Case Study on Boeing 737 Max

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ENG 1101 Assignment


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ENG 1101 Renaissance Engineer 1: Problem Solving, Communication & Ethics – Winter 2021

Assignment 4: Creative Problem Solving

Case Study on Boeing 737 Max

This case study is designed to replicate the activity we did in class, using the fishbone chart (cause and effect

diagram) to structure your analysis of the root causes of the fatal accidents linked to Boeing’s introduction of the

MCAT system.

As in real life, there is a lot of data, and we are asking you to review the reports attached and the video

(, so that you can add causes and root causes linked to each of the six main

categories identified in class on the fishbone diagram – and shared below:

How should you approach the assignment?

1. Read the attached documents and watch the video (feel free to access other relevant online resources but

make sure you cite sources if you use them in your answer).

2. Review these sources,and start by making notes on the primary root causes of the accidents (be sure to
include at least one root under each of the six headings identified).

3. Use to complete your fishbone chart, and when you are done export the pdf for submission.

4. Start by setting up your free account (if you don’t already have one) and select the fishbone template.
Modify embedded template to include the


causes listed and modify the outcome box.

5. Use virtual post it notes on miro to identify important causes of the accidents, start by adding six linked to
the six cause types (people, methods….). Once you have these six you can add additional primary
causes….. (you might find it useful to colour code the virtual post-it notes to help make the fishbone clearer
(see example below from the Lac Megantic case (note only one of the six branches included in example).

6. For each of the primary causes, use the Five Whys approach, to identify underlying causes of the issue you
identified. Add these additional causes (using different colour virtual post it notes). (Add the five whys
questions on the chart – see example chart).

7. Keep asking the Five Whys until you get to what you believe is the root cause using different colour virtual
post it notes. Then add a final one that identifies an opportunity to address the root cause (in a different
colour). Where possible add a “How Might We” statement linked to the underlying root cause. Make sure
the “How Might We” statement is not too general to be un-addressable, or too specific to only allow a single
solution, eliminate viable solutions or limit the likelihood of finding a solution.

8. Overall, we would like you to provide 15 causes, or causes of causes, including at least one for each of the
six categories (note we only include one category in the example above). Add the five whys questions and
“how might we” statements.


ENG 1101 Assignment 4

9. Highlight common solutions that might address more than one root cause (indicated in the example by
similarly coloured virtual post it notes).

10. Write a Summary Statement (min 200 – max. 500 words) of your overall approach/strategy for
constructing the fishbone diagram. Be sure to emphasize any relevant connections that emerge or any
interesting outputs of the 5 Whys or HMW tools. You’re welcome to employ bullet points/lists to supplement
(in addition to) your statement.

11. When you have finished editing the miro, select the area of the drawing that includes the content and save as
a pdf – be sure your name and student number are visible somewhere in the diagram. Name it with your
name, assignment 4 and submit at eClass as pdf file.

12. Finally, please submit your summary statement as a separate file on the TurnItIn submission link. Failure to
submit a summary document will result in a grade of zero on this assignment.

Sample Miro output for one type of root cause (Lac Megantic case)


ENG 1101 Assignment 4

Simple Grading Rubric:

Item 0 marks 0.5 marks 1 mark Total

“max” refers to the

total number of

instances that will

be graded.




Incorrect or

incomplete cause


Correct cause


Major cause Linked to each of

cause type (max 6)


Cause of


Linked to each

major cause (max





Linked to cause of

cause (max 4)



marks given

Common cause for

two issues (max 2)

Five why

questions (max 4)


How Might



Relevant and

appropriate (max 4)

No “HMW”


HMW not relevant,

too broad, or too


Relevant and

appropriate “HMW”


1 marks 3 marks 5 marks /5



You can have this

in your pdf file, but

you must also

submit this

separately on



description of

approach. No




description. Some

examples provided


description such

that the process

could be replicated.

Total Marks /30

Note: The total mark will be converted to the following scale:

• < 50% of total mark: Below expectations

• 50%-70% of total mark: Marginally meets expectations

• 70%-85% of total mark: Meets expectations

• >85% of total mark: Exceeds expectations

4 ENG 1101 Assignment 4

Downloaded from October 25 201



Boeing 737 Max Lion Air crash caused by series of failures 25 October 2019

A series of failures led to the crash of a Lion Air flight, which killed 189 people and led to the

grounding of the Boeing 737 Max, a report has found.

Investigators said faults by Boeing, Lion Air and
pilots caused the crash.

Five months after the disaster in October last

year, an Ethiopian Airlines plane crashed, killing

all 157 people on board, which led to the

grounding of the entire 737 Max fleet.

Faults with the plane’s design have been linked
to both crashes.

On Friday, air crash investigators in Indonesia

released their final report, detailing the list of

events that caused the Lion Air jet to plunge

into the Java Sea.

“From what we know, there are nine things that

contributed to this accident,” Indonesian air

accident investigator Nurcahyo Utomo told

reporters at a news conference.

“If one of the nine hadn’t occurred, maybe the accident wouldn’t have occurred.”

What does the report say?

The 353-page report (summary attached) found the jet should have been grounded before departing

on the fatal flight because of an earlier cockpit issue.

However, because the issue was not recorded properly the plane was allowed to take off without the

fault being fixed, it said. Further, a crucial sensor – which had been bought from a repair shop in Florida

– had not been properly tested, the report found. On Friday, the US aviation regulator revoked the

company’s certification.

The sensor fed information to the plane’s Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System – or

MCAS. That software, which is designed to help prevent the 737 Max from stalling, has been a focus

for investigators trying to find the cause of both the Lion Air and Ethiopian Airlines crashes.

Indonesian investigators identified issues with the system, which repeatedly pushed the

plane’s nose down, leaving pilots fighting for control. It showed there were incorrect assumptions about

how the MCAS control system would behave and that the “deficiencies” had been highlighted during

training. Further, the report found that the first officer, who had performed poorly in training, struggled

to run through a list of procedures that he should have had memorized. He was flying the plane just

before it entered into the fatal dive, but the report said the captain had not briefed him properly when

he handed over the controls as they struggled to keep the plane in the air.

