case study / Communication Management

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“Enhancing Students’ Communication Skills Through Problem Posing and Presentation”

Author- Sugito, Sri Mulyani ES, Hartono, Supartono ISSN:2252-8822

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This aforementioned case study aims to explore- how to enhance communication skill through problem posing and presentation method.

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Download the case study, read it carefully and answer the following questions in your own words:

1- Demonstrate with specific examples two to three of the Communication functions, which were implemented throughout the research? ( Minimum of 150 words ) 

2- Discuss the tools used to improve the Communication management practices following the Tables provided in the case? ( Minimum of 150 words ) 

3- To which extent do you agree with the author view regarding the importance of enhancing student’s communication skills ? Support your side with evidence (Minimum of 250),

College of Administrative and Financial Sciences

Assignment 3

Deadline: 28/11/2020 @ 23:59

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· Assignment -3 should be submitted on or before the end of Week- 13.

Learning Outcomes:

· Demonstrate a thorough understanding of the communication architecture for professional success and a process for management writing. (Lo 1.2)
· Understand ethical and legal considerations in communications (Lo 3.3)
· Apply techniques to lead and participate in collaborative and individual management writing. (Lo 2.3)

• Instructions to search the case study:

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2. After your login with your student ID, search for the following case study:
“Enhancing Students’ Communication Skills Through Problem Posing and Presentation”

Author- Sugito, Sri Mulyani ES, Hartono, Supartono ISSN:2252-8822
Journal Homepage:
This aforementioned case study aims to explore- how to enhance communication skill through problem posing and presentation method.
Download the case study, read it carefully and answer the following questions in your own words:
1- Demonstrate with specific examples two to three of the Communication functions, which were implemented throughout the research? ( Minimum of 150 words ) , [ 1.5 Mark }
2- Discuss the tools used to improve the Communication management practices following the Tables provided in the case? ( Minimum of 150 words ) , { 1.5 Mark }
3- To which extent do you agree with the author view regarding the importance of enhancing student’s communication skills ? Support your side with evidence (Minimum of 250),{2 Marks}.

Write Answers from Next Page.

InternationalJournal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE)

Vol.6, No.1, March 2017, pp. 17~


ISSN: 2252-8822  17

Journal homepage:

Enhancing Students’ Communication Skills Through Problem

Posing and Presentation

Sugito, Sri Mulyani ES, Hartono, Supartono
Universitas Negeri Semarang, Semarang, Indonesia

Article Info ABSTRACT

Article history:

Received January 09

, 2017

Revised February 06

, 2017

Accepted February 09

, 2017

This study was to explore how enhance communication skill through
problem posing and presentation method. The subjects of this research were

the seven grade students Junior High School, including 20 male and 14

female. This research was conducted in two cycles and each cycle consisted

of four steps, they were: planning, action, observation, and reflection. This

study use interview, observation, and questionnaire to measure most widely

used data gathering in communication skill students, and daily test (pre-test

and post-test) to measure enhance achievement the students’. The data was

analyzed comparing initial and final score. If the final score is better than

initial score had been enhanced. Results of this study indicated that teaching

and learning science used problem posing and presentation method can

enhance ability communication skill, confidence, courage and responsibility

on themselves disciples. Researcher is suggestion to use another method to

enhance communication skill.


Communication skills


Problem posing

Copyright © 2017 Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science.

All rights reserved.

Corresponding Author:


Science Education Program,

Post Graduated UniversitasNegeri Semarang,

Bendan Ngisor, Semarang, 50233, Indonesia.


Employers complain about a lack of soft skills among graduates from education institutions [1].

These are caused by soft skill do not include in curricula, but they should be part of any tertiary education so

that students are not seriously [2]. Student’s fundamental skills have been obtained. It is possible that the lack

of student skills poor course design, not inadequate instructional delivery [3] the specific causes the lack of

students competence needs to be explored further. Therefore, teachers are required to integrate soft skills in

learning thoroughly, effectively and efficiently.

Soft skills are basic fundamental of an important skill in human and students’ lives [3], [1], [4]

internal auditor [5], manager selection [6] and teachers. Soft skills include communication skills, problem

solving skills creativity, critical and structured thinking, teamwork capability, negotiating skills, self-

management, imagination, curiosity, determination, passion, or persistence could be added. In order to simple

from definition it, [1] separated become three categorize, i.e. personal qualities, interpersonal skills, and

additional skills/knowledge. Auditors need to possess communication skill to successes and advancetothe

changing complex international global, market place. At the manager selection, leader used communication

skill for employees that can rely on in dealing with customers. Educators for promoting students’

communication skills by increasing peer interactions, stimulating students’ reasoning, and in constructing

shared social knowledge [7]. Communication skill can build follow communicative activities like discussion,

problem solving [8], model, multimedia, poster and oral presentation [9].

