Chapter 20

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In your own words, discuss the various ways to improve system development productivity.

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20 Enhancing Development Productivity1

Poor development productivity has been a perennial problem for IT (Brooks 1975; McKeen and Smith 2003; Oman and Ayers 1988). “IT takes too long to deliver” is a common complaint among today’s business leaders (Luftman and Zadeh 2011;
Overby 2005). Over the past three decades (or more), a considerable number of panaceas
have been proposed for helping organizations to get the systems and IT functionality
they need better, faster, and cheaper. Structured approaches to programming and
design and the introduction of systems development life cycle methodologies were first.
Then came automated systems development tools, attempts to measure productivity
(e.g., function points), and new development approaches such as rapid application
development (RAD). More recently, organizations have sought to buy off-the-shelf
software, use middleware to integrate it, introduce enterprise resource planning systems
(ERPs), or adopt software-as-a-service in order to deliver more functionality at a lower
cost. Companies have also realized that the processes around systems development,
such as system prioritization and enterprise architecture, can have a significant impact
on development timelines and most now have procedures in place to manage these
activities. Finally, many organizations have turned to contract or outsourced staff (often
in other countries) to help them with extra resources during high-demand periods or to
provide a large group of qualified development personnel at a lower overall cost (Han
and Mithas 2014; Lacity and Willcocks 2001).

Nevertheless, over the past decade the situation has gotten worse in many ways.
Changes in technology, connectivity and collaboration, and the introduction of open
standards has meant that the IT function is sitting at the intersection of two power-
ful and rapidly changing forces—technological innovation and globalization—and IT
has become absolutely critical to effective business strategy. Furthermore, development
teams are becoming increasingly complex to manage, incorporating people and partners
from different companies and locations. And development activities are more challeng-
ing, involving many regulatory, architectural, business, financial, HR, security, and risk

1 This chapter is based on the authors’ previously published article, Smith, H.A., J.D. McKeen and W.A. Cram,
“Enhancing Development Productivity,” Journal of Information Technology Management, XXXIII, no. 3, September
2012. Reproduced by permission of the Association of Management.

298 Section IV • IT Portfolio Development and Management

management hoops that have little to do with the traditional design and coding of the
past but that need to be orchestrated to deliver a coherent, viable service. Unfortunately,
new systems development techniques have not always kept pace with these changes.
Many that have promised, such as service-oriented architecture (SOA), software-as-a-
service, and agile development, still have not displaced traditional approaches. At the
same time, the new technical and managerial practices needed to support them have
not been fully introduced. In short, improved development productivity is still long on
promises and short on delivery.

This chapter explores improving development productivity from a number of per-
spectives. It begins by examining the problem of IT development productivity and how
system development practices are changing. It then explores the key obstacles involved
in improving development productivity and outlines practices that are proven to work.
It concludes with recommendations for managers about how to create an improved
environment for systems development productivity.

The Problem wiTh SySTem DeveloPmenT

In the past, the focus group explained that “system development” largely meant creating
customized software applications for an individual organization. Today, it still means
custom building but development also includes selecting, implementing and integrat-
ing packaged software solutions, and increasingly, integrating smaller, reusable soft-
ware components with existing legacy applications across a variety of platforms with
a variety of development tools. However, although systems development has changed
over time, many of the problems associated with it have not changed; that is, there are
still very high failure rates with development projects and they are still perceived to
take too long, cost too much, and deliver limited business value (Korzaan 2009).

Research has not been particularly helpful in providing ways to improve on any of
these fronts. There have been few studies of actual development practices to determine
what works and under what circumstances and there is thus very little on which to
base guidelines for different types and sizes of development (Dyba and Dingsoyr 2009).
In short, “we need to know more about what we know and don’t know about soft-
ware development” (Adams 2009). One study noted that improvement in software
development models and best practices has been a “long slog” since the 1980s and using
the traditional “waterfall” model of systems development2 has “continued to fail in
delivering acceptable measures of software development performance” (Royce 2009).
The Standish Group’s ongoing study of software development success rates shows that
in 2009 only 32 percent were considered successful (that is, on time, on budget and with
the required features and functions), while 24 percent were considered failures (i.e., they
were cancelled or never used). The remaining 44 percent either finished late, were over-
budget, or had fewer than required features or functions (Levinson 2009). While these
measures have improved somewhat since 1994, progress has been agonizingly slow.

