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    Frankenstein Character Analysis Worksheet

    In chapters 1-10, the author introduces several major characters in the novel as well as
    several minor characters. In the chart below, list each character and note anything important
    about his or her background or personality.

    Character Important Details

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    1. CharacterRow1:
    2. Important DetailsRow1:
    3. CharacterRow
    4. 2:
    5. Important DetailsRow2:
    6. CharacterRow
    7. 3:
    8. Important DetailsRow3:
    9. CharacterRow
    10. 4:
    11. Important DetailsRow4:
    12. CharacterRow
    13. 5:
    14. Important DetailsRow5:
    15. CharacterRow
    16. 6:
    17. Important DetailsRow6:
    18. CharacterRow
    19. 7:
    20. Important DetailsRow7:
    21. 2:

    22. 8:
    23. 10:
    24. 11:
    25. 12:
    26. 13:
    27. 14:
    28. 15:
    29. 16:

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