Case Study – Healthcare Data Standardization


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PowerPoint Presentation


1. Review the case study.

2. Download the provided PowerPoint template to create a presentation that includes:

· Your name on the title slide of the presentation

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· Identification of two or more issues with existing system

· Identification of “work-a-round” solutions when using existing system

· Overview of standard language used only in nursing

· Overview of multidisciplinary standard language

· Set of five (5) open-ended survey questions for staff input on transitioning to the new system

· Presentation is free of spelling and grammar errors.



: Week 10 Assignment Page 3


Case Study: Healthcare Data Standardization

Assignment Overview

This assignment is intended to demonstrate your comprehension of the primary applications of health informatics in healthcare organizations as well as your familiarity with the various informatics applications such as electronic health records (EHR) and telemedicine.

For this assignment, you will read a case study that examines issues concerned with data standardization in informatics. Based on the scenario described in the case study, you will create a presentation related to informatics education and training.

Assignment Details:

Perform the following tasks:

· Complete the reading assignment and the interactive lesson before attempting this assignment.

· To complete this assignment:

· Review the case study.

· Download the provided PowerPoint template to create a presentation that includes:

· Your name on the title slide of the presentation

· Identification of two or more issues with existing system

· Identification of appropriate “work-a-round” solutions for using existing system

· Overview of standard language used only in nursing

· Overview of multidisciplinary standard language

· Set of five (5) survey questions for staff input on transitioning to new system


Presentation is free of spelling and grammar errors.

· Submit the Week 10 Assignment via Blackboard by clicking on the “Week 10 Assignment” link. Include the proper file naming convention:

· CMP105_wk10_assn_jsmith_mmddyyyy.





Grading Criteria

Points Possible

Points Earned

Name on title slide of PowerPoint presentation


Identified two or more issues with existing system


Indicates appropriate “work-a-around” solutions when using existing system


Provided overview of standard language used only in nursing from provided list; meets criteria expectations

Provided overview of a multidisciplinary standard language from provided list; meets criteria expectations

Created a set of five (5) open-ended survey questions to elicit staff input

Presentation is free of spelling and grammar errors.


Total Points


· Case Study

Read the following case study:

A small community hospital in the Midwest has used a homegrown information system for years. The system began in the early 1970s with a financial module. Over time, additional modules were added. A limited number of departments selected a commercial system and interfaces were used to integrate these into the overall functionality of the hospital information system. Except for physicians, most in-house clinical or care-related documentation is online. However, about 15% to 20% of this documentation is done by free text and is not effectively searchable. In addition, the screens, including the drop-down and default values, were built using terms selected by the in-house development team in consultation with clinical staff; thus there is no data dictionary or specific standard language. In the last few years, the hospital has purchased two outpatient clinics (obstetrics and mental health) and a number of local doctor practices. The clinics and doctors’ offices are now being converted to the hospital administrative systems. A few of the clinical applications that are tied directly to the administrative systems such as order entry and results reporting are also being installed.

A major change is being planned. A new chief information officer (CIO) was hired last year and she has appointed a chief medical information officer (CMIO) and a chief nursing information officer (CNIO). No other significant staff changes were made. With her team in place, one of the CIO’s first activities was to complete an inventory of all applications. Rather than continue to build, a decision was made to switch to a commercial vendor and the hospital selected a commercial system.

As a member of the clinical staff with informatics education, the CIO has requested that you develop a training and information presentation for the clinical staff that will:

· Identify two or more issues with the existing system

· Provide staff with appropriate “work-around” for using the existing system

· Provide an overview of two of the standard languages used within the new system including discipline or specialty, updating frequency, and available cross-maps

· One standard language should pertain only to nursing

· One standard language should be multidisciplinary.

· Obtain clinical staff input, using a five-question survey, of specific methods to support transition to the new system; questions should be open-ended.

PowerPoint Presentation


1. Review the case study.

2. Download the provided PowerPoint template to create a presentation that includes:

· Your name on the title slide of the presentation
· Identification of two or more issues with existing system

· Identification of “work-a-round” solutions when using existing system

· Overview of standard language used only in nursing
· Overview of multidisciplinary standard language

· Set of five (5) open-ended survey questions for staff input on transitioning to the new system

· Presentation is free of spelling and grammar errors.

2. Submit the Week 10 Assignment via Blackboard by clicking on the “Week 10 Assignment” link. Include the proper file naming convention:

· CMP105_wk10_assn_jsmith_mmddyyyy.

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