One of the examples above, communication skills very important competencies for twenty first

century [7] due to the ability hard and soft skill will be able to resolve of various challenges

 ISSN:2252-8822

IJERE Vol. 6, No. 1, March 2017 : 17 – 22


complex [10]. Teachers also need effective communication skill to success in teaching and learning every

day [11]. Soft skill including communication skill could be integrated through active learning in management

classroom [12]. Teacher used teaching strategies such as demonstrations, role plays, giving opportunities to

practice oral language and discussion [13], visual communication [14] were effective to improve

communication skill students’. In order to improve the communication skill, teachers has to focus on the

communication process likes involve effective use of words, forming grammatically intelligible sentences

and an appropriate use of voice and intonation while listening and speaking [15].

Student’s active learning through discussion, problem solving, problem posing and presentation.

Presentation skills are vital to achieving success in all aspects of daily life [16]. Presentation should

incorporate these four basic elements: (a) statement ideas clearly, (b) explain ideas, (c) support ideas with

evidence from other sources, (d) conclude/restate ideas [17]. Therefore, students need to be trained providing

self-reflection regarding their own presentation and giving feedbacks another group oral presentation is

crucial to prepare themselves to compete in the competitive environment especially communications

skills [18]. Presentation skills can be done using readily accessible technology (such as video hosting

services) and proven pedagogy (including peer evaluations and instructional rubrics) to help students develop

their professional speaking abilities and presentation skills [19]. A variety of formats exists in which to

present: (a) paper presentations, (b) roundtable discussions, (c) poster sessions, (d) panel sessions/symposia,

and (e) performances/demonstrations [20]. Presentation ability can enhance practice more and using

notecards with highlighted key words [21] to communicate successfully, needed of linguistic levels, verbal

skills and body language [22].

Problem posing is method that can make students activate [23]. It also provides an option for

students, creativity to foster conceptual understanding, engages students in exploring mathematical ideas,

rather than using authoritative [24]. Problem posing activity helps students to develop creativity, motivation

and knowledge of mathematics [25]. Students are given an opportunity to experience the mathematical

process, ask questions, formulate and test the conjecture and prove the result [26]. Learning by problem

posing techniques is practiced in some classrooms, able to analyze and expand strategies that have proved

effective [27]. By using problem posing and activities spoken, written, listening actively, read critically,

presenting the audio visual aids can improve cooperative learning. Beside that cooperative learning produces

interpersonal skill [28]; finally student’s communication skill can be increased.Based on the theoretical study

presented above, teaching and learning adopt problem posing and presentation method can enhance

achievement and communication skill students.

Classroom action research (CAR) was at improving achievement and communication skill students’

through problem posing and presentation method [29] emphasize that teachers are also researchers who

reflectively investigate their practice through action research. We changed our course plan as a result of the

continuous evaluation of our teaching. In others word it action research is teaching and learning process

cyclical in nature involving multiple cycles. Action researches in teaching and learning science become more

and more important. It provides a medium for teachers to look at their problem in the classroom in an effort

to find practical solutions. Teachers involved in the classroom research that leads to improve teaching set an

example for excellence in reflective practice [30].

The subjects of this research were the seven grade students Junior High School, including 20 male

and 13 female. This research was conducted in two cycles and each cycle consisted of four steps, they were:

planning, action, observation, and reflection. First cycle was conducted in three meetings, and second cycle

was conducted in two meetings, so the researcher conducted this research in three weeks. The action research

model shows Figure 1. This study use interview, observation, and questionnaire to measure most widely used

data gathering in communication skill students, and daily test (initial and final score) to measure enhance

achievement the students’. Instruments modified and developed from the literature presented. We use a five-

point scale Likert (5-strongly agree, 4-agree, 3-neutral, 2-disagree, 1-strongly disagree) to measure the

students’ responses. Content validity instrument was evaluated based on the discussion item internal fellow

science teachers at the school to ensure text was readable for Junior Height School students, who also as


Before the instrument is used, it has been tested on the 30 respondents to determine their validity

and analyzed by Product moment. The instruments are valid, if r >= rt. (N=30, rt= 0.361, α= 0.05). Reliability

was measured according to the Kuder-Richardson formula 21. The result is shown on Table 1 and Table 2.