5 ENG 1101 Assignment 4

How the MCAS system works

The Boeing 737 Max has a

computer controlled stability system called

1. Sensors in nose measure angle

of flight

3. Nose pushed down

to reduce risk of a

False reading


2. Horizontal stabilizer –

, trim adjusts to correct
angle if too high

4. But if the sensor reading is wrong, MCAS may

activate and push the nose down anyway

But system restarts if false readings
continue, creating a tug of war between

the aircraft and its crew

Source: Boeing Company

+10 degrees: risk of a stall

6 ENG 1101 Assignment 4

7 ENG 1101 Assignment 4

The report also found that 31 pages were missing from the plane’s maintenance log.

Indonesian investigators have previously said mechanical and design

problems were key factors in the crash of the Lion Air plane.

This report describes a catalogue of failures – from poor communication to bad design to inadequate

flying skills – which culminated in the deaths of 189 people.

There are lots of what-ifs here. If the crew of the previous days flight had given a more detailed

description of the problems they’d faced, the aircraft might never have taken off on its fatal flight. And

if the captain, who’d successfully kept the plane in the air – despite the intervention of a rogue

automated system he didn’t understand – hadn’t handed over to his less- capable first officer, disaster

might still have been avoided.

As Boeing’s chief executive Dennis Muilenburg has repeatedly stated, there was a chain of


But at the heart of that chain was MCAS – a control system that the pilots didn’t know about, and

which was vulnerable to a single sensor failure.

Boeing – and regulators – allowed the system to be designed in this way and didn’t change it after the

Lion Air crash, leading to a further disaster. And that means that while the report clearly points to

serious failures by a parts supplier and by the airline itself, it is Boeing that will bear the greatest

share of responsibility.

How has Boeing responded?

Indonesian authorities laid out some recommendations for Boeing in the report, including that it

redesign MCAS and provide adequate information about it in pilot manuals and training.

In a statement, Boeing said it was “addressing” the recommendations from Indonesia’s

National Transportation Safety Committee.

The plane maker said it was “taking actions to enhance the safety of the 737 Max to prevent the

flight control conditions that occurred in this accident from ever happening again”.

On Tuesday, the firm ousted Kevin McAllister, chief executive of Boeing Commercial Airplanes,

making him the most senior official to leave the company since the two crashes.

Boeing also said it expected the 737 Max to be re-certified for flying by the end of the year. The

company said “we look forward to continuing to work together” with Lion Air in the future.

A Lion Air spokesman said the crash was an “unthinkable tragedy” and it was essential to take

immediate corrective actions to ensure a similar accident never occurred again.

What has been the fallout for Boeing? The pressure on Boeing to explain what it knew about the
problems with the 737 Max has intensified. There were revelations this month that employees had
exchanged messages about issues with MCAS while the plane was being certified in 2016.

In documents provided by Boeing to lawmakers, a pilot wrote that he had run into unexpected trouble

during tests. He said he had “basically lied to the regulators [unknowingly]”.

Boeing said it has developed a training update and that it expected regulators to allow the planes to

return to the skies

8 ENG 1101 Assignment 4

‘2 , , 0

NTSB report downloaded September 19, 2019 from

-;.V-ANs po National Transportation Safety Board

: _·; · .·-: ;..) \ ::l Washington, DC 20594

‘Z. 1-< <' .s,J ( '1 ( . ,o_'y '11,•.s-ry,vr,aoI'-" Safety Recommendation Report

Assumptions Used in the Safety Assessment Process and the

Effects of Multiple Alerts and Indications on Pilot Performance







DCA19RA017 /DCA19RA101

PT Lion Mentari Airlines / Ethiopian

Airlines Boeing 737 MAX 8 / Boeing 737

MAX 8 Java Sea, Indonesia/ Ejere,


October 29, 2018 / March 10, 2019

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) is providing the following

info1mation to urge the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to take action on the safety

recommendations in this report. They are derived from our participation in the ongoing

investigations of two fatal accidents under the provisions of Annex 13 of the International

Civil Aviation Organization. As the accident investigation authority for the state of design

and manufacture of the airplane in these accidents, the NTSB has been examining the US

design certification process used to approve the original design of the Maneuvering

Characteristics Augmentation System (MCAS) on the Boeing Company (Boeing) 737

MAX. We note that, since the PT Lion Mentari Airlines (Lion Air) accident on October 29,

2018, Boeing has developed an MCAS software update to provide additional layers of

protection and is working on updated procedures and training. However, we are concerned

that the process used to evaluate the original design needs improvement because that

process is still in use to certify current and future aircraft and system designs.

Although the NTSB ‘s work in this area is ongoing, based on preliminary

information, we are concerned that the accident pilot responses to the unintended MCAS

operation were not consistent with the underlying assumptions about pilot recognition and

response that Boeing used, based on FAA guidance, for flight control system functional

hazard assessments, including for MCAS, as part of the 737 MAX design. 1 We are making

these recommendations to address assumptions about pilot recognition and response to

failure conditions used during the design ce11ification process as well as diagnostic tools

to improve the prioritization and clarity of failure indications presented to pilots.

(a) We based our prelimina1y findings on information from the publicly released preliminary accident reports.

(b) While Boeing uses the term “uncommanded MCAS function” in its assessment documents, in this
report, we are using the term “unintended MCAS operation” as it relates to our review of the accident


9 ENG 1101 Assignment 4

Factual Information


On October 29, 2018, Lion Air flight 610, a Boeing 737 MAX 8, PK-LQP, crashed

in the Java Sea shortly after takeoff from Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, Jakarta,

Indonesia. The flight crew had communicated with air traffic control and indicated that they

were having flight control and altitude issues before the airplane disappeared from radar .

The flight was a scheduled domestic flight from Jakarta to Depati Amir Airport, Pangkal

Pinang City, Bangka Belitung Islands Province, Indonesia. All 189 passengers and crew

on board died, and the airplane was destroyed. The National Transportation Safety

Committee of Indonesia is leading the investigation.2

The airplane’s digital flight data recorder (DFDR) recorded a difference between

the left and right angle of attack (AOA) sensors that was present during the entire accident

flight; the left AOA sensor was indicating about 20° higher than the right AOA sensor.

