Case Study 2: National Collegiate Athletic Association Ethics and Compliance Program


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Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you:

  1. Determine  the fundamental ways in which the NCAA’s ethics program failed to  prevent the scandals at Penn State, Ohio State, and the University of  Alaska. Support your response with one (1) example from each of these  schools’ scandals. 
  2. Examine the  principal ways in which the leadership of the NCAA contributed to the  ethical violations of Penn State, Ohio State, and the University of  Alaska. Support your response with one (1) example from each of these  schools’ scandals. 
  3. Predict the  key differences in the scenarios that occurred at Penn State, Ohio  State, and the University of Alaska if an effective ethics program was  in place. Provide a rationale for your response.  
  4. Postulate  on two (2) actions that the NCAA leadership should take in order to  regain the trust and confidence of students and stakeholders. 
  5. Recommend  two (2) measures that the HR departments of colleges and universities  should take to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.  Provide a rationale for your response. 

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