
1. L1.Discussion: The Rise in Hate Crimes

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Read this 

CNN report

 on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s intelligence report on hate crime:

Discuss some of the factors associated with the rise in hate crimes in relation to the three perspectives on human nature. How may some of the key concepts in this chapter explain hate crime?

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2. Lesson 2 Discussion: Developmental Risk Factors

Brian Smith is a 4-year-old who resides with his mother, father, and younger brother Luke in a four-bedroom home in a comfortable suburban neighborhood.  Brian’s father is a civil engineer and his mother is a dietitian. As a newborn, Brian was described as a “fussy” baby who did not enjoy being held by others, including his parents. As he grew, Brian’s parents coped by minimizing their interactions with him, often encouraging him to play by himself. Although he is able to talk, he prefers to express his needs by grunting and mumbling.  His pediatrician has recommended speech therapy to encourage him to use a greater vocabulary on a regular basis,  Brian’s parents are hesitant to “label him” as a “special needs child” at this young age and have declined any intervention at this time.

Brian has had four different childcare providers since he was six months old. For the past year, he and Luke have spent weekdays with their childcare provider, Tracy, who cares for three additional children under age seven, two of whom frequently wrestle, throw food and hit each other during the day. Last year, Brian’s parents decided to enroll him in a pre-school program five days per week.  Brian attended exactly two weeks before his parents were contacted over concern that he was constantly hitting others and throwing toys.  Rather than work with the pre-school, Brian’s mother decided to return him to Tracy’s house, explaining that the pre-school did not understand the energy level of boys. Tracy describes Brian as exasperating but has been reluctant to discuss her concerns with the Smiths, for fear that they will remove Brian and Luke from her care, and she needs the money.

 In addition to his preschool classmates, Brian has been aggressive with his now 2-year-old brother Luke since Luke was an infant. For example, he has hit Luke, smashed toys over his head, and recently ran Luke over with his tricycle.  Brian’s father has become increasingly frustrated as he struggles to communicate with his son.  He responds to Brian by yelling and demanding that Brian speak clearly.  Interactions with his father often result in Brian screeching, biting his own arm, or throwing objects. Brian’s mother attributes much of Brian’s behavior to being a “toddler boy.” She disciplines him by attempting to explain the reasons his behavior is “not nice.” Brian’s father has begun implementing time-outs as a means of discipline. 

 Identify potential protective and risk factors for Brian. Explain how they apply to the scenario and why they are important.

3. L3.Discussion: The Brain on Trial

Read the article, 

“The Brain on Trial”

 by David Eaglemen.

1. Do you agree or disagree with David Eagleman? What are your feelings on the subject? Be specific.

2. Comment on the accused pedophile called “Alex” in the article. If you agree with David Eagleman, how does it support your view. If you disagree with Eagleman, how do explain this case?

3. If Eagleman is right and human behavior is not the product of free will, but rather a course of conduct that is wired into our brains, what, if any, changes would you make to how the criminal justice system operates?

4. L4.Discussion: The L.A. Riots

Read this 


 on the L.A. Riots.

Apply the concepts of frustration induced criminality to this story.

1. Do you agree or disagree with the author? Be specific.

2. What caused these riots to erupt in your opinion? Support it.

3. Do you think that the riots are a justified form of protest? Why or why not?

5. L5.Discussion: Violent Video Games

Read the following article:

Violent video games may increase aggression in some but not others, says new research

· Do you agree or disagree with what the new research by Patrick Markey discussed in the article suggests? Are video games like peanut butter? Be specific.

· After reading the article, what is your opinion regarding the video game “Doom’s” culpability in the Columbine school shooting? Conduct further research into Columbine if necessary. Support your opinion.

· Do you know anyone that has been either positively or negatively impacted by the playing of violent video games? Give your opinion.

6. L6.Discussion: Juvenile Delinquency

Juvenile Status Offenders / Educational Video PSA

Duration: (5:31)
User: rosaryfilms – Added: 7/11/08

YouTube URL: 

What are status offenses? What has research found relating to gender differences in these offenses? 

Your posts will be graded as follows:

· Complete answer to the question(s) or prompt(s) using standard English vocabulary and grammar: 80%

· Substantial comment to at least one classmate’s posting using standard English vocabulary and grammar: 20%

Discuss the various theoretical perspectives on aggression, including the research in support of or refuting these perspectives.

and please make sure you number the sections! thank you

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