During rotation, the left (captain’s) stick shaker activated, and DFDR data showed that the


airspeed and altitude values disagreed with, and were lower than, the corresponding

values from the right. The first officer asked a controller to confirm the altitude of the

airplane and later also asked the speed as shown on the controller radar display. After the

flaps were fully retracted, a 10-second automatic aircraft nose-down (AND) stabilizer trim

input occurred. After the automatic AND stabilizer trim input, the flight crew used the

stabilizer trim switches (located on the outboard side of each control wheel) and applied

aircraft nose-up (ANU) electric trim. According to DFDR data, about 5 seconds after the

completion of the pilot trim input, another automatic AND stabilizer trim input occurred.

The crew applied ANU electric trim again. DFDR data then showed that the flaps were

extended for almost 2 minutes. However, the flaps were then fully retracted, and automatic

AND stabilizer trim inputs occurred more than 20 times over the next 6 minutes; the crew

countered each input during this time using ANU electric trim. The last few automatic AND

stabilizer trim inputs were not fully countered by the crew.

During the preceding Lion Air flight on the accident airplane with a different flight

crew, the DFDR recorded the same difference between left and right AOA of about 20°

that continued until the end of the recording. During rotation, the left control colum n stick

shaker activated and continued for the entire flight, and DFDR data showed that the left

airspeed and altitude values disagreed with, and were lower than, the corresponding

values from the right. After the flaps were fully retracted, a l 0-second automatic AND
stabilizer trim input occurred, and the crew countered the input with an ANU electric trim

input. After several automatic AND stabilizer trim inputs that were countered by pilot-

commanded ANU electric trim inputs, the crew noticed that the airplane was automatically

trimming AND. The captain moved the stabilizer trim cutout (STAB TRIM CUTOUT)

switches to CUTOUT. 3 He then moved them back to NORMAL, and the problem almost

immediately reappeared. He moved the switches back to CUTOUT. He stated that the crew

Information in this section is taken from the preliminary report on this accident, which can be found at

https:// rep orts.aviat t/2018/20181 029-0 B38M PK-LOP PRE LIM INA RY. pdf.

Two STAB TRIM CUTOUT switches on the control stand can be used to stop the flight crew electric

and autopilot trim inputs lo the stabilizer trim actuator. The switches can be set lo NORMAL or CUTOUT. If the
switches are moved to CUTOUT, both the electric and autopilot trim inputs are disconnected from the stabilizer
trim motor. NORMAL is the default position to enable operation of the electric and autopilot trim.


10 ENG 1101 Assignment 4

performed three non-normal checklists: Airspeed Unreliable, ALT DISAGREE (altitude

disagree), and Runaway Stabilizer. The pilots continued the flight using manual trim until

the end of the flight. Upon landing, the captain informed an engineer of IAS DISAGREE

(indicated airspeed disagree) and ALT DISAGREE alerts, in addition to FEEL DIFF PRESS

(feel differential pressure) light problems on the airplane.

On March 10, 2019, Ethiopian Airlines flight 302, a Boeing 737 MAX 8, Ethiopian

registration ET-AVJ, crashed near Ejere, Ethiopia, shortly after takeoff from Addis Ababa

Bole International Airport, Ethiopia. The flight was a scheduled international passenger

flight from Addis Ababa to Jomo Kenyatta International Airport, Nairobi, Kenya. All l 57

passengers and crew on board died, and the airplane was destroyed. The investigation is

being led by the Ethiopia Accident Investigation Bureau.4

The airplane’s DFDR data indicated that shortly after liftoff, the left (captain’s) AOA

sensor data increased rapidly to 74.5° and was 59.2° higher than the right AOA sensor;

the captain’s stick shaker activated. Concurrently, the airspeed and altitude values on the

left side disagreed with, and were lower than, the corresponding values on the right side;

in addition, DFDR data indicated a Master Caution alert. Similar to the Lion Air accident

flight, a 9-second automatic AND stabilizer trim input occurred after flaps were retracted

and while in manual flight (no autopilot). About 3 seconds after the AND stabilizer motion

ended, using the stabilizer trim switches, the captain, who was the pilot flying, partially

countered the AND stabilizer input by applying ANU electric trim. About 5 seconds after

the completion of pilot trim input, another automatic AND stabilizer trim input occurred.

The captain applied ANU electric trim and fully countered the second automatic AND

stabilizer input; however, the airplane was not returned to a fully trimmed condition.

Cockpit voice recorder data indicated that the flight crew then discussed the STAB TRIM

CUTOUT switches, and shortly thereafter DFDR data were consistent with the STAB TRIM

CUTOUT switches being moved to CUT OUT.

However, because the airplane remained in a nose-down out-of-trim condition, the

crew was required to continue applying nose-up force to the control column to maintain

level flight. About 32 seconds before impact, two momenta1y pilot-commanded electric

ANU trim inputs and corresponding stabilizer movement were recorded, consistent with

the STAB TRIM CUTOUT switches no longer being in CUTOUT. Five seconds after these

short electric trim inputs, another automatic AND stabilizer trim input occurred, and the

airplane began pitching nose down.

Design Certification of the 737 MAX 8 and Safety Assessment of the MCAS

The 737 MAX 8 is a derivative of the 737-800 Next Generation (NG) model and is

part of the 737 MAX family (737 MAX 7, 8, and 9).5 The 737 MAX incorporated the CFM

LEAP-1B engine, which has a larger fan diameter and redesigned engine nacelle

compared to engines installed on the 737 NG family. During the preliminary design stage

of the 737 MAX, Boeing testing and analysis revealed that the addition of the LEAP-lB

engine and associated nacelle

Information in this section is taken from the preliminary report on this accident, which can be

found at Home/wp-content/u ploads /2019/07/Preliminary-Report-8737-800MAX-

5 The 737-600, -700, and -800 airplanes are part of the 737 NG family.


11 ENG 1101 Assignment 4

changes produced an ANU pitching moment when the airplane was operating at high AOA

and mid Mach numbers. After studying various options for addressing this issue, Boeing

implemented aerodynamic changes as well as a stability augmentation function, MCAS,

as an extension of the existing speed trim system to improve aircraft handling

characteristics and decrease pitch-up tendency at elevated AOA. As the development of

the 737 MAX progressed, the MCAS function was expanded to low Mach numbers,

As originally delivered, the MCAS became active during manual flight (autopilot not

engaged) when the flaps were fully retracted and the airplane’s AOA value (as measured

by either AOA sensor) exceeded a threshold based on Mach number. When activated, the

MCAS provided automatic trim commands to move the stabilizer AND. Once the AOA fell

below the threshold, the MCAS would move the stabilizer ANU to the original position. At

any time, the stabilizer inputs could be stopped or reversed by the pilots using their

stabilizer trim switches. If the stabilizer trim switches were used by the pilots and the

elevated AOA condition persisted, the MCAS would command another stabilizer AND trim

input after 5 seconds.

