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Béchet, F., & Raymond, C. (2019). Benchmarking benchmarks: Introducing new automatic indicators for benchmarking spoken language understanding corpora. Interspeech 2019. doi:10.21437/interspeech.2019-3033

Benchmarking is the process of measuring the company product, service, and product against those of another institution that has been considered best. The authors suggest that the primary purpose is to learn best practices and formulas that can be used to handle and improve service delivery. On the same note, it tries to outline the company’s superior performance and breaking it work in terms of a successful infrastructure model. This serves as a road map of improving the said company using the business formulate processes adopted. The article the two critical approaches that are used in a benchmarking process. It can either be a drastic incremental or else a gradual adjustment.

Cook, J. S., & Cook, L. L. (2019). Achieving competitive advantages of advanced manufacturing technology. Benchmarking for Quality Management & Technology, 1(2), 42-63. doi:10.1108/14635779410063329

As outlines, benchmarking is a practical tool exercised based on a sensible baseline and best organization practice. It’s used as a platform that measures the nature of practical procedures that an organization can adopt from another sufficient firm. In most cases, the organization is at the same level of production. In this regard, they adopt the best and prioritize as a way of maximizing opportunity. The text shares a wide range of benefit that comes along with this approach. It enables an organization to gain more insight and perspective on the matter of production. There is an also improved mindset, culture, and production metrics.

Norton, D. D. (2018). Maintaining the balanced scorecard. Balanced Scorecard Step-By-Step and extended framework, 281-298. doi:10.1002/9781119205081.ch11

The author gives a theoretical analysis of a balanced scorecard in a contextual framework. In his view, Dr. David Norton outlines that a balanced scorecard and BSC framework are used to implement and manage strategies. This approach can link vision, strategies, and organization objectives based on merit and process of scrutiny. It’s a financial measure that is typically applied in the economic environment as a secure way of balancing the management tools. It’s applied in business and corporate organizations as a significant organ used in the cross-sectional decision-making process and attaining a sustainable working environment.

Hellen, E. S. (2018). Maintaining the balanced scorecard and Performance Management … Balanced Scorecard Step-By-Step, 281-298. doi:10.1002/9781119205081.ch11

A balanced scorecard is a strategic management tool used to measure metrics and identify critical components that power a business and organizational performance. In this case, there is an extended measure and external analysis that ensures the best profiled is attained. The article describes the critical element that powers a useful, balanced scorecard. One of the financial positions and evaluations is part of an extended balanced scorecard. It also brings about customer profiled and internal processes that increase organizational capacity and response framework. It acts as a mitigation tool in case of risk and barriers. Importantly, it’s the tool that draws a strategic map and increases compliance in financial and management roles.

Bowland, J., & Phillips, D. (2019). Long-term partnering for success: A teamwork approach for positive results. [1992 Proceedings] IEEE/SEMI International Semiconductor Manufacturing Science Symposium. doi:10.1109/ismss.1992.197646

Top-quality management is the core management approach linked to long term success through customer satisfaction. It’s the quality assurance process that ensures customer-based and product objectives are attained on the broader scope. It’s marked by many principles that ensure sustainable quality; top modernization and preference are adhered to. There are s customer focus process and total employee involvement that gives a sustainable goal. Involved stakeholders and the management should be guided by a total-centered process and integrated system that guarantees continuous quality. This process is subject to communication and fact-based decision-making processes and subsequently makes it a critical factor in attaining customer profiles.

Margaret, E. R. (2017). Top management: A threat or an opportunity to TQM? Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 16(4), 463-476. doi:10.1080/14783360500078441

According to Margaret Rouse, a top-quality management framework is a concept used by organizations to manage and counter check a continuous improvement. It’s based on beliefs and organizational culture that can improve the nature of quality and implementation of long term procedures. The key objective, in this case, is typically attaining a customer preference and point of satisfaction. Ideally, long-term processes ensure emphasis and significant financial gain as well as prescribed organizational growth. According to her article, philosophical principles are instituted in high leadership values and a safe working environment. Consequently, there are fewer product defects and customer complaints.