IJERE ISSN: 2252-8822 

Enhancing Students’ Communication Skills Through Problem Posing and Presentation (Sugito)


Table 1. Validity Questionnaire Item of Presentation
No. Item 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

r 0.483 0.606 0.588 0.583 0.688 0.398 0.497 0.630 0.458 0.785 0.364 0.837 0.677

Table 2. Validity Questionnaire Item of Problem Posing
No. Item 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

r 0.441 0.402 0.659 0.520 0.389 0.413 0.568 0.670 0.508 0.437 0.432 0.654

The initial questionare problem posing and presentation consisted of fifteen questions. After being

validated, the questions that were not suitable and correlated to the material were omitted. The questions

consist of thirteen for presentation and twelve for problem posing questions. The observation sheet was also

done by a collaborator who knew wheather the observation sheet had represented the data that woud be

taken. The data got from the observation was validated through triangulation. The data was analyzed

comparing initial and final score. If the final score is better than initial score had been enhanced.

Figure1. Action Research Prosess

Table 1 shows the results of data analysis initial and final score from presentation quesionare. The

numbers that emerge at Table 3 and Table 4 is the result of rounding. Rounding is done to make its more

simple and easier to understand.

From item number 1 to item number 13 in Table 3 indicate significantly enhancing ability of

prensentation. These enhancing shows in the column gap, all items valued positive, it means there are

enhance the ability from initial to final conditions. There are three items that enhancing fewer than 10%.

Overall could be said that the analysis results showed significant differences between given before and after

being treated.

Table 3. Quesionare Presentation Item by Iniatial and Final Score

No Item




1. I practice to present presentation at home 71 87 16
2. I practice presentation in front of my friends 60 85 25
3. I give opening greeting 79 94 15
4. I tell the teaching objective 77 87 10
5. My group introduce our self 83 96 13
6. I use media when I make presentation 64 69 5
7. I answer and respond some questions 74 84 10
8. I give greeting to close the presentation 83 93 10
9. I make group reflection 69 83 14
10. I make conclusion 78 85 7
11. I tell the materials coherently 74 87 13
12. When the presentation, I use gesture to strees the presentation topic 68 75 7
13. I will consider the suggestion/refutation of the group 73 83 10

Table 3 shows the results of analysis data initial and final scores from problem posing quesionare.

There are not different with the presentation skills, all item questionnaire problem posing, which item

number 1 to item number 12 also enhance score. It’s just the magnitude of enhance between before and after

treatment are worth less than enhance in the ability to presentation. In fact there is one item that enhances

only 1%. And no one any item that an enhancing more than 10%. Nevertheless, overall ability problem

posing enhanced significantly.

 ISSN:2252-8822
IJERE Vol. 6, No. 1, March 2017 : 17 – 22


Table 4. Quesionare Problem Posing Item by Initial and Final Score

No Item
Pre test


Post test


1. I disccuss materisl with my friends 83 89 6
2. I disccuss to find out the correct answer 73 83 10
3. I give opportutity my friends to give question 83 90 7
4. I will responsible of item test I have made 79 87 8
5. I respect to di fferent opinion 87 92 5
6. I always discuss to decide something 84 86 2
7. I do not distinguish / select group of friends in 81 90 9
8. I provide troubleshooting assistance to friends who ask 77 84 7
9. I pay attention i discuss time alocation 75 82 7
10. I talked to designate as the spoke during a presentation 73 74 1
11. I was not disappointed when my opinion was not used 82 86 4
12. I evaluated with members about the discussions and presentations 72 82 10

Table 5 shows the result of comparasing test competence before and final treatment. These scores

obtained by students before and after the application of problem posing and presentation. From these data

seem enhancing in the average, a maximum and minimum score. These indicate that the application of

problem posing and presentasion could enhance spirit, motivation, self-confidence and academic

achievement of learners [25].

Table 5. Academic Achievement of Students Before and After the Action(N=33)
No. Test Maximum Minimum Average StandarDeviasi

1. Before 95 40 67.4 15.3

2. After 100 50 77.7 10.3
Enhancing 5 10 10.3 5.00

Before starting action, lesson plan was created and discussed advance together between researcher

and abserver. There are several steps on its core activities which need to be improved, namely to discuss

measures during problem posing. Besides, the observer reminded the researcher to be able to manage their

time well. At the implementation first cyclus, much time used during discussions with the problem posing.