Although IT practitioners and consultants have worked hard to define a strict set
of rules to guide and govern software development, and have seen some modest gains

2 By this we mean a system development life cycle (SDLC) approach in which all requirements are first
defined, and then an application is designed, developed, tested, and implemented with few changes.

Chapter 20 • Enhancing Development Productivity 299

from such factors as improved governance, project management offices, and better
methodologies, many believe that “rules don’t work and haven’t since 1967” (Berinato
2001). These ongoing problems have meant that system development has long “suffered
from way too many management fads and silver bullets du jour . . . and [left managers
prey to] consultants and sellers of ‘software oil’” (Adams 2009).

Finally, system development continues to be plagued by the difficulty of measu ring
“productivity.” What exactly is a successful systems development project? Many com-
panies define it as meeting schedules and budgets and by the functionality delivered
(Levinson 2008). Yet, these common metrics typically “do more harm than good”
(Cardin et al. 2008). While they are easy for business people to understand, they perpetuate
a “myth” that these are the only three factors that make a project successful. Furthermore,
they take no account of some major elements that are often responsible for project failure,
such as changes in requirements or scope, unreasonable deadlines, project dependencies,
and lack of business accountability (Levinson 2008). “We still have no formal produc-
tivity metrics,” said one IT manager, “and it’s not a priority for us.” Nevertheless, said
another, summarizing the challenge faced by everyone in the focus group, “we are still
expected to deliver business value with increasing speed and efficiency.”

TrenDS in SySTem DeveloPmenT

For many years, system development has been conceptually seen as a functional,
engineering project, similar in nature to building a bridge (Chatterjee et al. 2009).
Unfortunately, efforts to develop methodologies that embody software engineering
principles designed to lead to consistent performance outcomes, while resulting in some
improvements, have not been as successful as predicted (Chatterjee et al. 2009; Royce
2009). Therefore, in the past two decades, numerous efforts have been made to address
system development productivity shortcomings in other ways, including the following:

1. Adopting new development approaches. There are a significant number of new
development approaches that their proponents believe address some or all of the
problems with the traditional waterfall development method. While a comprehen-
sive assessment of these approaches is beyond the scope of this chapter, they can be
classified into three major types:
• Agile. Introduced in the 1990s, this approach encompasses a variety of

“anti-waterfall” methods of system development, such as spiral, incremental,
evolutionary, iterative, and RAD. They stress the need to incorporate flexibility
into system development by breaking up a large project into smaller pieces
that can be developed in overlapping, concurrent phases to rapidly deliver
business value in a series of short increments. Speed and agility are achieved
by collapsing or compressing one or more phases of the waterfall method and
by incorporating staged delivery or incremental implementation (Jain and
Chandrasekaran 2009).

• Composition. This approach models and develops generic components
comprising data, processes, and services that can be reused in different
development efforts (Plummer and Hill 2009). Based on detailed analysis and
architecture, components (e.g., acquire customer name and address) can be
plugged into any system without being reprogrammed. Initially called “object

300 Section IV • IT Portfolio Development and Management

oriented programming” in the 1990s (McKeen and Smith 1996), and “service
oriented architecture” (SOA) more recently, composition has been difficult to
achieve because of the intensive modeling and architecting required and the
IT organizational changes require to adapt to them (Blechar and Norton 2009;
Plummer and Hill 2009). With this approach, system development becomes pro-
cess orchestration, combining various software components into an “application
container” (Blechar 2010).

• Integration. The 1990s also saw the widespread introduction of packaged soft-
ware to the marketplace that could be purchased and implemented rather than
developed in-house. As a result, many companies, including most of those in
the focus group, adopted a “buy don’t build wherever possible” philosophy for
their generic applications, such as accounting, human resources, or customer
relationship management. More recently, this marketplace has begun to evolve
so that companies can purchase software-as-a-service from the cloud, rather than
implementing it within their own organizations. Although preprogrammed,
such services or packages still require various amounts of effort to select and
then integrate them into an organization’s existing processes, platforms, and
data (Mahoney and Kitzis 2009; Plummer and Hill 2009).

However, for most companies, adopting new development approaches still involves
using them only selectively and change has been agonizingly slow as a result.