The FAA’s procedures for aircraft type certification require an aircraft manufacturer

(“applicant”) to demonstrate that its design complies with all applicable FAA regulations

and requirements. 6 For transport-category airplanes, as part of this process, applicants
must demonstrate through analysis, test, or both that their design meets the applicable

requirements under Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 25. Specifically, 14

CFR 25.671 and 25.672 define the requirements for control systems in general and stability

augmentation and automatic and power-operated systems, respectively. Title 14 CFR
25.1322 addresses flight crew alerting and

states, in part, that flight crew alerts must

(1) Provide the flight crew with the information needed to:

(i) Identify non-normal operation or airplane system conditions, and

(ii) Determine the appropriate actions, if any.

(2) Be readily and easily detectable and intelligible by the flight crew under

all foreseeable operating conditions, including conditions where multiple

alerts are provided.

Advisory Circular (AC) 25.1322-1, “Flightcrew Alerting,” provides guidance for showing

compliance with requirements for the design approval of flight crew alerting functions and

indicates that “Appropriate flight crew corrective actions are normally defined by airplane

procedures (for example, in checklists) and are pa1t of a flight crew training curriculum or

considered basic airmanship.” Title 14 CFR 25.1309 relates to aircraft equipment,
systems, and installations, and the primary means of compliance with this section for

systems that are critical to safe flight and operations is through safety assessments

or through rational analyses; AC 25.1309-1 A, “System Design and Analysis,” provides

guidance for showing compliance with

6 Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 21 defines the procedures for certification.



ENG 1101 Assignment 4

Title 14 CFR 25.1309(b), (c), and (d). 7 AC 25.1309-lA explains the FAA’s fail-safe design
concept, which “considers the effects of failures and combinations of failures in defining a
safe design.” As part of demonstrating 737 MAX 8 compliance with the requirements in 14
CFR 25.1309, Boeing conducted a number of airplane- and system-level safety
assessments, consistent with the guidance provided in AC 25.1309-l A.8

The NTSB reviewed sections of Boeing’s system safety analysis for stabilizer trim

control that pertained to MCAS on the 737 MAX. Boeing’s analysis included a summary
of the functional hazard assessment findings for the 737 MAX stabilizer trim control
system. For the normal flight envelope, Boeing identified and classified two hazards
associated with “uncommanded MCAS” activation as “major.” 9 One of these hazards,
applicable to the MCAS function seen in these accidents, included uncommanded
MCAS operation to maximum authority.10 Boeing indicated that, as part of the functional
hazard assessment development, pilot assessments of MCAS-related hazards were
conducted in an engineering flight simulator, including the uncommanded MCAS
operation (stabilizer runaway) to the MCAS maximum authority.

To perform these simulator tests, Boeing induced a stabilizer trim input that would

simulate the stabilizer moving at a rate and duration consistent with the MCAS function.
Using this method to induce the hazard resulted in the following: motion of the stabilizer
trim wheel, increased column forces, and indication that the airplane was moving nose
down. Boeing indicated to the NTSB that this evaluation was focused on the pilot response
to uncommanded MCAS operation, regardless of underlying cause. Thus, the specific
failure modes that could lead to uncommanded MCAS activation (such as an erroneous
high AOA input to the MCAS) were not simulated as part of these functional hazard
assessment validation tests. As a result, additional flight deck effects (such as IAS
DISAGREE and ALT DISAGREE alerts and stick shaker activation) resulting from the
same underlying failure (for example, erroneous AOA) were not simulated and were not in
the stabilizer trim safety assessment report reviewed by the NTSB.

7 Safely assessments arc performed by the manufacturer and its suppliers and are reviewed and
accepted by the FAA. Safety assessments proceed in a stepwise, data-driven manner to ensure that all
significant single-failure conditions have been identified and all combinations of failures that could lead
to hazardous or catastrophic airplane-level effects have been considered and uppropriately mitigated.
When a safety assessment cannot be performed on a new or complex system, a rational analysis may
be performed to estimate quantitative probabilities and supplement qualitative analyses and tests. The
safety assessment process outlined in AC 25.1309-lA is not mandatory, but manufacturers that do not
conduct safety assessments must demonstrate compliance in another manner, such as ground or flight

8 Safety assessments can include the development of airplane- and system-level functional hazard
assessments (to identify and classify potentially hazardous failure conditions), failure modes and effects
analyses (a structured bottom-up analysis that evaluates the effects of each possible failure), and fault
11·ee analyses (a structured top-down analysis to identify the conditions, failures, and events that would
cause a failure condition).

9 The “major” classification used by Boeing indicated a remote probability of this hazard occurring

and that it could result in reduced control capability, reduced system redundancy, or increased crew
workload. Other classification categories included “minor,” “hazardous,” and “catastrophic.”

10 rn March 2016, Boeing determined that MCAS should be revised to improve flaps up, low Mach
stall characteristics and identification. The preliminary ha7.ard assessments of MCAS were re-evaluated
after this change by pilot evaluation in the motion simulator and determined to have not changed the
hazard classification.


13 ENG 1101 Assignment 4

Boeing indicated to the NTSB that, based on FAA guidance, it used assumptions

during its safety assessment of MCAS hazards in the engineering flight simulator. Four of

these assumptions were the following:

• Uncommanded system inputs are readily recognizable and can be counteracted

by overriding the failure by movement of the flight controls “in the normal sense”

by the flight crew and do not require specific procedures. 11

• Action to counter the failure shall not require exceptional piloting skill or strength.

• The pilot will take immediate action to reduce or eliminate increased control

forces by re-trimming or changing configuration or flight conditions.

• Trained flight crew memory procedures shall be followed to address and

eliminate or mitigate the failure.