Richard, A. P. (2019). Managing relationships across the life cycle of an outsourcing arrangement. Information Systems and Outsourcing, 303-340. doi:10.1057/9780230594838_12

As depicted in the article, outsourcing is a defined agreement. One company hires another company that will be running its planned or internal affairs based on the provided guideline and outsourced merit. Insignificant cases, this concerto is used in official transfer s of the employee, carrying Audit service and other factors that require utmost accountability. Given this role, the company should depict a profiled degree of accountability and effective control and transparency. It sets the practical guideline and procedure that work and activity should attain before commencement. On the same note, they are subject to the company that issue instruction and outsourced workers can be kicked out if they don’t deliver.

Lacity, M. C., Willcocks, L. P., & McIvor Martin, L. (2020). What providers say about establishing the outsourcing arrangement. Advanced Outsourcing Practice, 25-46. doi:10.1057/9781137005588_2

In the article, Liam McIvor Martin draws a scope of what outsourcing is and the advantages that come along with it. According to the text, outsourcing introduces the third part and gives them a defined role in the organization. In this case, there I a great set of advantages that a company and business can realize upon the outsourcing process. First, there I reduced the budget and increased compliance. The company, given the assignment, ensures that quality and timeline issued have been attained and on time. Time management is maintained in the utmost process, and this encourages a quick turnaround increased expectation.

Levit, E. R. (2020). The cycle game I – Product life cycle, R&D cycle and organizational life cycle. Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Biotechnology, An International Perspective. doi:10.4337/9781845428853.00012

The product lifecycle is the amount of time a product took from when it was introduced in the market until it takes off shelves. As outlined in the article, their product undergoes four crucial components that are crucial in mating it in the market. Amongst them include the introduction scope. This is the time that the product is launched in the market and opened for purchase. This is followed by the growth process and the maturity period, which markets the product’s gradual transformation in the market. In this case, one can be able to determine the market position. Lastly, the cycle is marked by the gradual decrease of the product and its demand.

Udroiu, R., & Bere, P. (2018). Introductory chapter: Product lifecycle management – Terminology. Product Lifecycle Management – Terminology and Applications. doi:10.5772/intechopen.81686

Udroiu, R., & Bere, P. (2018) gives a complementary view of what the life cycle is and the gradual development process. In his view, it’s the critical stages that include developing the product, and the growth upon it does realize in the market. The maturity of the product follows this step. The maturity stage serves as a pick season of the product and the sustainable scope in the market. After this process, the product begins slowing down and declines. The decline is caused by saturation and high competition in the market. On the same note, the product may no longer be viable; the outline procedure is the gruel life cycle process that marks a product transaction.

Handfield, J. R. (2018). The environmental aspect of sustainable supply chain management. Sustainable Supply Chain Management, 53-106. doi:10.1002/9781118604069.ch2

According to Robert Handfield, supply and chain management is the active management of supply and chain activities. The primary purpose is to maximize customer value and achieve sustainable competitive advantage actively. As outlined, it sheds more light on a well-represented and outlined supply chain where sourcing, production, and logistics are well adhered to. In this cause, a supply chain manager ensures that procedure is followed when making an acquisition, sales, and other procurement related frameworks. On the broader scope, it ensures that procurement law and internal policy established are effectively followed. This prevents error and integrity based issues.

De Oliveira, M. P., Bronzo, M., P., K., & Arlene Soto, E. D. (2018). The supply chain process management maturity model – SCPM3. Supply Chain Management – Pathways for Research and Practice. doi:10.5772/18961

The article outline that supply and chain management is a concept that is commonly used in procurement processes. It’s an essential tool that is used in attaining a competitive advantage through several factors. In this case, it’s the correct model used in assortment and planning of various activities. The post outlines that there is increased accuracy and accountability when handling related supply and supply chain activity. In almost every organization, their supply and chain manage whose prominent role is lasting down procurement activity and ensuring that law has been followed. Every transaction involving acquiring material and distribution must adhere to strict compliance law and procurement procedures set aside.

Schenk, M. (2019). Enabling mass customization across the value chain. IEE Seminar Mass Customization Turning Customer Differences into Business Advantages. doi:10.1049/ic:20030109

Mass customization is the process of delivering market goods and services that are purposely modified to satisfy customer needs. The process of customization is done purposely to suit customer needs and attain profiled output. As described in the article, the author brings about two concepts crucial in attaining the best result. Marketing and manufacturing are combined in creating a flexible and personalized customer product. On the same note, custom made have a low unit cost and product compared to active mass production. In efforts to attain a sustainable and competitive customization process, innovation and invention are crucial components. It gives new ideas and collaborative concepts and developing a high and standardized product.