2. Enhancing the waterfall methodology. Although new development approaches
are gaining ground in organizations, the waterfall remains the predominant
system development process for large-scale, industrial strength projects (Royce
2009; Schindler 2008). The waterfall method is still considered most practical for
large system development projects because the engineering principles implicit in it
involve formal coordination strategies, centralized decision making, formal com-
munication, and prescribed controls, which help to offset the challenges caused
by the increased complexity and interdependencies and reduced communications
opportunities on large projects (Xu 2009). The focus group’s presentations con-
curred with this assessment. “While we are trying to introduce new and more
flexible approaches to development, our senior management is not committed
to them and are resisting them,” said one manager. “We’re doing lots of experi-
mentation with different development approaches but these are done within our
standard methodology,” said another. Improving the waterfall development pro-
cess is therefore still a high priority for most companies. In recent years, organi-
zations have attempted to improve the “maturity” of their traditional software
development processes using Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) to
move them from ad hoc activities to more managed, better defined, quantifiable
processes, so they yield standardized, replicable results (Chatterjee et al. 2009;
Hanford 2008). For example, one focus group company has created an enhanced
delivery framework complete with a process map, detailed activities, templates,
inputs, outputs, entry and exit criteria, artifacts, roles, and links to standards.
Another manager stated, “We have well-defined SDLC methodologies and stan-
dards and procedures are enforced . . . [But] we are always looking for applications
development best practices to improve them.”

Chapter 20 • Enhancing Development Productivity 301

3. Improved governance. It has also been accepted that there are a number of
factors other than the development process itself that will affect the quality and
the effectiveness of systems development. Today, in spite of a persistent engi-
neering mind-set that permeates system development practices, there is also
growing acceptance that building systems can be more of an art than a science.
“Systems are a unique and complex web of intellectual property bounded only
by vision and human creativity . . . They are more similar to movie produc-
tion [than bridge-building] where no laws of physics or materials apply . . . most
quality is subjective [and] anything can change” (Royce 2009). To deal with these
conditions, some organizations are beginning to adopt governance mechanisms
based on economic disciplines that accept the uncertainties involved in systems
development— especially at the beginning—and adapt and steer projects through
the risks, variances, and moving targets involved (Royce 2009). Thus, many focus
group companies have adopted different governance practices for different stages
of the development life cycle, such as staged estimates of cost and time, “gating
reviews,” and quality assessments at different life cycle phases. Other governance
mechanisms, such as those used in Sweden, also consider the social and cultural
implications involved (Chatterjee et al. 2009). Still others govern by a set of software
outcomes, including flexibility, responsiveness, operational efficiency, quality of
interaction, learning, product performance, and benefits achieved (Liu et al. 2009;
Smith et al. 2010). In the focus group, most managers stressed that compliance with
all legislation and regulations has become a further significant governance issue
for all their systems initiatives. Some also stressed the need for better governance
of the processes that “touch” and impact systems development activities, such
as quality assurance, architecture, security, and testing. In short, governance at a
variety of levels is becoming more important to ensure productivity in systems
development (Plummer and Hill 2009).

4. Changing resourcing strategies. One trend in systems development that is very
clear is the widespread use of contractors and outsourced developers to supplement
in-house development staff. A major driver behind improved governance, method-
ologies, standards, and componentization of software is the desire to use cheaper
development labor, often located in other countries. This globally dispersed devel-
opment, however, increases the need for new internal business and technical skills.
New resourcing strategies increase the need for better business, technical and data
architecture, improved business analysis, IT strategy that is more closely linked to
business, and project managers who can coordinate and leverage the efforts of a
diverse group of internal and external, IT and business staff to deliver consistent
and effective IT products (Blechar 2010; Plummer and Hill 2009). At present, only
28 percent of CIOs believe that they have the right skills in their IT organizations to
support these changes (Mahoney and Kitzis 2009). The group agreed that develop-
ment skills are changing. “Our focus is on improving project management, business
analysis and quality assurance staff,” said one manager. “We’re stressing the devel-
opment of relationship management, analysis and consulting skills,” said another.
“Improved resource allocation is also essential,” said a third, “because there are only
so many staff with the necessary skills. In the past, each business unit had dedicated
resources; now they all work for the enterprise.”