Boeing advised that these assumptions are used across all Boeing models when

performing functional hazard assessments of flight control systems. These assumptions

were consistent with requirements in 14 CFR 25.671 and 25.672 and guidance in AC 25-

7C, “Flight Test Guide for Certification of Transport Category Airplanes.”12 AC 25-7C

stated that short-term forces are the initial stabilized control forces that result from

maintaining the intended flightpath after configuration changes and normal transitions from

one flight condition to another, “or from regaining control following a failure. It is assumed

that the pilot will take immediate action to reduce or eliminate such forces by re-trimming

or changing configuration or flight conditions, and consequently short-term forces are not

considered to exist for any significant duration [emphasis added].” In a 2019 presentation

to the NTSB, Boeh1g indicated that the MCAS hazard classification of “major” for

uncommanded MCAS function in the normal flight envelope was based on the following


• Unintended stabilizer trim inputs are readily recognized by movement of the

stabilizer trim wheel, flightpath change, or increased column forces.

• Aircraft can be returned to steady level flight using available column (elevator)

alone or stabilizer trim.

• Continuous unintended nose-down stabilizer trim inputs would be recognized
as a stabilizer trim or stabilizer runaway failure and the procedure for stabilizer

runaway would be followed. 13

Title 14 CFR 25.672 states the following: “The design of the stability augmentation system or of any

other automatic or power-operated system must permit initial counteraction of failures of the type specified in

§ 25.671(c) without requiring exceptional pilot skill or strength, by either the deactivation of the system, or a
failed portion thereof, or by overriding the failure by movement of the flight controls in the normal sense.”

On October 16, 2012, the FAA released AC 25-7C, which revised version B to reduce the number of

differences from the European Aviation Safety Agency’s Flight Test Guide; provide acceptable means of
compliance for the regulatory changes associated with amendments 107, 109, 113, 115, 119, and 123 to 14

CFR Part 25; respond to NTSB recommendations; and provide a general update to reflect current FAA and
industry practices and policies. AC 25-7C was in effect at the time of Boeing’s safety assessments of the
737 MAX. On May 4, 2018, the FAA released AC 25-7D to clarify several paragraphs, revise an
appendix, and improve usability with formatting changes.

The runaway stabilizer procedure includes holding the control column firmly, disengaging the autopilot

and auto throttles (if engaged), setting the STAB TRIM CUTOUT switches to CUTOUT, and trimming the

ai1plane manually.


14 ENG 1101 Assignment 4


Assumptions about Pilot Recognition and Response in the Safety Assessment

Functional hazard assessments at the aircraft and systems levels are a critical pa1t
of the design certification process because the resulting hazard classifications (severity
level) drive the safety requirements for equipment design, flight crew procedures, and
training to ensure the hazard effects are sufficiently mitigated. On the basis of Boeing’s
functional hazard assessment for the MCAS, which assumed timely pilot response to
uncommanded MCAS-generated trim input, uncommanded MCAS activation was
classified as “major.” Boeing was then required to verify that each system that supported
MCAS complied with the quantitative and qualitative safety requirements for a “major”
hazard, as provided in AC 25.1309-IA, and demonstrate this to the FAA in its aircraft and
system safety assessments.

On the Lion Air flight immediately before the accident flight and the Lion Air and

Ethiopian Airlines accident flights, the DFDR recorded higher AOA sensor data on the left
side than on the right (about 20° higher on the previous Lion Air flight and the Lion Air
accident flight and about 59° higher on the Ethiopian Airlines accident flight). As previously
stated, the MCAS becomes active when the airplane’s AOA exceeds a certain threshold.
Thus, these erroneous AOA sensor inputs resulted in the MCAS activating on the accident
flights and providing the automatic AND stabilizer trim inputs. The erroneous high AOA
sensor input that caused the MCAS activation also caused several other alerts and
indications for the flight crews. The stick shaker activated on both accident flights and the
previous Lion Air flight. In addition, IAS DISAGREE and ALT DISAGREE alerts
occurred on all three flights. Also, the Ethiopian Airlines flight crew received a Master
Caution alert. Further, after the flaps were fully retracted, the unintended AND stabilizer
inputs required the pilots to apply additional force to the columns to maintain the airplane’s
climb attitude.

Multiple alerts and indications can increase pilots’ workload, and the combination

of the alerts and indications did not trigger the accident pilots to immediately perfo1m the
runaway stabilizer procedure during the initial automatic AND stabilizer trim input. In all
three flights, the pilot responses differed and did not match the assumptions of pilot
responses to unintended MCAS operation on which Boeing based its hazard classifications
within the safety assessment and that the FAA approved and used to ensure the design
safely accommodates failures. Although a number of factors, including system design,
training, operation, and the pilots’ previous experiences, can affect a human’s ability to
recognize and take immediate, appropriate corrective actions for failure conditions,
industry experts generally recognize that an aircraft system should be designed such that
the consequences of any human error are limited. 14 further, a report on a joint FAA-
industry study published in 2002, Commercial Airplane Certification Process Study: An
Evaluation of

(a) Yeh, Michelle, Cathy Swider, Young Jin Jo, and Colleen Donovan. 2016. Human Factors

Considerations in the Design and Evaluation o(Flight Deck Displays and Controls. Version 2.0, Final

Report – December 2016, DOT/FAA/TC-16/56. pp. 248-249. (b) The FAA’s Pilot’s Handbook of

Aeronautical Knowledge , FAA-H-8083-25B, Chapter 2, page 2-12, states, “Historically, the tem1 ‘pilot

error’ has been used to describe an accident in which an action or decision made by the pilot was the

cause or a contributing factor that led to the accident. This definition also includes the pilot’s failure to make

a correct decision or take proper action.”