MacCarthy, B. (2019). Understanding ‘customization’ in mass customization. IEE Seminar Mass Customization Turning Customer Differences into Business Advantages. doi:10.1049/ic:20030104

As outlined in the post, that author outlines that mass customization is an advanced approach typically used, transforming one product from one process to another. This is effectively done as a way of attaining profiled output. In this regard, it enables active managing of tradition, executive assumption, and trade-offs caused by low-quality factors. The critical dimension and sensitivity of customization are depicted in various ways. In this regard, it has four major stages. They include conceptualization, underpinning processes, and processes. The compressive mass production and process design are approaches that ensure a sustainable process has been enhanced.

Töpfer, A., & Günther, S. (2019). Six Sigma im Entwicklungsprozess — Design for Six Sigma. Six Sigma, 86-134. doi:10.1007/978-3-662-09916-2_4

Six sigma is a method that provides organizational tools to improve the capabilities of their business processes. As indicated in the article, it’s increases performance and decreases the variation process, which would have else caused defect and reduction in profit share. According to the post, sigma is marked by six fundamental approaches that compose of integration and certified procedures. On the broader scope, there should be a fact-finding process. The tool’s collection includes the philosophy and set of tools, methodology framework, and matrix, which acts as a lance and road map of building a sustainable infrastructure. As outlined, the insight and makeover of the entire framework ensure effective and efficient lean processes.


Béchet, F., & Raymond, C. (2019). Benchmarking benchmarks: Introducing new automatic indicators for benchmarking spoken language understanding corpora. Interspeech 2019. doi:10.21437/interspeech.2019-3033

Cook, J. S., & Cook, L. L. (2019). Achieving competitive advantages of advanced manufacturing technology. Benchmarking for Quality Management & Technology, 1(2), 42-63. doi:10.1108/14635779410063329
Hellen, E. S. (2018). Maintaining the balanced scorecard and Performance Management … Balanced Scorecard Step-By-Step, 281-298. doi:10.1002/9781119205081.ch11
Norton, D. D. (2018). Maintaining the balanced scorecard. Balanced Scorecard Step-By-Step and extended framework, 281-298. doi:10.1002/9781119205081.ch11
Bowland, J., & Phillips, D. (2019). Long-term partnering for success: A teamwork approach for positive results. [1992 Proceedings] IEEE/SEMI International Semiconductor Manufacturing Science Symposium. doi:10.1109/ismss.1992.197646
Margaret, E. R. (2017). Top management: A threat or an opportunity to TQM? Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 16(4), 463-476. doi:10.1080/14783360500078441
Richard, A. P. (2019). Managing relationships across the life cycle of an outsourcing arrangement. Information Systems and Outsourcing, 303-340. doi:10.1057/9780230594838_12
Lacity, M. C., Willcocks, L. P., & McIvor Martin, L. (2020). What providers say about establishing the outsourcing arrangement. Advanced Outsourcing Practice, 25-46. doi:10.1057/9781137005588_2
Levit, E. R. (2020). The cycle game I – Product life cycle, R&D cycle and organizational life cycle. Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Biotechnology, An International Perspective. doi:10.4337/9781845428853.00012
Udroiu, R., & Bere, P. (2018). Introductory chapter: Product lifecycle management – Terminology. Product Lifecycle Management – Terminology and Applications. doi:10.5772/intechopen.81686
Handfield, J. R. (2018). The environmental aspect of sustainable supply chain management. Sustainable Supply Chain Management, 53-106. doi:10.1002/9781118604069.ch2
De Oliveira, M. P., Bronzo, M., P., K., & Arlene Soto, E. D. (2018). The supply chain process management maturity model – SCPM3. Supply Chain Management – Pathways for Research and Practice. doi:10.5772/18961
MacCarthy, B. (2019). Understanding ‘customization’ in mass customization. IEE Seminar Mass Customization Turning Customer Differences into Business Advantages. doi:10.1049/ic:20030104
Schenk, M. (2019). Enabling mass customization across the value chain. IEE Seminar Mass Customization Turning Customer Differences into Business Advantages. doi:10.1049/ic:20030109

Töpfer, A., & Günther, S. (2019). Six Sigma im Entwicklungsprozess — Design for Six Sigma. Six Sigma, 86-134. doi:10.1007/978-3-662-09916-2_4

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