302 Section IV • IT Portfolio Development and Management

obSTacleS To imProving SySTem DeveloPmenT ProDucTiviTy

It is clear from the earlier mentioned trends that systems development is changing and
has changed to address complaints of poor productivity. However, it is also clear that
these changes are still not adequately addressing the problem. There are several reasons
why improvements in development productivity have been difficult to achieve. While
many of them may not be surprising to long-time IT managers, they bear repeating
since they pose significant barriers to success in this area.

First, there is still a need for a more holistic understanding of system develop-
ment, both within IT and within the business. As already noted, development is a much
more complex and uncertain process than was first understood. Too often, our mental
models of development appear to be dated—locked into a time in the past when the
problem being addressed was straightforward and the programming effort significant.
Today, the programming is straightforward, while the problems are highly complex,
typically involving many parts of the business and many IT functions and requiring
significant business knowledge, technical skill, relationship and communications abili-
ties, and conceptual understanding (Chakraborty et al. 2010). In an earlier look at this
subject we noted that all activities impacting system development should be considered
when trying to improve productivity. “There is a need to ensure that everything works
together to further the overall goal. It makes no sense to improve one part of the process
if it doesn’t accomplish this” (McKeen and Smith 1996). Members of the focus group
identified three primary areas where there are currently significant bottlenecks in the
development process:

• Business involvement. This can be an obstacle to development success at several
levels. At the highest level, it is well-known that business sponsorship is essential to
ensure that the right projects are developed (Hanford 2008). While many organiza-
tions have addressed this problem through their governance processes, the focus
group stressed that many business leaders still pay only lip service to their respon-
sibilities. This impacts the system development process in several ways. “Our
business users take forever to complete their parts, such as agreeing to a proposed
solution or signing off on key phases of a project,” said a manager. “They don’t
see how this affects our work, which can’t proceed without it.” The focus group
felt strongly that business users needed more education about their roles in (and
impact on) every level of the system development process, including governance,
analysis, testing, and change management, in order to make development more

• Analysis. “We were very surprised to find that analysis takes about 30 percent of
the elapsed time of development,” said one manager. “Business analysis is not at
the same level of maturity as other parts of development,” said another. Analysis
can be an obstacle to productivity and effectiveness in many ways, in addition to
the time it takes. Significant problems can be caused by failing to clearly define
the scope of a project, to understand the dependencies between projects, to iden-
tify the changes that will need to be made to business processes when a system is
implemented, or to recognize and incorporate the needs of multiple stakeholders in
system requirements (Lemmergaard 2008; Levinson 2008).

• Testing. Several companies are focusing on testing, which they have found takes
between 20 and 40 percent of development effort and resources. “We are spending

Chapter 20 • Enhancing Development Productivity 303

increasing amounts of money on testing; it’s a growing job,” said one manager.
“It’s extremely complex and expensive to set up and maintain test environments,”
said another. In system development, testing is typically done by three groups—the
development team itself; quality assurance; and business users. Delays often occur
with the last two groups, who focus on their own needs and optimize their own
processes with little regard for their impact on the progress of an individual project
or the business as a whole.

Second, the systems development process itself continues to be problematic.
Today, many organizations try to force fit all projects to a single development
approach, often with disastrous results (Norton and Hotle 2010). If there’s one thing
that practitioners and managers agree on, it’s that whatever development approach is
used, it should be appropriate for the project being undertaken. Typically, small proj-
ects suffer from too much process when a full-scale, CMMI-style methodology is used,
while large projects cannot coordinate all their variables using an agile development
approach (Adams 2009). Agile approaches are useful when requirements are not fully
known or in rapidly changing business conditions. Yet, “for most organizations, [agile
development] should be known by the acronym BDSF (delivering bad software fast)”
(Norton and Hotle 2010). Conversely, too much process makes a project inflexible and
adds layers of red tape that causes a project to bog down (Levinson 2009). Not using
a methodology is not the answer as this can increase the risk that important tasks will
fall through the cracks or that a project won’t be completed on time (Levinson 2008).
Members of the focus group were finding resistance to an overabundance of method-
ology from within IT as well as from the business. Thus, the ongoing challenge for IT
managers is to find the right balance between structure and consistency and speed
and flexibility.