15 ENG 1101 Assignment 4

Selected Aircraft Certification, Operations, and Maintenance Processes, noted that

human performance was still the dominant factor in accidents and highlighted that the
industry challenge is to develop airplanes and procedures that are less likely to result in

operator error and that are more tolerant of operator errors when they do occur, in

particular errors involving incorrect response after a malfunction. 15

Consistent with this philosophy, the NTSB notes that FAA certification guidance

in AC 25.1309-lA that allows manufacturers to assume pilots will respond to failure

conditions appropriately is based, in part, upon the applicant showing that the systems,

controls, and associated monitoring and warnings are designed to minimize crew errors,

which could create additional hazards. 16 While Boeing considered the possibility of un-

commanded MCAS operation as part of its functional hazard assessment, it did not

evaluate all the potential alerts and indications that could accompany a failure that also

resulted in uncommanded MCAS operation. Therefore, neither Boeing’s system safety

assessment nor its simulator tests evaluated how the combined effect of alerts and

indications might impact pilots’ recognition of which procedure(s) to prioritize in responding

to an unintended MCAS operation caused by an erroneous AOA input. 17 The NTSB is

concerned that, if manufacturers assume correct pilot response without comprehensively

examining all possible flight deck alerts and indications that may occur for system and

component failures that contribute to a given hazard, the hazard classification and

resulting system design (including alerts and indications), procedural, and/or training

mitigations may not adequately consider and account for the potential for pilots to take

actions that are inconsistent with

manufacturer assumptions.

Thus, the NTSB concludes that the assumptions that Boeing used in its functional

hazard assessment of uncommanded MCAS function for the 737 MAX did not adequately

consider and account for the impact that multiple flight deck alerts and indications could

have on pilots’ responses to the hazard. Therefore, the NTSB rec01mnends that the FAA

require that Boeing

(1) ensure that system safety assessments for the 737 MAX in which it assumed

immediate and appropriate pilot corrective actions in response to uncommanded flight

control inputs, from systems such as MCAS, consider the effect of all possible flight deck

alerts and indications on pilot recognition and response; and (2) incorporate design

enhancements (including flight deck alerts and indications), pilot procedures, and/or

training requirements, where needed, to minimize the potential for and safety impact of

pilot actions that are inconsistent with manufacturer assumptions.

Further, because FAA guidance allows such assumptions to be made in transport-

category airplane certification analyses without providing applicants with clear direction

concerning the

The industry study team included representatives from manufacturers, airlines, pilot labor

organizations, and other aviation stakeholders, See Commercial Airplane Certification Process Study: An

Evaluation of Selected Aircraft Certification, Operations, and Maintenance Processes. March 2002. The

Report of the FAA Associate Administrator for Regulation and Certification’s Study on the Commercial

Airplane Certification Process.

16 Title 14 CFR 25. I 309(c) states, “Warning information must be provided to alert the crew to unsafe
system operating conditions, and to enable them to take appropriate corrective action. Systems, controls, and

associated monitoring and warning means must be designed to minimize crew errors which could create

additional hazards.”

Per Title 14 CFR 25. I 309(d)(4), compliance demonstration as part of aircraft certification must include

analysis that considers the crew warning cues, corrective action required, and the capability of detecting faults.


16 ENG 1101 Assignment 4

consideration of multiple flight deck alerts and indications in evaluating pilot recognition

and response, the NTSB is concerned that similar assumptions and procedures for their

validation may have also been used in the development of flight control system safety

assessments for other airplanes. Therefore, the NTSB recommends that the FAA

require that for all other US type-certificated transport-category airplanes,

manufacturers (1) ensure that system safety assessments for which they assumed

immediate and appropriate pilot corrective actions in response to uncommanded flight

control inputs consider the effect of all possible flight deck alerts and indications on pilot

recognition and response; and (2) incorporate design enhancements (including flight deck

alerts and indications), pilot procedures, and/or training requirements, where needed, to

minimize the potential for and safety impact of pilot actions that are inconsistent with

manufacturer assumptions.

Because the FAA routinely harmonizes related standards and guidance with other

international regulators who type certificate transport-category airplanes, the NTSB notes

that those airplanes may have been designed using similar standards and therefore may

also be impacted by this vulnerability. Therefore, the NTSB also recommends that the FAA

notify other international regulators that certify transport-category airplane type designs

(for example, the European Union Aviation Safety Agency [EASA], Transport Canada, the

National Civil Aviation Agency-Brazil, the Civil Aviation Administration of China, and the

Russian Federal Air Transport Agency) of Recommendation A-19-11 and encourage them

to evaluate its relevance to their processes and address any changes, if applicable.

As early as 2002, the joint FAA-industry study recognized that, while excellent

guidance existed for manufacturers on various topics salient to the development of system

safety assessments, there were no methods available to evaluate the probability of human

error in the operation of a particular system design and that existing qualitative methods

for assessing human error were not “very satisfactory.” The 2002 study went on to state

that the processes used to determine and validate human responses to failure and

methods to include human responses in safety assessments needed to be improved.18

The NTSB notes that a number of human performance research studies have been

conducted in the years since the certification guidance contained in AC 25.1309-1 A was

put in place (in 1988) and this study was conducted and it is likely that more rigorous,

validated methodologies exist today to assess error tolerance with regard to pilot

recognition and response to failure conditions. The NTSB also believes that the use of

validated methods and tools to assess pilot performance in dealing with failure conditions

and emergencies would result in more effective requirements for flight deck interface

design, pilot procedures, and training strategies. However, we are concerned that such

tools and methods are still not commonplace or required as part of the design certification

process for functions such as MCAS on newly certified type designs.

Thus, the NTSB concludes that a standardized methodology and/or tools for

manufacturers’ use in evaluating and validating assumptions about pilot recognition and

response to failure condition(s), particularly those conditions that result in multiple flight

deck alerts and

Commercial Airplane Certification Process Study: An Evaluation of Selected Aircraft Certification,

Operations, and Maintenance Processes. March 2002. The Report of the FAA Associate Administrator for
Regulation and Certification’s Study on the Commercial Airplane Certification Process.


17 ENG 1101 Assignment 4

indications, would help ensure that system designs adequately and consistently minimize

the potential for pilot actions that are inconsistent with manufacturer assumptions.

Therefore, the NTSB recommends that the FAA develop robust tools and methods, with

the input of industry and human factors experts, for use in validating assumptions about

pilot recognition and

response to safety-significant failure conditions as part of the design

certification process. Further, the NTSB recommends that once the tools and methods

have been developed as recommended in Recommendation A-19-13, the FAA revise

existing FAA regulations and guidance to incorporate their use and documentation as part

of the design certification process, including re-examining the validity of pilot recognition

and response assumptions permitted in existing FAA guidance.

