case study


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For the case study, we will focus on the importance of safety and all parties helping to make safety a priority. The effectiveness of the safety training will depend on how prepared the participants are for the training and their perception of the training.Review “Case: Safety First” located in the textbook on pages 199-200, and respond to the prompts below. You are not required to answer the questions at the end of the case study in the textbook.

  1. Examine the components of an effective training needs analysis for this scenario. What would the basic parts for a successful training program be?
  2. Describe how the training should be delivered, and briefly describe one motivational theory from those listed on pages 163–173 in the textbook and how it supports this type of training to enhance an organization’s performance.

Your case study should be at least two pages in length. You are not required to use APA style for this assignment; however, your writing should be clear and concise. 

Regarding Article Critiques/Article Reviews, & Case Study Papers:

The main focus is to break down your paper into three distinct parts: Introduction, body, & conclusion. A good way to approach it is to write an informal outline for yourself. The purpose of the outline is to use it as a kind of checklist to make sure you cover all the key points of the article, your thoughts, your suggestions, strengths and weaknesses of the author’s points and why you feel that way, and concluding comments you want to make. You also use the checklist to make sure you properly format the paper in APA format. Below is an idea of how you might structure your outline.

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Outline: Paper Topic

A. Introduction for “
Article Critiques/Reviews

a. Identify the article title and publication document (Journal, Magazine, etc.)

b. Name the author/authors by full name and date of the article (not the library date but the date of the actual article

c. Identify briefly the author’s main points/thesis and what will be analyzed

d. Identify your main points of what you will address in the critique

e. Note: The introduction is usually no more than 2 or 3 paragraphs

For Case Studies
: You cover some key points of the case in your introduction paragraph although as with an article critique and article review paper a case study needs to open to cover a brief picture of what transpired to alert the reader of what will be analyzed. An example of how an introduction to this case might read after the opening quote that was a good way to start, you would write something brief and concise like: This case addresses some important elements of any manager’s job. The case involves ethics, decision-making, taking care of your employees, maintaining the integrity of the chain-of-command, and whistle blowing. The case focuses on a brand-new employee and manager beginning his career, his boss, employees, and customers. The above example paints a clear picture of what is going to be addressed and covered in the body of the paper with the analysis of the case. This concise introduction gets the reader’s interest quickly and whets the appetite of the reader who is now interested and all-in on what is to come.

B. Body:

a. Begin with restating on separate lines each point noted in the introduction that you are going to address in the paper. Then check them off the list as you write and cover each one.

b. Go into detail on each point and make sure you include your thoughts, your opinions, comments on what you feel are strong and relevant points, comments on what you feel are weak and need further explanation or research and why.

c. This is the main section and key part of the paper with depth and detailed analysis of your article/case and points.

d. Key Note: Don’t format the paper in a “Question & Answer” type paper. For example, some of the websites I will provide below with key information on writing article reviews address a series of questions to ask yourself and cover in the paper. Some students will just list the questions and provide a paragraph or two answering them. Don’t do that. Just use the questions as part of the outline and in your checklist to cover in the paper without listing a series of questions and answers.

C. Conclusion: This is where you summarize and drive home any final points and comments with final thoughts and any suggestions or recommendations on further research that could be helpful and expand the topic.

D. APA Formatting: Use the CSU Citation Guide. When you first start writing follow all the guidelines on pages 13 – 15 in the guide for all the information such as how to format the title page, numbering, fonts, margins, etc. Then beginning on page 6 you will find all the rules and guidelines for how to properly cite every different kind of source and citation along with how to reference all different types of references.

Below are some helpful websites to review with Article Review tips and information:


Note: The highlighted points are important. The series of questions are also good to pursue in your paper but not in simply providing the questions and answering them as noted above. Just use the questions as part of your outline and to serve as a reminder to answer them in your discussion.


Note: This one has some good information and includes a sample paper to use as a model for your own.


This is a brief slide presentation that has great information that could help with your outline.

The key is to be thorough and clear using “Critical Analysis/Thinking” and detail. By “critical” I am not speaking about being negative or “criticizing”. Being “critical” means to use and apply “critical thinking” and provide an in-depth discussion and analysis.

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