Third, poor communication on the part of both IT and business tends to create
misunderstandings and conflicts that can inhibit projects. One of the major goals of a
good development methodology is to mediate between all stakeholders to prevent the
changes in requirements and scope that result from problematic communication. But
communications issues cannot be fully dealt with by a methodology (Liu et al. 2009).
“Most of the project management mistakes IT departments make boil down to either a
lack of adequate planning or breakdowns in communication (either among the project
team or between the project team and the project sponsors. These mistakes can be fatal”
(Levinson 2008). While much of the blame for ineffective communication tends to be
placed on IT (Smith and McKeen 2010), there is considerable evidence that business
people do not take the time or make the effort to understand what is being said to them
(Liu et al. 2009). “Our business doesn’t want to hear about what we must do,” said a
focus group manager. Too often, executives rely on simplistic metrics, such as prog-
ress against schedule and budget, because they are easy to understand. These in turn
perpetuate the perception of poor development productivity (Royce 2009). “Project
sponsors latch on to initial estimates . . . and because [they] don’t understand project
complexity and other factors influencing cost and timelines . . . they may see a project as
a failure . . . even if changes resulted in improved value . . .” (Levinson 2008). Improved
communication about changes in requirements, cost estimates, and schedules is
therefore critical to improving perceptions of development productivity and success
(Cardin et al. 2008).

304 Section IV • IT Portfolio Development and Management

imProving SySTem DeveloPmenT ProDucTiviTy:
whaT we know ThaT workS

There is still a lot that we don’t know about improving system development producti vity
and members of the focus group were actively experimenting with a wide variety of
initiatives in this regard, which may or may not be successful. However, they identified
five sets of practices that they believed clearly made a significant difference:

1. Optimize the bigger picture. System development should be seen as only one part
of an overall business and technical effort to deliver value to the enterprise. This
starts at the top with a clearer understanding of the IT value proposition: deliver-
ing strategic insight and leadership; understanding business needs and designing
solutions; and sourcing solutions implementation (Mahoney and Kitzis 2009). This
bigger picture has a number of implications for both business and IT. First, IT and
business strategy must be closely aligned to ensure IT is working on the right things
and in the right order, said the focus group. Business and technology architecture
functions, combined strategic governance, roadmaps, and improved business and IT
relationships should all be designed to deliver enterprise value (not IT or business unit
value). Second, all aspects of the earlier stages of development need to be reassessed
and streamlined, including governance activities around project approvals, priori-
tization and funding; managing demand; educating business people in their roles
and responsibilities in system development and holding them accountable; improv-
ing business casing; information and solutions architecture; use of proofs-of-concept,
prototypes, and use cases; and developing strong project managers with excellent
communications skills. Finally, resource management and sourcing strategies must
be developed to ensure staff with the right skills are available when needed; applica-
tions development best practices need to be monitored and implemented; and test-
ing and quality assurance should be centralized to eliminate duplication of effort.

However, although each of these activities is important, none should be
optimized at the expense of delivering overall value. All too often, individual
functions seek to do the best job possible but forget how their work affects the over-
all goal. It is therefore important for senior IT leaders to ensure that this goal is kept
in mind by all groups involved in delivering solutions to the enterprise. One com-
pany has had significant success—reducing cycle time by 30 percent—through such
holistic process improvements. Another noted, “Becoming more outcome-focused,
optimizing the whole development process and developing a shared business/IT
agenda has led to substantial productivity improvements for us.”

2. Adopt more flexible processes. While not all companies are willing to give up on
the waterfall development methodology, they all recognize that “just enough” pro-
cess should be the goal. Ideally, a development approach should be matched with
the deliverables involved and the level of compliance required (Hotle 2009). Focus
group companies were actively exploring ways to accomplish this goal. One com-
pany has developed a methodology tailoring tool that helps determine the levels
of oversight and control that are needed by outside groups (i.e., security, architec-
ture, operations) according to the level of risk involved. Another company ranks its
development projects into three tiers. “Tier 1 is very visible and requires a higher
level of formality and governance; Tier 3 projects are encouraged to adopt more

Chapter 20 • Enhancing Development Productivity 305

agile approaches,” said the manager. A third is encouraging “smarter execution
choices” from a full range of development approaches by enabling teams to choose
from a variety of methodologies depending on business needs. Finally, one manager
noted that his organization uses a little bit of everything when it comes to its efforts
to improve its productivity. “We have adopted a ‘buy vs. build’ approach and have
packaged ERP systems in several divisions; we use composition services for data
capture, transformation, and delivery between systems—to take the burden away
from the system developers; and we use a combination of agile and waterfall meth-
ods for new development.”

