cause/effect essay

open the attached folder bellow to answer the cause and effect essay, outline, and brainstorming

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When organizing a cause-effect essay, it is important to know whether you are writing mainly about the causes or the effects, or if you are writing about both. For practice, use the graphic organizers below to brainstorm causes and effects of each given topic.



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The following are three of the more common ways to organize a cause-effect essay. There are other ways to organize the essay, so it is important to understand what the assignment is asking you to write about.


Paragraph I:


Main cause or causes

Paragraph II:

First Effect

Paragraph III:

Second Effect

Paragraph IV:

Third Effect

Paragraph V:


Paragraph I:

Funnel Introduction

Paragraph II:

Major Cause

Paragraph III:
First Effect
Paragraph IV:
Second Effect
Paragraph V:
Paragraph I:

Main effect or effects

Paragraph II:

First Cause

Paragraph III:

Second Cause

Paragraph IV:

Third Cause

Paragraph V:


EXERCISE 6: Read the following SAMPLE of the prewriting process. You do not need to write anything, just read through each step and pay attention to how the writer develops the topic. 

Topic: _______Cause of Divorce in the U.S.A____________________________________

Step 1: Brainstorming



*unrealistic   expectations

People think that marriage is going to solve all   their problems, and they will stay in love forever. But love fades.

*impulsivity   and attention span

Marriage might be an impulsive action, as a   result of an intense romance or lust. Some people get married on a whim in Las Vegas. Then they realize they made a mistake!

*lack of   patience

People change over time. Many of us think that the relationship   should stay the same. They lose   patience with their spouse.

Step 2: Outlining


Introduction: Causes of divorce


Subtopic #1: unrealistic expectations of marriage


Subtopic #2: impulsive behavior


Subtopic #3: lack of patience


Conclusion will end with a prediction as a final   thought

Step 2: Outlining


I. Introduction

A. Hook: _________________________________________________________

A. Background Information: __________________________________________




B. Thesis Statement: There are many causes for this divorce epidemic in the U.S., but some of the biggest involve an unrealistic view of what marriage is, impulsivity, and lack of patience with people in general.

II. Body 

A. 1st Cause/effect: Perhaps the biggest reason that many couples in the U.S. divorce each year is unrealistic expectations of what marriage is supposed to be.

Explanation: _______________________________________________________


Example: ________________________________________________________


Transition Sentence/Paragraph? YES/NO 

B. 2nd Cause/Effect: Another cause of divorce stems from the impulsivity in American culture.

Explanation: people act on intense lust or romance without thinking about the long term.

Example: Vegas wedding chapels, kids in love

Transition Sentence/Paragraph? YES/NO 

C. 3rd Cause/effect: A third cause of divorce in the U.S.A. is a general lack of patience with people around us.

Explanation: general lack of introspection

Example: social media


III. Conclusion

Restate thesis: _________________________________________________


Final remarks: _________________________________________________


EXERCISE 7: Week 4 Writing Assignment

Name ________________________ 

Date _________________________



Try it Out: Choose one of the following topics to   brainstorm ideas for a cause-effect essay. 

Brainstorming: Sometimes it is useful to think of   experiences from your own life to get ideas for an essay. In most college writing assignments, you   will not end up writing about yourself, but your life experiences and ideas   can be the starting point for gathering ideas.

Consider your answers to the following questions   by brainstorming in the space provided. Once you have generated ideas for an essay, make an outline using the   outline template that follows.  When you have completed the outline, draft a   five-paragraph cause/effect essay in MLA format! We will review them next week!

1. Have you or someone you know every gone   on a diet? What made them decide to   start it? Once they began to diet,   what kind of changes did they notice? What kind of results beyond physical changes did they experience?

Essay   Topic: What causes someone to go on a   diet? 

Essay   Topic: What effects does dieting have   on a person?

2. Did you ever know someone who was   caught for cheating on a school assignment (test, paper, etc.)? Why did they   do it? What happened as a result?

Essay   Topic: What causes a student to resort   to cheating on an assignment? 