System Diagnostic Tools

As previously discussed, Title 14 CFR 25.1322 addresses flight crew alerting and

states, in part, that flight crew alerts must

(1) Provide the flight crew with the information needed to:
(i) Identify non-normal operation or airplane system conditions, and
(ii) Determine the appropriate actions, if any.
(2) Be readily and easily detectable and intelligible by the flight crew under
all foreseeable operating conditions, including conditions where multiple
alerts are provided.

Multiple ale1is and indications in the cockpit can increase pilots’ workload and can

also make it more difficult to identify which procedure the pilots should conduct. The NTSB

notes that the Lion Air and Ethiopian Airlines accident pilots’ responses to multiple alerts

and indications are similar to the circumstances of a 2009 accident involving Air France

flight 447, an Airbus A330, which was traveling from Rio de Janeiro to Paris when it

crashed in the Atlantic Ocean. 19 In its accident report, the Bureau d’Enquetes et

d’Analyses Pour la Securite de L’aviation Civile (BEA) concluded that failure messages

successively displayed on the electronic centralized aircraft monitoring system did not

allow the crew to rapidly and effectively diagnose the issue (the blockage of the pitot

probes) or make the connection between the messages that appeared and the procedure

to use. Accordingly, the BEA recommended that EASA “study the relevance of having a

dedicated warning provided to the crew when specific monitoring is triggered, in order to

facilitate comprehension of the situation.” 20

Human factors research has identified that, for non-normal conditions, such as

those involving a system failure with multiple alerts, where there may be multiple flight

crew actions required, providing pilots with understanding as to which actions must take

priority is a critical

Bureau d’Enquetes et d’ Analyses Pour la Securite de L’aviation Civile. 2o’l2 . Final Report, On the

accident 011 I” June 2009 lo the Airbus A330-203. registered F-GZCP. operated bv Air France. flight AF 447.

Rio de Janeiro – Paris.

The response to this recommendation, FRAN- 201 2-049, was classified as “partially adequate,” and

the recommendation was closed us of February 2, 2019.


18 ENG 1101 Assignment 4

need. 21 This is particularly true in the case of functions implemented across multiple

airplane systems because a failure in one system within highly integrated system

architectures can present multiple alerts and indications to the flight crew as each

interfacing system registers the failure . For example, the erroneous AOA output

experienced during the two accident flights resulted in
multiple ale1is and indications to the flight crews, yet the crews lacked tools to identify the
most effective response. 22 Thus, it is important that system interactions and the flight deck

interface be
designed to help direct pilots to the highest priority action(s).

Research demonstrates that emergency situations increase workload and require

additional effo1t to manage effectively because of the stress involved and the lack of

opportunity for pilots to practice these skills compared to those used in normal operations.
23 In addition, research into pilot responses to multiple/simultaneous anomalous situations,

along with data from accidents, indicates that multiple competing alerts may exceed

available mental resources and narrow attentional focus

. leading to delayed or inadequately prioritized responses. 24 According to FAA research,

“in some airplanes, the complexity and variety of ancillary warnings and alerts associated

with major system failures can make it difficult for the flight crew to discern the primary

failure.” 25 The researchers noted that better system failure diagnostic tools are needed to

resolve this issue.

Thus, the NTSB concludes that aircraft systems that can more clearly and concisely

inform pilots of the highest priority actions when multiple flight deck alerts and indications

are present would minimize confusion and help pilots respond most effectively. Therefore,

the NTSB recommends that the FAA develop design standards, with the input of indust1y

and human factors experts, for aircraft system diagnostic tools that improve the


and clarity of failure indications (direct and indirect) presented to pilots to

improve the timeliness and effectiveness of their response. The NTSB further recommends

that once the design standards have been developed as recommended in

Recommendation A-19-15, the FAA require implementation of system diagnostic tools on

transport-category aircraft to improve the timeliness and effectiveness of pilots’ response

when multiple flight deck alerts and indications are present.

See (a) Mwnaw, Randall J. 2017. “Analysis of Alerting System Failures in Commercial Aviation

Accidents.” Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 2017 Annual Meeting; and (b)

Burian, Barbara K., Immanuel Barshi, and Key Dismukes. 2005. The Challenge of Aviation Emergency

and Abnormal Situations NAS Aff M- 2005- 2134 62. NASA Scientific and Technical Information Program


Washington, DC.

After the Lion Air accident, on November 7, 2018, the FAA issued emergency Airworthiness

Directive 2018-23-51, revision of the Boeing 737 MAX Airplane Flight Manual (AFM) to expand the existing
runaway stabilizer procedure when erroneous AOA input is detected. This revision provided new details about
the effects and indications a pilot might experience due to an erroneous AOA input, such as increasing nose-

down control forces resulting from repeated AND stabilizer trim inputs. It also instructed pilots to perform the
existing AFM maneuver stabilizer procedure, emphasizing that the pilot set the STAB TRIM CUTOUT switches

to CUTOUT and that the switches stay in the CUTOUT position for the remainder of the flight.

Burian, Barbara K., Immanuel Barshi, and Key Dismukes. 2005. The Cha/fenge o(Aviation

Ernergencv and Abnormal Situations. NASA/TM – 2005- 213462. NASA Scientific and Technical

Information Program Office. Washington, DC.

Bu rian, Barbara K., Immanuel Barshi, and Key Dis mukes . 2005. The Challenge o[Aviation Emergency

and Abnormal Situations . NASA/TM-2005-213462. NASA Scientific and Technical Information Program Office.

Washington, DC.

Federal Aviation Administration. 19 96. Federal Avi’1tion Admi11istrc1/ion Human Factors Team Report 0 11: The

Jnterfuces Between Flightcrewsand Modern Flight Deck Svstems, June 18, 1996.


