Chapter 1 Introduction


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Chapter 1 Introduction

For this discussion, write your 2–4 page Chapter 1: Introduction to the Integrative Project.


Now that you have a research question and Chapters 2 through 5, you are prepared to write Chapter 1, the project introduction. The purpose of the introduction is to explain and justify how you plan to answer the research question:

  • Introduce the purpose and describe key features of Chapters 2 through 5.

    Remember, to meet this goal, you must begin with a description of the research problem and how the research problem led to the current research question.

  • Include your research question in interrogative form, such as How do preschool teachers who recognize possible cognitive delay in their pupils describe their attempts to help parents help their children? 
  • Summarize briefly what we know so far about the phenomena under investigation.

    Describe what we need to know to advance the knowledge base.

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  • Address briefly the major themes identified in the literature review.
  • Summarize the design approach.

    Identify whether it is qualitative or quantitative.
    Identify the target population, procedures such as survey, interview, observation, quasi-experimentation, and the plan for analysis.

  • Summarize the expected results briefly.
  • Summarize implications for the research community.

Note: Post the Chapter 1: Introduction by copying and pasting directly to the message box in addition to attaching your Word doc.


Due Date: End of weekly
Percentage of Course Grade: 20%.

Learner Guidelines for Evaluation of Discussion Contributions

All discussion contributions will be read by your instructor each week. The instructor will provide feedback to you regarding your discussion postings. Expecting that every discussion posting and response contain all of the attributes of an exemplary discussion posting is setting a high standard for both you and the instructor. This level of high performance is the standard expected of graduate learners at Capella.

Attributes of an Exemplary Discussion Contribution or Response:

1. The discussion contribution or response clearly addresses the content issue(s) presented by the question.

2. The discussion contribution or response includes the appropriate level(s) of critical analysis.

3. The discussion contribution or response includes pertinent course and disciplinary concepts, theories, or materials, and applies them correctly.

4. The discussion contribution or response provides validation and support by including relevant examples and supporting evidence, as appropriate.

5. The discussion contribution or response stimulates fellow learners to clarify, extend, and strengthen their dialogue.

6. The discussion contribution or response is concise, clearly organized, and well structured.

7. The discussion contribution or response uses grammar, usage, and mechanics expected of graduate level composition and expression.

8. All citations and references adhere to APA 6th edition style.

9. The discussion contribution or response fosters collaboration with fellow learners and communicates in a manner that respects the dignity and integrity of fellow learners and the instructor.

10. The discussion response meaningfully supplements and extends consideration of the topic by including one of more of the following: new information, questions, constructive or corrective feedback, or alternative viewpoints.

For additional details regarding discussion participation and contributions, please consult the 

Professional Communications and Writing Guide


Running head: METHODOLOGY 1



Linda Holmes

Capella University


Purpose of the Study

In the reviewed literature, cyberbullying and school bullying have been identified as the risk factors of social media (Underwood & Ehrenreich, 2017). However, even with the identified risks of social media, there has been increasing in penetration of internet access and growing use of the telephones and social media networking sites exposing teenagers to more danger. Schools have and others are adopting e-learning which creates space for students to interact on social media.

Considering the environment that we are living, in some cases, teachers are not aware of the impact of the cyberbullying and school bullying to academic performance. In other cases, students do not report incidences of the cyberbullying and school bullying which means they continue to suffer in silence. It is within this basis that this study is conducted which will seek to identify the connection of the cyberbullying and school bullying and their effects to the academic performance for grade 8 and 9 students.

Research question and hypothesis

RQ: Is there a positive relationship between cyberbullying and school bullying for experimental school and control school for girls aged 13-14 years and how they influence academic performance?

Ho1: There is no significant positive relationship between cyberbullying and school bullying for experimental school and control school for girls aged 13-14 years and how they influence academic performance.

Ha1: There is a significant positive relationship between cyberbullying and school bullying for experimental school and control school for girls aged 13-14 years and how they influence academic performance.

According to the research question cyberbullying and school bullying are dependent variables while academic performance will be an independent variable.

Research Design

A quasi-experimental design will be used for this study. This is because the research project entails the control and treatment group. For the control group, the sample of the students will be extracted and will not be exposed to cyberbullying but for the treatment groups, the selected sample will be exposed to the cyberbullying. Therefore, considering the nature of the information that will be required and types of the samples that will be needed, the quasi-experimental design is most appropriate and specifically when control and treatment experiments are carried out (Aussems, Boomsma & Snijders, 2011).

Target Population and Sample

In the study, will include only girls students aged 13 -14 years selected from both public school and private schools. There will be a total sample size of 100 students with 50 from public school and 50 from the private school. To be considered to be part of the sample, students must allow for the incubation for three months, must have an email address and Facebook accounts.