Essay   Topic: What effects does cheating have   on a student when it is discovered?

Topic: ___________________________________________

Name ________________________ 
Date _________________________


I. Introduction
A. Background Information: __________________________________________

B. Thesis Statement: ________________________________________________

II. Body 

A. Cause: ___________________________________

Explanation: _______________________________________________________
Example: ________________________________________________________

B. Cause or Effect: ___________________________________

Explanation: _______________________________________________________
Example: ________________________________________________________

C. Effect: ___________________________________

Explanation: _______________________________________________________
Example: ________________________________________________________
III. Conclusion
Restate thesis: _________________________________________________
Final remarks: _________________________________________________


to Cause-Effect Essay Writing

Many college assignments ask students to look at the relationships between events. Students need to explain the reasons behind an event (the causes) or the results of the event (the effects). An assignment might ask students to focus mainly on the causes, to focus on the effects, or to write about both equally. In cause – effect writing, students need to consider the logical causal relationships between events. The following are sample writing prompts that require cause-effect writing from various academic disciplines.

· History: How were Native Americans on the Atlantic Coast of North America affected by the arrival of the first Europeans?

· Psychology:

What factors are behind the increase in teen suicide?

· Environmental Science: What are some of the long-term environmental effects of Hurricane Katrina on the Louisiana coastal communities?

· Health: What are the effects of too much screen time on small children?

· Education: What reasons are behind the lower SAT scores over the last few decades?

OBJECTIVES: In this unit, you will learn to:


Identify cause – effect relationships in model essays


Construct clearly formulated thesis statements that show cause – effect relationships


Use pre-writing techniques to brainstorm and organize ideas showing causal relationships between events


Construct an outline for a five-paragraph cause-effect essay

5. Write a five-paragraph cause-effect essay

6. Use a variety of vocabulary and language structures that express cause – effect relationships

EXERCISE 1: ESL 0202 Cause/Effect Model Essay 1: Read the following essay and answer the questions below.

1. Highlight the thesis and the concluding sentences in yellow. Is this essay about causes or effects?

2. Highlight transitions and linking words in pink. NOTE: there are various sentence structures featured in this essay.

3. Highlight the subtopic sentences in blue—those are the sentences that introduce each new subtopic.

4. What are the subtopics of this essay?

Video Game Addiction

Video game addiction is a serious problem in many parts of the world today and deserves more attention. It is no secret that children and adults in many countries throughout the world, including Japan, China, and the United States, play video games every day. Most players are able to limit their usage in ways that do not interfere with their daily lives, but many others have developed an addiction to playing video games. Regardless of the severity of the addiction, many suffer detrimental effects.

One common effect of video game addiction is isolation and withdrawal from social experiences. Video game players often hide in their homes or in Internet cafés for days at a time—only reemerging for the most pressing tasks and necessities. The effect of this isolation can lead to a breakdown of communication skills and often a loss in socialization. While it is true that many games, especially massive multiplayer online games, involve a very real form of e-based communication and coordination with others, and these virtual interactions often result in real communities that can be healthy for the players, these communities and forms of communication rarely translate to the types of valuable social interaction that humans need to maintain typical social functioning. As a result, the social networking in these online games often gives the users the impression that they are interacting socially, while their true social lives and personal relations may suffer.

Another unfortunate product of the isolation that often accompanies video game addiction is the disruption of the user’s career. While many players manage to enjoy video games and still hold their jobs without problems, others experience challenges at their workplace. Some may only experience warnings or demerits as a result of poorer performance, or others may end up losing their jobs altogether. Playing video games for extended periods of time often involves sleep deprivation, and this tends to carry over to the workplace, reducing production and causing habitual tardiness.

Finally, video game addiction may result in a decline in overall health and hygiene. Players who interact with video games for such significant amounts of time can go an entire day without eating and even longer without basic hygiene tasks, such as using the restroom or bathing. The effects of this behavior pose significant danger to their overall health.

In conclusion, the causes of video game addiction are complex and can vary greatly, but the effects have the potential to be severe. Playing video games can and should be a fun activity for all to enjoy. However, just like everything else, the amount of time one spends playing video games needs to be balanced with personal and social responsibilities. Otherwise, the effects can be detrimental in many ways.