19 ENG 1101 Assignment 4


To the Federal Aviation Administration

Require that Boeing (l) ensure that system safety assessments for the 737
MAX in which it assumed immediate and appropriate pilot corrective actions

in response to uncommanded flight control inputs, from systems such as the

Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System, consider the effect of all

possible flight deck alerts and indications on pilot recognition and response;

and (2) incorporate design enhancements (including flight deck alerts and

indications), pilot procedures, and/or training requirements, where needed,

to minimize the potential for and safety impact of pilot actions that are

inconsistent with manufacturer assumptions. (A-19-10)

Require that for all other US type-certificated transport -categ01y airplanes,

manufacturers (1) ensure that system safety assessments for which they

assumed immediate and appropriate pilot corrective actions in response to

uncommanded flight control inputs consider the effect of all possible flight

deck alerts and indications on pilot recognition and response; and (2)

incorporate design enhancements (including flight deck ale1ts and

indications), pilot procedures, and/or training requirements, where needed,
to minimize the potential for and safety impact of pilot actions that are

inconsistent with manufacturer assumptions. (A-19-11)

Notify other international regulators that ce1tify transport-category airplane type

designs (for example , the European Union Aviation Safety Agency, Transport

Canada, the National Civil Aviation Agency-Brazil, the Civil Aviation

Administration of China, and the Russian Federal Air Transport Agency) of

Recommendation A-19-11 and encourage them to evaluate its relevance to their

processes and address any changes, if applicable. (A-19-12)

Develop robust tools and methods, with the input of industry and human

factors expe1ts, for use in validating assumptions about pilot recognition and

response to safety-significant failure conditions as part of the design

certification process. (A-19-13)

Once the tools and methods have been developed as recommended in

Recommendation A-19-13, revise existing Federal Aviation Administration

(FAA) regulations and guidance to incorporate their use and documentation

as part of the design certification process, including re-examining the validity

of pilot recognition and response assumptions permitted in existing FAA

guidance. (A-1 9-14 )


20 ENG 1101 Assignment 4

Develop design standards, with the input of industry and human factors

experts, for aircraft system diagnostic tools that improve the prioritization

and clarity of failure indications (direct and indirect) presented to pilots to

improve the timeliness and effectiveness of their response. (A-19-15)

Once the design standards have been developed as recommended in

Recommendation A-19-15, require implementation of system diagnostic

tools on transport-category aircraft to improve the timeliness and

effectiveness of pilots’ response when multiple flight deck alerts and

indications are present. (A-19-16)






Vice Chairman

Report Date: September 19, 2019


21 ENG 1101 Final case

Pilot unions warn new FAA proposal for Boeing 737 Max
training not enough

BY KAELAN DEESE – 11/03/20 01:00 PM EST 125

© Getty
U.S. pilot unions are warning that a new Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) proposal for Boeing 737 Max
training should be improved for safety purposes.

The union that represents Southwest Airlines pilots said in a statement Monday the FAA should reduce the
number of steps pilots must remember and perform in the event of an emergency, USA Today reported. The
union said “error rates increase exponentially” with long checklists, and pilots during simulation “found it
difficult to recall the steps in order.”

The 737 Max models have been grounded worldwide following deadly crashes in 2018 and 2019.

American Airlines pilots said 737 Max pilots should train for such emergencies every two years, not every three
years, as the FAA suggests.

The FAA could publish a final rule on the Max’s instructions within weeks. Monday was the deadline for
comments about the training proposal.

In response to a request for comment on the pilots’ concerns, the FAA told The Hill: “The comment period on the
draft Flight Standardization Board report ended on Nov. 2 and the FAA will consider every comment we
received.” Boeing is expecting FAA approval before the end of this year, marking one of the last steps needed
for the Max to return to the skies.

The aerospace company has spent two years making adjustments to an automated flight-control system that has
been implicated in the deadly crashes. The 2018 crash in Indonesia left 189 people dead, and 157 people died
the following year in the crash in Ethiopia.

The FAA has introduced new training procedures to teach pilots how to respond to an unexpected nose-down
pitch like the one that contributed to the fatal crashes.

Families of victims in the 2019 crash called the FAA’s changes inadequate.

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22 ENG 1101 Final case

01/08/21 – BBC News

Boeing has agreed to pay $2.5bn (£1.8bn) to settle US criminal charges that it hid information from
safety officials about the design of its 737 Max planes.

The US Justice Department said the firm chose “profit over candour”, impeding oversight of the planes,
which were involved in two deadly crashes. About $500m will go to families of the 346 people killed in
the tragedies. Boeing said the agreement acknowledged how the firm “fell short”.

Boeing chief executive David Calhoun said: “I firmly believe that entering into this resolution is the right
thing for us to do – a step that appropriately acknowledges how we fell short of our values and
“This resolution is a serious reminder to all of us of how critical our obligation of transparency to
regulators is, and the consequences that our company can face if any one of us falls short of those

The Justice Department said Boeing officials had concealed information about changes to an
automated flight control system, known as MCAS, which investigations have tied to the crashes in
Indonesia and Ethiopia in 2018 and 2019.
The decision meant that pilot training manuals lacked information about the system, which overrode
pilot commands based on faulty data, forcing the planes to nosedive shortly after take-off.
Boeing did not co-operate with investigators for six months, the DOJ said.

“The tragic crashes of Lion Air Flight 610 and Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 exposed fraudulent and
deceptive conduct by employees of one of the world’s leading commercial airplane manufacturers,”
said Acting Assistant Attorney General David Burns.
“Boeing’s employees chose the path of profit over candour by concealing material information from the
FAA concerning the operation of its 737 Max airplane and engaging in an effort to cover up their

Under the terms of the agreement, Boeing was charged with one count of conspiracy to defraud the
US, which will be dismissed after three years if the firm continues to comply with the deal.

Of the total settlement, the majority – $1.77bn, some of which has already been paid – is due to go the
firm’s airline customers, who were affected by the grounding of the planes following the crashes. The
firm also agreed to pay a penalty of $243.6m.

23 ENG 1101 Final case

But attorneys for the victims of the Ethiopian Airlines crash said the deal on Thursday would not end
their pending civil lawsuit against Boeing. “The allegations in the deferred prosecution agreement are
just the tip of the iceberg of Boeing’s wrongdoing — a corporation that pays billions of dollars to avoid
criminal liability while stonewalling and fighting the families in court,” said a statement from the group of
lawyers representing them.

They added that the FAA “should not have allowed the 737 Max to return to service until all of the
airplane’s deficiencies are addressed and it has undergone transparent and independent safety

Boeing says it has now addressed concerns about the Max, while the plane returned to service in the
US in December.

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