3. Reduce complexity. It is widely accepted that complexity is a major cause of slow
system development (Chakraborty et al. 2010). Standardization wherever possible
therefore reduces complexity and makes development more straightforward (Royce
2009). While aiming for flexibility, the focus group was therefore also trying to reduce
complexity in a number of ways. One organization has cut back on the reporting it
requires, for example limiting the paperwork for its Project Management Office to
just a few short questions. “This has helped us a lot,” said the manager involved.
Standards are a key way most companies are using to limit technological complexity.
“Multiple technologies, platforms, languages and tools mean more complex software
engineering,” said a manager. Finally, several companies are trying to increase reuse
of software components. “We’re actually tracking the amount of reuse in each system;
doing this has led to a 50% increase in reuse and a corresponding 20% reduction in
defects,” said a manager, noting that making reuse a performance metric for systems
has been an important factor in its success.

4. Enhance success metrics. Success is a multidimensional concept depending as
much on perceptions as on objective reality. While, as noted earlier, metrics of prog-
ress against schedule and budget are too simplistic for the current development
environment, it is also true that IT can overdo the metrics it provides (Levinson
2008). Metrics for system development should be designed to accomplish four
goals and used selectively for different audiences:
• Increase buy-in. System development is a team activity, with business and other

parts of IT playing key roles on the team. It is therefore essential that all team
members be committed to achieving the same goals. In fact, the more people are
committed to a goal, the more likely they are to contribute toward its outcomes
(Korzaan 2009). Thus, metrics that clearly link a project and its component parts
(e.g., architecture, testing, change management) with delivering well-articulated
strategic business value are most likely to ensure a coherent and consistent effort
to deliver. Such metrics are usually developed in a business case but may also be
part of an overall business or technical roadmap and should be kept front and
center throughout system development (Smith and McKeen 2010).

• Promote desired behavior. Measuring something is an important way to promote
behavioral change (Kaplan and Norton 1996). Members of the focus group had
therefore developed scorecards to track desirable new development behaviors, such
as reuse, quality, and collaboration. These metrics are often designed to change per-
ceptions within IT, regarding what management values in systems development.

• Educate perceptions. Perceptions can be “educated, trained and controlled”
(Gladwell 2005) and business perceptions of system development productivity

306 Section IV • IT Portfolio Development and Management

need management, transparency, and clear communication. Metrics therefore
need to be interpreted for them by IT in light of business conditions and indi-
vidual situations (Levinson 2008; McKeen and Smith 2009).

• Monitor performance. Finally, system development performance should be
tracked to determine the actual results delivered rather than the progress of
the various activities of the software development process (Royce 2009). “We
need to become more outcome-oriented so that we don’t get bogged down
in process,” agreed a focus group manager. “This is a fundamental change in
IT’s mind-set.” Such a new mind-set also supports the shift to newer develop-
ment approaches, such as agile, package implementation, reuse, and delivery of

5. Create a smarter development environment. Getting “smarter” about develop-
ment involves improving collaboration, knowledge sharing and capabilities, and
finding new opportunities for leveraging the work that is done. With the boundar-
ies between business and IT becoming increasingly blurred and larger numbers of
stakeholders involved in the process (both within IT and in business), development
has become both a much more social and multidisciplinary process, while at the
same time teams are becoming increasingly dispersed geographically (Chakraborty
et al. 2010; Mahoney and Kitzis 2009). Collaboration and knowledge sharing initia-
tives can enhance traditional forms of communication, facilitate relationship build-
ing, and ensure that there is a single version of the “truth” available to everyone
on a project team. Several companies in the group have implemented collaboration
and document sharing tools with considerable success. “Our top priority is promot-
ing collaboration with the business,” said one manager. Another is implementing
knowledge repositories and document-sharing software to enable better access to
work that has already been done. Improved search capabilities are also a top prior-
ity for companies seeking to improve reuse. Another focus group company is stress-
ing improving its capabilities by creating communities of practice around its four
main technology disciplines (i.e., project management, business analysis, develop-
ment, and quality assurance) to create thought leadership that is “more than the
sum of its parts” and drive change throughout the IT organization. One has iden-
tified the key gaps in capabilities for its major functional areas and is developing
learning paths to close them. Finally, companies are becoming smarter about how
they handle requests for compliance projects, for example, gathering all compliance
requirements together in planning to ensure that they are dealt with “once for all.”