Adapted from:

“Writing for Success”


University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing 

is licensed under 


EXERCISE 2: Outlining the Model: Refer back to the essay “Video Game Addiction” and complete the following outline with the missing information.

I. Introduction: Thesis:
Regardless of the severity of the addiction, many suffer detrimental effects.

One common effect of video game addiction is isolation and withdrawal from social experiences

Hiding at home or an internet cafe

some interaction in gaming communities but___________________

C. ___________________________


Another unfortunate product of the isolation that often accompanies video game addiction is the disruption of the user’s career.

some people don’t have problems; some do

demerits / poor performance

2. ______________________


sleep deprivation

1. ______________________

2. ______________________




A. days without eating

B. _________________

In conclusion, the causes of video game addiction are complex and can vary greatly, but the effects have the potential to be severe.

EXERCISE 3: ESL 0202 Cause/Effect Model Essay 2: Read the following essay and answer the questions that follow.

Reasons for Joining a Gym

Every day the media provide more news about the benefits of exercise, and many people are responding by starting an exercise program. Some people choose to exercise at home watching an exercise video or using resistance bands and light weights. Other prefer to go outdoors where they can walk, jog, or bike their way to health. Still others choose to join a gym. This last group has been growing over the last twenty years. Though there are many reasons for joining a gym, most people join because the gym makes exercise convenient, helps keep up motivation, and provides opportunities for social interaction.

People often join gyms because a gym makes exercise convenient. First, gyms are quite popular, so there are locations just about everywhere in any city or town. They are located in shopping centers, schools, and even in many workplaces. Consequently, it is easy for people to get to a gym without going out of their way. Also, gyms have equipment such as exercise bikes, step machines, free weights, and other equipment all in one place. It is a logical choice for people who do not want to spend a lot of money on such equipment or who simply do not want to clutter their homes with it. Finally, in many gyms on-site professional trainers are available who can help members on their journey to a better body. It is clear that gyms offer many conveniences.

Not only is a gym convenient, it can be a factor in keeping up a person’s motivation to work out. Everyone at the gym is there for the same purpose: exercise. Unlike the home environment, with its disruptions and distractions, a gym helps keep a person focused on their goal. Additionally, seeing other people make progress in their muscle gain or weight loss can be very inspiriting. Finally, the price of the membership alone, especially at an expensive boutique gym, is often enough to cause someone to keep showing up for exercise. It would be a waste of money not to use the membership to its fullest.

Finally, a number of people sign up for a gym membership because they believe it can help improve their social life. The gym can provide opportunities to meet other health-conscious people. These are different from one’s family or coworkers, especially those who do not share the interest in exercise. Oftentimes gym acquaintances can develop into friendships or even romances outside the gym. In addition, most gyms have classes on training techniques, nutrition, and mental health that provide additional social interaction between gym members. Finally, gyms often provide opportunities for friendly competition between their members by organizing weight-lifting tournaments, swim meets, and basketball games.

The rise of gym memberships is not surprising considering how it can be a great support to people who want to work out regularly. Not only do people find it convenient to have so many services available under one roof, they are attracted to the social interaction that the gym provides. For people who have not been successful in sticking to an exercise program on their own, the gym seems like a perfect solution.

Questions about the Model:

1. Does the essay focus on causes, effects, or both?

2. Highlight the thesis and the concluding sentences in yellow. Is this essay about causes or effects?

3. Highlight transitions and linking words in pink. NOTE: there are various sentence structures featured in this essay.

4. Highlight the subtopic sentences in blue—those are the sentences that introduce each new subtopic.

5. In what ways can a gym be motivating? Find some examples in the essay and underline them! Did they author use example signal words to introduce them?

6. Can you think of any other reasons someone would want to join a gym?

EXERCISE 4: OUTLINING THE MODEL: Refer back to the model essay “Reasons for Joining a Gym” to fill in the outline.

