Case Scenario Reply 2

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due 11/22 by 8pm eastern standard time 

Reply to at least one peer


 and e nsure your research advances  the knowledge of the discussion. In your reply,   address  at least one   point made by your peer for   each of the three requirements   in the initial post above.    After one formal reply in APA style, subsequent replies may be informal and casual in discussion. Observance of   

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discussion board etiquette and netiquette

   is expected.   

· The client is in the detox group in treatment, the initial group a client will enter once deemed medically stable. While receiving MATs, the client continues to experience withdrawals and is not convinced he has a problem with alcohol.

· Review the section titled Management of the Group in the 

Group Leadership, Concepts, and Techniques

 chapter of the SAMSHA (2005b) online book. Due to the clients emotional and mental instability during use, along with the experiences he may have from withdrawals, what are at least three issues from the online SAMSHA book chapter that might arise in a group of 5-10 patients detoxing from their drug of choice who are new to inpatient treatment?

· How can you, as the counselor, manage the three identified issues an alcoholic might experience in detox during withdrawals in a group setting?

· Using Figure 2-1. Groups Used in Substance Abuse Treatment and Their Relation to Six Group Models in the SAMSHA (2005a) online book chapter titled, 

Types of Groups Commonly Used in Substance Abuse Treatment

, what types of groups would address the needs of the client in the Case Scenario from Week

Our client has entered a 30-day inpatient treatment facility. The client is still in denial and does not believe that he has a problem with alcohol, although he continues to exhibit withdrawal symptoms. Three issues that might arise when dealing with patients similar to the detoxing client and new to inpatient treatment are irritability, low concentration, silence, or fear of losing control. 


Due to our client’s emotional and mental instability, while drinking and the symptoms he is experiencing during withdrawals, we must identify different issues our client may face during the detoxification process.  When we notice that the clients may be irritable or angry, we can encourage them to explore those feelings. Analyzing the irritability and anger could help the client pinpoint the root of those emotions. For clients who have low concentration or are tuning out, as the counselor, we should explore what was happening as the individual became inattentive (“6 group leadership, concepts, and techniques – Substance abuse treatment: Group therapy – NCBI bookshelf,” n.d.). Involving the other group members to provide feedback to the client whose attention faded may be helpful. 


Psychoeducational groups and cognitive-behavioral groups are two groups that would address the needs of the client. The purpose of psychoeducational groups is to educate clients about substance abuse and related behaviors and consequences. The client is in the early stages of recovery, and it will benefit him to have a structured group like psychoeducational groups. Psychoeducational groups can also be used to counteract the client’s denial about his substance abuse (“2 types of groups commonly used in substance abuse treatment – Substance abuse treatment: Group therapy – NCBI bookshelf,” n.d.). Cognitive-behavioral groups are essential in early recovery. Cognitive-behavioral therapy works to change learned behavior by changing thinking patterns, beliefs, and perceptions. The client previously reported that he felt isolated and withdrawn from family and friends. The cognitive-behavioral therapy group will help the client re-establish and develop his social networks. Establishing social networks will help the client on his journey to abstinence.



2 types of groups commonly used in substance abuse treatment – Substance abuse treatment: Group therapy – NCBI bookshelf. (n.d.). National Center for Biotechnology Information.

6 group leadership, concepts, and techniques – Substance abuse treatment: Group therapy – NCBI bookshelf. (n.d.). National Center for Biotechnology Information.


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