nexT STePS To imProving SySTem DeveloPmenT ProDucTiviTy

Although these five general trends in systems development are working well in the
focus group companies, their breadth and the integration and behavior change required
is daunting. While keeping these “big picture” initiatives in mind, the managers in the
group identified five “quicker fixes” that were likely to have an immediate impact on
productivity, while furthering these larger goals:

• Look for and address bottlenecks. Assessing the entire system development process
for bottlenecks in an organization can yield surprising results. One company had no

Chapter 20 • Enhancing Development Productivity 307

idea how long it took business sponsors to complete sign-offs; another found that
cumbersome governance processes took inordinate amounts of time to resolve sim-
ple conflicts. With time pressures extreme these days, it makes sense to identify and
speed up such bottlenecks first rather than increasing pressure on the core members
of the development team.

• Focus on outcomes. As already noted, IT metrics have typically measured elements
of the process, such as consumption of resources, rather than value delivered. With
the development world changing rapidly due to the advent of software services and
application assembly, it is essential to refocus both business and IT on what function-
ality is being delivered, not how it is delivered. Making the shift to a more dynamic,
innovative, and effective IT organization means changing what is measured. One
firm now undertakes a quarterly assessment across its entire IT organization of the
seven key capabilities it wants to develop: community participation, collaboration,
transparency, innovation, agility (i.e., time to value), component-based develop-
ment, and asset management and reuse. It believes encouraging these behaviors
will promote faster time to market for all its development initiatives.

• Clarify roles and responsibilities. Several firms have seen commitment to
development projects increase, both from internal IT groups and from business
sponsors and users when their roles and responsibilities were clarified. For example,
one company clearly explains where IT architecture is accountable in system
development, when it should be consulted, and when it should merely be informed.
Another provides clarity about who is responsible for resolving development
problems. “This has helped us to stop churning and increase motivation,” said
the manager. Another manager, who had overseen a transition from a traditional
waterfall IT development organization to an SOA function, stated, “Making change
is all about clarity of roles and responsibilities.”

• Simplify the development environment. All companies in the focus group had
some initiatives to decommission or replace end-of-life or duplicate technologies
and applications. Some are attacking this type of complexity more vigorously than
others. One firm had slashed its legacy applications by one-third over the past
three years. The benefits of a simpler environment are numerous—speed of imple-
mentation, flexibility, more investment dollars, and easier new technology deploy-
ment. In particular, one firm that had mandated a single desktop and common
infrastructure found it dramatically increased its time to market for new develop-
ment initiatives.

• Simplify testing. Testing has long been seen as a system development bottleneck
(McKeen and Smith 1996), and with the addition of more complex technological
environments and more stringent compliance regulations, requiring separate
groups to perform different types of testing, the situation has become much worse
in recent years, said the focus group. Therefore, they have each put much effort into
streamlining and automating this activity. Many companies have created a central-
ized test environment with automated scripts and standard tests that dramatically
increase throughput. “With these you are not starting from scratch each time,” said
a manager. Testing tools and methods, including automated regression testing, risk
assessments, and analysis of defects have helped both to speed up the process and
provide the necessary documentation of results.

308 Section IV • IT Portfolio Development and Management


Much has improved in the practice of system
development over the past two decades and
if the development environment had stayed
static, it is likely that productivity would
also have been perceived to have improved
dramatically. Instead, systems have become
increasingly complex at every level so process
improvements have barely made a dent in
the dilemma of development productivity.
This chapter has addressed the ongoing
nature of the productivity problems facing IT
managers in systems development and how
the field is changing. It has examined some

of the serious systemic barriers to fundamen-
tal change in how systems are developed
and documented best practices for dealing
with them. There is unfortunately no silver
bullet when it comes to improving system
development productivity, in spite of much
effort to find one. While a few organizations
are “pushing the envelope” in an attempt to
radically change how systems are delivered,
for most, improvements are more likely to
come as a result of persistent and iterative
analysis of what works and what doesn’t in
their particular organizational context.