I. Introduction: Thesis:_____________________________________________


People often join gyms because a gym makes exercise convenient.

Lots of locations

Shopping centers

2. ____________________

3. ____________________

gym has equipment

don’t have to buy equipment

2. doesn’t clutter the house

C. ___________________________


. fewer distractions than at home so easier to stay motivated

inspiration from other people at the gym

C. ___________________________________

IV. ______________________________________________________________

meet people with same goals

B. _____________________________

C. ______________________________



EXERCISE 5: ESL 0202 Cause/Effect Model Essay 3: Read the following essay and answer the questions that follow.

The Effects of Dropping Out of High School

Every year thousands of teenagers drop out of high school. Some of these teenagers are wage earners who need to contribute to the family income. For them, the immediate need of helping out financially overrides their need for a diploma. Some teenagers did not get strong academic foundation in elementary and middles school, so the high school curriculum proves to be too challenging, which leads to frustration. They find it easier to leave school and start life as working adults. Still others become involved in illegal activities, which often includes drug use. Such a lifestyle in not compatible with regular attendance and study necessary for high school success. In spite of the efforts of parents, teachers, and counselors, these teens end up leaving school to face whatever “real life” brings them. In their situations, it is difficult for them to see that leaving school will have profound effects on their finances, their ability to function in society, and even their sense of self-worth.

Clearly, leaving high school without a diploma will have a negative impact on a person’s finances. Though there are jobs that do not require a high school diploma, these are often not suitable for the long term. Most of these are minim-wage paying jobs, paying hourly wages that barely cover basic living expenses. Such jobs are usually in the service industry and are often physically demanding. They typically do not offer a lot of job satisfaction. Though there are some better-paying jobs that do not require a high school diploma such as utility line installers, heavy equipment operators, and communications installers, these jobs rarely lead to higher-level managerial positions without a high school diploma. Thus, for the rest of his life, the high school dropout is locked in a job with little hope of significant pay increases to keep up with the cost of living or to provide for a family beyond life’s basics.

Dropping out of high school can also negatively affect a person’s ability to function as a fully participating member of society. High school math skills, which go beyond the basics, are necessary to function as an informed consumer. These skills affect good decision making about everything from home mortgages to retirement plans. The advanced reading and critical thinking skills that are part of the high school curriculum are also necessary to make good choices, whether choosing a cell phone plan or voting in local and national elections. The ability to be a fully participating member of society is severely hindered if a person lacks the skills learned in high school.

Finally, a less obvious effect of dropping out of high school concerns the person’s sense of self-worth. A high school diploma is considered the basic level of learning in modern societies. The vast majority of people complete this educational milestone. A person who drops out, however, cannot claim this accomplishment. As a result, he may feel that he is not as valuable to society as others or that other people are somehow better than he is. Though this is not necessarily always true, the lack of a diploma can lead to a lack of confidence. This could affect his interaction with other people, whether during a casual conversation when meeting new people at a party or during a high stakes job interview. A person may even feel he does not belong to a group of people with more education than he has.

The knowledge and skills learned in high school form a foundation for full participation in our society. Without a diploma, a teen has limited opportunities financially and socially. For those who choose not to complete this degree, life will provide a series of unique challenges, so it is important that anyone thinking of dropping out really understand the consequences.

Questions about the model:

1. What is the thesis statement of this essay?

2. Does the writer focus on causes or effect?

3. Does the writer give any causes? If so, where?

4. What are some of the cause-effect signal words the writer uses in paragraph 2?

Organizing the Cause-Effect Essay



1. financial difficulties

2. mental health issues

3. problems in personal relationships


1. poor job performance

2. dishonesty

3. inability to be part of a team

When organizing a cause-effect essay, it is important to know whether you are writing mainly about the causes or the effects, or if you are writing about both. For practice, use the graphic organizers below to brainstorm causes and effects of each given topic.





The following are three of the more common ways to organize a cause-effect essay. There are other ways to organize the essay, so it is important to understand what the assignment is asking you to write about.

