Case Study: Michael Dell—The Man Behind Dell, PowerPoint Presentation (Change Management)

Case Study: Michael Dell—The Man Behind Dell, PowerPoint Presentation (Change Management)Michael Dell began building and selling computers from his dorm room at age 19. He dropped out of the University of Texas when his sales hit $60 million and has never looked back. Dell is said to be the fifteenth richest man in America, and the youngest CEO to make the Fortune 500. Intensely private and notoriously shy, Dell is hailed as a corporate wonder-kid. He climbed to the top by exploiting tax loopholes, outsourcing the competition, and inventing a term called “leveraged recapitalization.”First, review the following case study:Michael Dell—The man behind Dell: Leading Dell into the futureThen, in a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation, address the following tasks:Analyze Dell’s philosophy as it relates to the role of change in organizational success.Determine how Dell’s philosophy would be perceived in a low performing culture.Identify which performing culture best suits your philosophy regarding change management and provide your rationale.Consider the way Dell started his company; determine what market conditions made the business possible.Discuss Dell’s approach to building his brand.Use the speaker notes feature of MS PowerPoint to provide the essential details.Use at least two scholarly sources (in addition to your textbook) to complete your research.Cite your sources using in-text citations with  full references on a References slide at the end. Apply APA standards to the citation of sources.Save your presentation as LastnameFirstInitial_M2_A2.ppt.Make sure you write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship through accurate representation and attribution of sources; and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.******  I only need about 3-4 slides and I need it in less than an hour.  *******Here is the information to read over and use to create the PPT slide. Leading Dell into the FutureSome analysts went to the extent of claiming that Michael was never an innovator, but was only a businessman who was good at identifying innovative business models and executing them to perfection. Michael naturally looked at the situation from another point of view. He argued that his company had succeeded in producing cheap computers for buyers and earning huge returns for shareholders. Michael’s ‘direct model’ had been criticized from the very beginning. When Michael entered foreign markets with the same model, critics said that it would not work in those markets because of certain cultural differences. Though Michael was warned that he would fail badly, he believed that customers would set their own rules and that the direct model would work cross-culturally. Michael’s assessment of the situation was correct. By the end of 2001, DELL earned most of its revenues from global markets (Refer Table IV for DELL’s region-wise revenues for 2001-02).Table IV Quarterly Revenues – Region-WiseQuarterly revenue by region as percentages of consolidated net revenue  Q4 FY02 Q3 FY02 Q4 FY01Americas 70 70 70Europe/Middle East/Africa 21 20 21Asia-Pacific/Japan 9 10 9Source:’s supporters claimed his visionary leadership had not only maintained but also accelerated DELL’s growth in spite of the global IT industry slowdown in the early 2000s. When PC shipments were coming down all over the world, DELL and IBM were the only vendors to record positive growth. DELL’s growth rate even exceeded that of IBM (Refer Table V to compare market shares and growth shares). According to a study conducted by Gartner, leading IT research concern DELL was the market leader worldwide with a market share of 13.3% in 2001. Worldwide, Compaq’s market share was only 11.1%. In the US, DELL had a 24.5% market share of the PC market, much more than Compaq’s 12.5%.Table V Worldwide Server Unit Shipment Estimates for 2001Company 2001 2000Growth (%) ShipmentsMarket Share (%) ShipmentsMarket Share (%)Compaq 1,026,025 23.3 1,068,436 24.7 -4Dell 711,614 16.1 568,410 13.1 25.2IBM 661,547 15 657,979 15.2 0.5HP 428,104 9.7 440,512 10.2 -2.8Sun 254,053 5.8 289,231 6.7 -12.2Others 1,326,072 30.1 1,302,943 30.1 1.8Total Market 4,407,416 100 4,327,511 100 1.8Source: Gartner Dataquest (January 2002).Michael said that he would stick to his three golden rules for business, regardless of the downturn in the PC industry, namely, ‘disdain inventory,’ ‘always listen to the customer’ and ‘never sell indirect.’ Will these principles continue to provide DELL with a competitive edge in the PC industry? Only time will tell.Reference:Dell Computers. (2002). Michael Dell—The man behind Dell: Leading Dell into the future. IBS Center for Management Research. Retrieved from:[]

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