Case Study: Cognitive Overload and Situational Awareness

Research Brief

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For this assignment you will need to locate two multi-crew, commercial aviation accident reports. For the first report, the accident must have been attributed to cognitive overload on the part of the operators. Identify which type of error was the primary cause and indicate what form of automation might have helped prevent the accident. For the second report, identify an accident where loss of situational awareness by the operators was attributed as the primary cause and explain at which level the loss occurred. Indicate what form of automation might have helped prevent the accident. For both accidents, explain whether Crew Resource Management issues were involved. Expand on the role of teamwork and human error features for each generation of CRM. Next, for your recommendations about automation related to both events, consider how they might affect the potential for cognitive overload or might precipitate the loss of situational awareness. Explain your conclusions and what might be possible to minimize or resolve any associated conflict so that your recommendations would be more viable.

Present this as a brief. Your brief should be approximately 800 words in length and should be written in APA format.

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