Paragraph I:


Main cause or causes

Paragraph II:

First Effect

Paragraph III:

Second Effect

Paragraph IV:

Third Effect

Paragraph V:

Paragraph I:

Funnel Introduction

Paragraph II:

Major Cause

Paragraph III:
First Effect

Paragraph IV:
Second Effect

Paragraph V:
Paragraph I:

Main effect or effects

Paragraph II:

First Cause

Paragraph III:

Second Cause

Paragraph IV:

Third Cause

Paragraph V:


EXERCISE 6: Read the following SAMPLE of the prewriting process. You do not need to write anything, just read through each step and pay attention to how the writer develops the topic.

Topic: _______Cause of Divorce in the U.S.A____________________________________

Step 1: Brainstorming


*unrealistic expectations

People think that marriage is going to solve all their problems, and they will stay in love forever. But love fades.

*impulsivity and attention span

Marriage might be an impulsive action, as a result of an intense romance or lust. Some people get married on a whim in Las Vegas. Then they realize they made a mistake!

*lack of patience

People change over time. Many of us think that the relationship should stay the same. They lose patience with their spouse.

Step 2: Outlining

Introduction: Causes of divorce

Subtopic #1: unrealistic expectations of marriage

Subtopic #2: impulsive behavior

Subtopic #3: lack of patience

Conclusion will end with a prediction as a final thought

Step 2: Outlining


I. Introduction

A. Hook: _________________________________________________________

A. Background Information: __________________________________________



B. Thesis Statement: There are many causes for this divorce epidemic in the U.S., but some of the biggest involve an unrealistic view of what marriage is, impulsivity, and lack of patience with people in general.

II. Body

A. 1st Cause/effect: Perhaps the biggest reason that many couples in the U.S. divorce each year is unrealistic expectations of what marriage is supposed to be.

Explanation: _______________________________________________________


Example: ________________________________________________________


Transition Sentence/Paragraph? YES/NO

B. 2nd Cause/Effect: Another cause of divorce stems from the impulsivity in American culture.

Explanation: people act on intense lust or romance without thinking about the long term.

Example: Vegas wedding chapels, kids in love


Transition Sentence/Paragraph? YES/NO

C. 3rd Cause/effect: A third cause of divorce in the U.S.A. is a general lack of patience with people around us.

Explanation: general lack of introspection

Example: social media


III. Conclusion

Restate thesis: _________________________________________________


Final remarks: _________________________________________________


EXERCISE 7: Week 4 Writing Assignment

Name ________________________

Date _________________________


Try it Out: Choose one of the following topics to brainstorm ideas for a cause-effect essay.

Brainstorming: Sometimes it is useful to think of experiences from your own life to get ideas for an essay. In most college writing assignments, you will not end up writing about yourself, but your life experiences and ideas can be the starting point for gathering ideas.

Consider your answers to the following questions by brainstorming in the space provided. Once you have generated ideas for an essay, make an outline using the outline template that follows. When you have completed the outline, draft a five-paragraph cause/effect essay in MLA format! We will review them next week!

1. Have you or someone you know every gone on a diet? What made them decide to start it? Once they began to diet, what kind of changes did they notice? What kind of results beyond physical changes did they experience?
Essay Topic: What causes someone to go on a diet?

Essay Topic: What effects does dieting have on a person?

2. Did you ever know someone who was caught for cheating on a school assignment (test, paper, etc.)? Why did they do it? What happened as a result?
Essay Topic: What causes a student to resort to cheating on an assignment?

Essay Topic: What effects does cheating have on a student when it is discovered?

Topic: ___________________________________________


Name ________________________
Date _________________________


I. Introduction
A. Background Information: __________________________________________

B. Thesis Statement: ________________________________________________


II. Body

A. Cause: ___________________________________

Explanation: _______________________________________________________
Example: ________________________________________________________

B. Cause or Effect: ___________________________________

Explanation: _______________________________________________________
Example: ________________________________________________________

C. Effect: ___________________________________

Explanation: _______________________________________________________
Example: ________________________________________________________

III. Conclusion
Restate thesis: _________________________________________________
Final remarks: _________________________________________________


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