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  • Cover
    Title Page
    Copyright Page
    About the Authors
    Section I: Delivering Value with IT
    Peeling the Onion: Understanding IT Value
    The Three Components of the IT Value Proposition
    Five Principles for Delivering Value
    Business and IT Strategies: Past, Present, and Future
    Four Critical Success Factors
    The Many Dimensions of IT Strategy
    Toward an IT Strategy-Development Process
    Challenges for CIOs
    Business Measurement: An Overview
    Key Business Metrics for IT
    Designing Business Metrics for IT
    Advice to Managers
    The Nature of the Business–IT Relationship
    The Foundation of a Strong Business–IT Relationship
    Appendix A: The Five IT Value Profiles
    Appendix B: Guidelines for Building a Strong Business–IT Relationship
    Communication in the Business–IT Relationship
    What Is “Good” Communication?
    Obstacles to Effective Communication
    “T-Level” Communication Skills for IT Staff
    Improving Business–IT Communication
    Appendix A: IT Communication Competencies
    The Changing Role of the IT Leader
    What Makes a Good IT Leader?
    How to Build Better IT Leaders
    Investing in Leadership Development: Articulating the Value Proposition
    Delivering Business Value with IT at Hefty Hardware
    Investing in TUFS
    IT Planning at ModMeters

    Section II: IT Governance
    IT Shared Services: An Overview
    IT Shared Services: Pros and Cons
    IT Shared Services: Key Organizational Success Factors
    Identifying Candidate Services
    An Integrated Model of IT Shared Services
    Recommmendations for Creating Effective IT Shared Services
    A Maturity Model for IT Functions
    IT Sourcing Options: Theory Versus Practice
    The “Real” Decision Criteria
    A Decision Framework for Sourcing IT Functions
    A Management Framework for Successful Sourcing
    Key Concepts in IT Budgeting
    The Importance of Budgets
    The IT Planning and Budget Process
    IT Budgeting Practices That Deliver Value
    A Holistic View of IT-Based Risk
    Holistic Risk Management: A Portrait
    Developing a Risk Management Framework
    Improving Risk Management Capabilities
    Appendix A: A Selection of Risk Classification Schemes
    Information Management: How Does IT Fit?
    A Framework For IM
    Issues In IM
    Getting Started in IM
    Appendix A: Elements of IM Operations
    Building Shared Services at RR Communications
    Enterprise Architecture at Nationstate Insurance
    IT Investment at North American Financial

    Section III: IT-Enabled Innovation
    The Need for Innovation: An Historical Perspective
    The Need for Innovation Now
    Understanding Innovation
    The Value of Innovation
    Innovation Essentials: Motivation, Support, and Direction
    Challenges for IT leaders
    Facilitating Innovation
    The Social Media/Big Data Opportunity
    Delivering Business Value with Big Data
    Innovating with Big Data
    Pulling in Two Different Directions: The Challenge for IT Managers
    First Steps for IT Leaders
    Customer Experience and Business value
    Many Dimensions of Customer Experience
    The Role of Technology in Customer Experience
    Customer Experience Essentials for IT
    First Steps to Improving Customer Experience
    Understanding Business Intelligence
    The Need for Business Intelligence
    The Challenge of Business Intelligence
    The Role of IT in Business Intelligence
    Improving Business Intelligence
    Why Collaborate?
    Characteristics of Collaboration
    Components of Successful Collaboration
    The Role of IT in Collaboration
    First Steps for Facilitating Effective Collaboration
    Innovation at International Foods
    Consumerization of Technology at IFG
    CRM at Minitrex
    Customer Service at Datatronics

    Section IV: IT Portfolio Development and Management
    The Applications Quagmire
    The Benefits of a Portfolio Perspective
    Making APM Happen
    Key Lessons Learned
    Appendix A: Application Information
    Understanding IT Demand
    The Economics of Demand Management
    Three Tools for Demand management
    Key Organizational Enablers for Effective Demand Management
    What is a Technology Roadmap?
    The Benefits of a Technology Roadmap
    Elements of the Technology Roadmap
    Practical Steps for Developing a Technology Roadmap
    Appendix A: Principles to Guide a Migration Strategy
    The Problem with System Development
    Trends in System Development
    Obstacles to Improving System Development Productivity
    Improving System Development Productivity: What we know that Works
    Next Steps to Improving System Development Productivity
    Information and IT: Why Now?
    Delivering Value Through Information
    Effective Information Delivery
    The Future of Information Delivery
    Project Management at MM
    Working Smarter at Continental Furniture International
    Managing Technology at Genex Fuels


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