In each school, the school will be apportioned equally into two groups, that is, twenty-five each group. In the public school, girls students with age of 13-14 years and those have never experienced cyberbullying will be identified. Using random sampling, 50 students will be picked and then divided by two. One group of 25 will form the control group and the other 25 will form the treatment group. The same procedure will be used in private schools. The 25 students in private school and 25 students in the public that form control group will be exposed to the same condition and the same will happen to the other half. This will help to form the ultimate sample size for the control group equal to 50 and the same to treatment group. Therefore, n1=50 and n2=50.


Participants to the project will be girl students within the age of 13- 14 years picked from two identified schools, that is, private and public school. In total, a sample of 100 girls students will be used who will be used in the study. Students that forms must have not have been exposed to the cyberbullying or school bullying before. The student that will form the control group, that is 25 in private and 25 in the public school, they will be exposed to cyberbullying. For the purpose of the study, students in the treatment group will be required to provide their email and Facebook. Using their emails and Facebook accounts, they will be exposed to cyberbullying for a period of three years. For the control group, they will not be exposed to cyberbullying.

For the purpose of the analysis, a similar exam will be administered to the control and treatment group and have their results analyzed. This will be regarded as pre-test examination. Finally, after the end of the three months, another exam will be administered to the control and treatment group and have their scores recorded.

Scores from the control and treatment group will be used to establish whether cyberbullying and school bullying influences academic performance. In each of the samples, independent T-test will be carried out to test the means of the differences between means of the scores attained (Kim, 2015). For the treatment group, it would be expected that there would be a means of the difference between the two means scores which would mean the cyberbullying affects influences academic performance. Second, regression analysis would be carried out with independent variable being pre-test scores and post-test scores. Pre-test and post-test scores would be used to measure the level of academic performance. It would be expected that post-test scores decrease with increase cyberbullying.

Finally, using a questionnaire, the incidence of cyberbullying and school bullying would be collected. This would provide crucial information in establishing the relationship that exists between cyberbullying and school bullying. After collection of the data on the incidences of cyberbullying and school bullying, correlation analysis would be used to establish if there is a positive or negative relationship between cyberbullying and school bullying (Samuel & Okey, 2015).

Potential contributions of proposed study-to stakeholders and expected results

From the study, it is expected that there is a positive relationship between cyberbullying and school bullying to a treatment group of 13-14 aged students. This means exposure of the students’ cyberbullying facilitates school bullying. Further, it is expected that both types of bullying contribute to poor academic performance and as indicated in the treatment group.

Projects study play a critical role because it will suggest approaches and interventions that teachers should pursue to reduce incidences of cyberbullying in the schools. Second, project study recommends the need for addressing cyberbullying and coming up with strategies for identification of cyberbullying to avoid causing school bullying. Projects also make a recommendation to the government on the need to developing policies that will enhance the monitoring of internet and activities carried out on the internet to help address the problem of cyberbullying.

Ethical Considerations

In the project study, it is good to take into consideration that email and Facebook accounts of the treatment group will be used to expose them to cyberbullying. However, e-mail addresses and Facebook accounts provided by the participants should not be used or any other purposes other than within the scope of this project. Second, participants will be required to provide truthful information.

Finally, in the study, all information and data obtained will be in compliance with international data privacy principles and six data protection of PDPO will be applied (Lee, Zankl & Chang, 2016). Tools that will be used to collect and store information will adhere to data and information protection policies. Data will be collected from the control and treatment group over a period of 3 months. This data requires to be stored and necessary measures will be taken to ensure storage devices are encrypted and data is not disclosed to any unauthorized person. Confidentiality and privacy of the information are guarded and given top priority. Databases and information systems require thorough check-up and upgrades which helps to reduce vulnerabilities.

Methodological Strengths and Weaknesses

Considering strengths, correlational research helps to understand the complex relationship between two variables. For example, in the project study, we will be able to establish the relationship between cyberbullying and school bullying. Second, quasi-experiment helps in establishing a cause-effect relationship. For example, through use of the control and treatment groups, it will be easy to establish that poor academic performance is caused by cyberbullying and school bullying. Therefore, a general conclusion can be made that cyberbullying and school bullying for the girls’ students contributes to poor academic performance.

On the other hand, when weaknesses are considered, in the correlational analysis, the relationship of the variables will be established but the cause and effect relationship can be determined which demand use of the quasi-experiment. Second, when quasi-experiment is used, it may be assumed that conditions set for the control group will be applied to the general population but this may not happen. For example, in the project study, it is assumed that control group will not be exposed to cyberbullying and school bullying but practically, measures put in place may not be adequate to prevent control group from being exposed to cyberbullying and school bullying. This may hamper with the accuracy and reliability of the expected results.


Aussems, M. C. E., Boomsma, A., & Snijders, T. A. (2011). The use of quasi-experiments in the social sciences: a content analysis. Quality & Quantity, 45(1), 21-42.

Kim T. K. (2015). T test as a parametric statistic. Korean journal of anesthesiology, 68(6), 540–546.

Lee, W. W., Zankl, W., & Chang, H. (2016). An Ethical Approach to Data Privacy Protection. Isaca Journal.

Samuel, M., & Okey, L. E. (2015). The relevance and significance of correlation in social science research. International Journal of Sociology and Anthropology Research,1(3), 22-28.

