yards. Babies and preschoolers may not yet understand that vehicles are risky. They can likewise move unobtrusively and rapidly. They get exceptionally ingested in whatever they’re doing, including pursuing a ball behind a vehicle. They regularly don’t stop, regardless of whether you ask them to. Prior to moving a vehicle in a garage, watch that no youngster is behind or before the vehicle. Try not to depend just on vehicle cameras and sensors. Always do a visual check around the vehicle.
Never disregard small kids to play close to left or moving vehicles in garages.
Separate your no problem zones from garages. For instance, you could fence off the carport or carport so your youngster can’t run towards it.
Start waving farewell to individuals from inside your home

More on accident prevention in infants
Utilizing right youngster vehicle seats and seat straps
Continually utilizing person on foot going across locales on streets
Isolating play sides from the drive ways
Teaching kids I on street wellbeing
Division of walkways structure drive courses in tons
Try not to disregard kids at homes (“Childhood wounds: Common causes,” 2019)

You can assist youngsters with creating person on foot security abilities and street wellbeing aptitudes by giving them a lot of training around genuine streets – for instance, by strolling with kids to and from kid care or school, around the square or to the neighborhood shops.
While your kid is learning, these person on foot wellbeing rules will help forestall mishaps:
Hold your youngster’s hand when going across streets together and any place there’s traffic or vehicles. Take extraordinary consideration where there’s weighty traffic, rapid traffic, slender or non-existent trails, or things that block the view, as left vehicles and trucks, trees, slope peaks or swarmed pathways.
Continuously cross at walker intersections or corners, hang tight for the lights, and look toward each path to check there are no vehicles coming. To enable your kid to comprehend about when and where it’s sheltered to cross, clarify what you’re doing.

Accidents are a major cause of fatalities among children an and leading cause of untimely deaths in infants. Parents and h healthcare providers should be in forefront of demonstrating safe behaviors to young ones and in advocating for safer structures like homes and infrastructures like roads. Since we cannot prevent all accidents it is advisable for all homes to have a first aid kit and basic fast aid mechanisms to save life incase accident risks occur.

AL RUMHI, A. (2016). Home accidents among children in Oman. doi:10.26226/morressier.57d034d3d462b80292383b1f
Childhood injuries: Common causes. (2019, April 5). Retrieved from
Das, S., Bhuyan, D., & Addya, S. (2017). Ocular morbidity following road traffic acccidents: A retrospective analysis. International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health, 4(4), 968. doi:10.18203/2394-6040.ijcmph20170983
Hayden, W. (2020). Dash’s potty accidents: A book for children who have pee or poop accidents.
Yin, Z., & Tang, P. (2018). Diagnosing supervision failures in preventing falling accidents in China. Construction Research Congress 2018. doi:10.1061/9780784481288.043

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