And there are learners who have not been able to cooperate with their friends, there are members of a group

does not do the work given from leader group, there are two learners who do not focus on science subjects

proven to speak for themselves and there are learners as free rider other group members. Researcher was a

facilitator to try providing and understanding of the importance of cooperation, in groups, to respect others,

and respect other people’s work. After the learners to be warned by the educators,the students work together

again in the group and also reminded that after discussions they must continued presentation of students’


When the presentation goes on, there are only two groups that do to presentation due to time limited.

Both of group presentation, directly to read their result work of the group. The group presentation can not be

present either in opening, explained and answered questions from his friends. They are just read the answer,

butnot all members of the group, obviously with what was written. Besides that, students who asked during

two group’s presentation, only three people.At reflection with the observer, observer given some inputs as a

material changed on the second meeting. Observer more emphasis the problem learning syntax, characters.

Therefore, teachermade some changes to the lesson plan on a plane lessons on problem posing.

At the second meeting have been enhancing in various aspect, the discussion in making item test is

better, even a debate when determining the item test selected. This proves that each member of the group had

begun to feel the process of acceptance of new concepts built from reading and listening from the opinion of

friends. Active time that is needed for discussion is also getting faster but did not leave the essence of the

subject matter. There were two learners participants who disturb friend and unactively working group. At

presentation has been opened with greetings, introducing their groups of member, and read the questions that

have been created. Presenter in answering the question also turns and when no shortage of other friends must

help their friends. Likewise, the participants who give questions consist of six people. They represent their

group. There is one question that can not be answered by members of the group, then question was thrown to

the other participants. It also shows the emergence of honesty, openness, respects the friend opinion of,

admitted brilliant their friends, and can advice and criticism from each others[1], [16]. At this second meeting

there are two groups also present to the presentation, but not previous above. In the end, presenter close the

presentation with regards closing. Educators use minutes to do the posttest.

IJERE ISSN: 2252-8822 

Enhancing Students’ Communication Skills Through Problem Posing and Presentation (Sugito)


And after finishing the lesson, researcher discuss with the observer about the course of the

implementation of learning. On this second occasion observer assesses the discussions and presentations have

been better than the first meeting. Observer advised to be able to facilitate two students need special attention

so that the classroom atmosphere more conducive.

The third meeting entered a new basic competency that is substance changes. After educator opened

new learning lessons, approximately seven minutes there were two students who come late to class, and they

are asked to join the group immediately. In this discussion the participants already feel enjoy with problem

solving. Before making about their new share the task to read and create questions and their answer. There

was a group leader who gave a message to the group members, so that anyone who makes matter, to be

responsible for problems that made all at once if you have any questions on the subject. There are other

groups discuss to make the difficult problem that no other group can ask, so presentation goes faster. But this

group could not finish the number of questions that should be made. After the discussion time is out,

educators told the group that has not been the presentation to do presentation.

Two groups that make presentation have presentation well. They opened with greetings, introduce

themselves, communicate its goals, delivering materials in a good order, giving time to ask questions give

suggestions and feedback, answer questions and close greeting well. After process has complete of the

learning observer just say that learning is good.

At the four meeting observer says to the educators, that he could not care for full because there are

other tasks that must be completed. However, the course of learning from start to finish has been as expected.

Learning is reallystudents centered and they seem to enjoy the methods used. And until the end of learning

educators were told that the next meeting would be held the post test.

The fifth meeting was held post test and filling the students’ response to the methods applied and

interviews students with four questions. From students was interviewed, the students’ answers about

questions (1) what do you think about this activity, can be summarized as follows: learners feel happy

because they have not been taught by this method and they have new experiences [28].The answer to

question (2) what are the advantages and disadvantages of this activity can be summarized as follows:

learners did not answer quickly, but think about it and the answer is mostly answered it is difficult to create

questions and answers and can notgives advise against this activity. Itindicates there are still lacks of

application in problem posing and presentation methods. This deficiency is a limited researcher knowlagde

of, so the other time will be considered the solution.

Teaching and learning by problem posing requires students to read the material before, and then to

create questions. If learners can create questions mean its learners have understood what they had been read

[26]. Other hand it was the discussion time they are also trained to communicate with a group of friends and

friends of the class (when the presentation) that will communication skills realized, confidence, courage and

responsibility on themselves disciples [7], [8], [28].

Teaching and learning science used problem posing and presentastion method can enhance ability

communication skill, confidence, courage and responsibility on themselves disciples. Activity learning is

focus student (centered student) so that they can use their knowledge to solve his problems. Communication

skills are required twenty first century.

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