Underwood, M. K., & Ehrenreich, S. E. (2017). The power and the pain of adolescents’ digital communication: Cyber victimization and the perils of lurking. The American psychologist, 72(2), 144–158. doi:10.1037/a0040429



Full Title of Your Paper

Learner’s Full Name (no credentials)

Capella University


It is necessary to complete the abstract after the entire project has been developed. The abstract contains an abbreviated overview of the entire project. This overview will reference the following elements of the project:

The Research Question_________________________________

The Research Problem _____________________________________


Significance of the Study


Theory or theories that apply to the concepts associated with the RQ ________________

Narrative describing the quantitative approach planned, implications for stakeholders, significance to the scientific community, and a description of expected results. The abstract is one concise paragraph.

Keywords: [Add keywords here.]

Table of Contents



Background of the Problem


Statement of the Problem


Purpose of the Study


Significance of the Study 1

Research Questions


Definition of Terms


Research Design



Theoretical Orientation for the Study 1

Review of the Literature


Synthesis of the Research Findings


Critique of Previous Research Methods




Purpose of the Study 1

Research Question and Hypotheses 1

Research Design 1

Target Population and Sample




Ethical Considerations



Implications 1

Methodological Strengths and Weaknesses 1

Suggestions for Future Research 1


[Note, the Final draft of Introduction is typically written after the entire project has been completed and just prior to the abstract. It is important to understand that the project is iterative. You will work on, change, and refine all elements of the project. In your initial submission, begin to flesh out the sections listed below: Abstracted Outline of Chapter 1.]

Background of the Problem
Statement of the Problem
Purpose of the Study
Significance of the Study
Research Questions
Definition of Terms
Research Design


Note, this is typically the entry point for beginning the project. It is important to understand that the project is iterative. You will work on, change, and refine all elements of the project. You will begin by understanding and synthesizing what is known so far in the Literature Review, (Chapter 2).

Theoretical Orientation for the Study

The Literature Review provides detailed information about theory that applies to the research topic, theory that applies to the research method, population(s) studied, and key concepts under review. Seminal and current sources are analyzed and evaluated thematically. The research problem is identified.

Review of the Literature

It is essential that the literature review be organized with reference to themes identified in articles that you have read. It is not acceptable to organize the literature review article by article or one article at a time.

Synthesis of the Research Findings
Critique of Previous Research Methods


Purpose of the Study

The introductory paragraph addresses the research problem or proposes to fill the gap in the literature. It includes the purpose of the proposed research and presents formally the research question. The purpose is to answer the research question. State your research question in the form of a question in the introductory paragraph for Chapter 3. As you prepare this section of this chapter, review the characteristics of quantitative research questions:

1. Quantitative research questions point to empirical methods that will test the hypothesis or hypotheses associated with the question.

2. Quantitative research questions have independent and dependent variables.

3. Quantitative research questions measure relationships or correlations and/or manipulate natural phenomena through experimentation.

4. Quantitative data are presented in numerical categories or quantities.

5. Quantitative research questions do not interpret socially constructed themes, narratives, or observations.

Research Question and Hypotheses

Conclude the introductory paragraph to Chapter 3 by writing out the Research Question and hypotheses. Identify the independent and dependent variables associated with your Research Question.

Research Design
Target Population and Sample

As you describe the target population you will include:

Information about the number of participants (include a Power Analysis).

Information about inclusion and exclusion criteria; that is you will describe how you decide who can participate in the study and provide data and who cannot.

Information about the planned recruitment strategy.

Information about the sampling design and randomization strategies.


As you describe the procedures you will include:

Information about how the participants will be identified and contacted.

Information about materials used for data collection.

Information about the instruments used to collect data.

Information about the location where data collection takes place.

Information about the time required for data collection.

Information about the order of steps taken to obtain data.

Describe how the data will be statistically analyzed (Analysis).

Describes strategies for analyzing and interpreting numerical data. Analyses of data is the section of the paper discussing strategies that support the interpretation of numerical information about the data collected. Typically, statistical methods are used to interpret components of natural phenomena that represent natural phenomena. The analysis section of the methods presents and addresses evidence of validity, reliability, and generalizability discovered in the process of interpreting the data.

Note, Chapter 3, Methodology, is typically written after the literature review. It is important to understand that the project is iterative. You will work on, change, and refine all elements of the project.

Ethical Considerations

The APA Code of Ethics that apply to your study and research design should be addressed.


For the expected findings/results, use the literature reviewed in Chapter 2 to anticipate findings that are likely to result from the collection and interpretation of data. Note: some unexpected results are possible and should be addressed in this chapter.



Implications of the potential results are discussed, implications for a wide range of potential stakeholders is addressed, significance to the scientific community and the potential to address the research problem is discussed, limitations of the study are addressed, and suggestions for future research are offered.

Methodological Strengths and Weaknesses

Suggestions for Future Research

The suggestions for future research should close the gap on the methodological limitations.


List references using APA format (APA, 2010, p.169).

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