Chapter Summary 8

These summaries are due on the chapters assigned for reading each week.  Each week, students will complete distinct summaries/review of the weekly readings focusing on the following questions:

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  1. Review: What is the author trying to convey, and what are the primary and secondary points that are made?  How does this fit in against the backdrop of all that we are learning in this class?
  2. Analysis: What do you (personally and critically) think about the reading? Based on your knowledge or personal and professional experiences, do you think all of what is said is valid?  Is some of it?  Is none of it?  Why?  What are some strong or weak aspects of what is said, and why?  What are the major limitations, and are they correctable?  If so, how?
  3. Application: How might the main points of the reading be applicable in real life – given the fact that we cannot fully control human behavior?  How can the ideas be used to address, prevent, or reduce teen technology misuse in schools, families, and communities?  Are there specific role players who can help with the implementation of the ideas/strategies more than others?  How much value do you see here?

Students are expected to cover these questions using at least 500 words for each week’s grading period’s worth of readings, citing examples in the readings (or other scholarly sources) using APA format where relevant. It is important that this summary is clear, concise, thoughtful, and original. Don’t restate what you find online – think for yourself and have your own opinions. Your weekly summaries are each worth 100 total points (1000 points total for each of the weekly grading periods).

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